Clubhouse User Reviews

Alpha Exploration Co.

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  • Zero respect for privacy. Red flags all over.

    The app requires your phone number (first red flag), then it requires your contacts (the list of which it keeps forever, for all we know - second red flag). So anyone who has ever had your phone number not only can see your profile, but also share it with anyone or any room without your consent (a giant red flag - at the time of writing there's no way to selectively restrict your profile to certain users). Which makes Clubhouse a superspreader feeding ground for stalkers.
    Currently there's no way to simply delete your account, you can only request its removal and wait until someone attends to it - another red flag, that points at data collection, likely to sell it to third parties. At the time of writing Clubhouse "temporarily" stores voice recordings on their servers, which is a complete U-turn from their initial promises during the release. Some of the data the app collects from your phone has nothing to do with the service it provides - yet another red flag, and yet another app that treats its users as a product.
    On top of that, despite the app being in its early days, there's little to no moderation of hateful and toxic content, making it easy to exploit for people spreading dangerous conspiracies.
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  • Great! Needs a few things!

    Additional features I’d appreciate: 1.) I’d love to have an “add to calendar” function to save to an itinerary within the app (kinda like apps for academic conferences) so that I can see the things I’m most interested in listed in a separate place from everything in the “Upcoming for You” tab. If this function was added, I’d prefer to be able to be able to “double-book” in the itinerary if at all possible (e.g. so I can peruse a few rooms during one time slot before settling into the best fit for me and so, if my top choice room finishes first, I can jump over to my second choice before it’s over). 2.) I’d also like a way to “favorite”/prioritize certain users and clubs so I see them at the top of the “Upcoming for You” tab. 3.) I’d love to be able to search for room titles (and maybe descriptions?) using keyword search in the “Explore” tab. 4.) I’d like for club meetings to be linked to their page so if I know somethings happening for one club, but it isn’t scheduled in advance or I haven’t saved it in my itinerary, I can quickly search for the club page and enter the room there.
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  • Basis of joining?

    I found out about this app from an article in August or so of 2020 and immediately looked it up to download. I found out it was invite only and since it was relatively new still I decided to sign up, thinking it wouldn’t be that long since I got in early. Half a year later I’m still waiting for my invite text, but that’s not the best part.

    I live in Shanghai and the Chinese community has recently found out about this app because of a little chat Elon musk had with RobinHood. So it’s gotten quite large over here. So I’m seeing the people that have been able to sign up has spiked because now most of my Chinese friends ( who has no idea about this app two days ago ) have accounts except me, someone who has been waiting for ,what feels like , forever.

    I understand that it’s mostly my FOMO that has me upset but I don’t understand that, just because one irrelevant person got into the group that now I have other friends who are asking me what this app is, have accounts, and I don’t when i was really excited to join this community from the ground floor and discuss really awesome cross culture issues . Now I feel like I’m missing all of the good stuff already.

    So shouldn’t people who are actually interested in joining be allowed to join first before people who are just joining because their friends tell them to?
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  • Not easely hooked, but...

    I am completely hooked this time. There is something special about conversations where nobody is trying to be something they are not. You don’t need to worry about lights and cameras, you just bring yourself just as you are. There are good content, good opportunities for real conversation and of course is all audio. I like also that it makes inclusion better, nobody is worried about disability, color, or looks. The UI is clean and easy to use. It would be nice if there was an indication of who is talking. There is nobody going crazy and interropting others. Over all I love this app and whatever little things they will be able to fix over time. I just hope I won’t be to hooked. It is the first social media I find easy to engage with and contribute in. Congrats club house
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  • Clubhouse first impression.

    I was adamant to join at first. It’s reassuring that they keep it invite only to help filter through our point of reference and contacts. Plenty of powerful keynotes and quality material including the incredible minds who open their hearts, life learning experiences and motivational energy. Exactly the kind of platform I have been searching for. Thank you for designing this. I am looking forward to hosting and engaging with everyone. I actually feel confident about networking through this app where as I had to learn to restrict and create barriers with other social media streams because of the dangers we now fully understand that comes with exploring social media. My heart and thanks to the developers for creating a quality media stream for all of us. My body, heart, mind and soul feels at ease. Beautiful minds.
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  • Lots of room for improvement but amazing.

    Honestly I have already had so many enriching experiences, educational experiences, great connections... but I’m confused at HOW I find a chat that is apparently open? I see lots of people on other social channels advertising their talks and encouraging you to join but I can’t find them. Why aren’t they listed on the user profile who is hosting and moderating them? Also, the “upcoming for you” section is just about always garbage. I have no idea how this is recommended for me but I’ll assume this app still needs some help with algorithms and I’m sure it will improve as the app is updated and improved. It would just be nice for it to be more curated, intuitive, and an in-app walkthrough would be chill.
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  • Timer

    Users should be able to see how long a room has been active because there are more times I enter a room that’s wrapping up than catching it from the start. And if the room creators are only hosting for only so long then it should be timed and they can be given the option to extend the room if that time runs over. It will be able to give users the opportunity to know at what point did they enter the conversation, users will know when it will end so they can plan accordingly, and moderators don’t have to explain as much. Another feature should be planning a schedule of rooms you want to enter in a queue. Give the option to start in one room and when another scheduled room starts it will jump to that one unless the user chooses to stay in the room they’re in longer.
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  • I didn’t know I needed Clubhouse

    I LOVE this app! It has been 8 days and I am absolutely addicted! I heard about it from a travel group I’m in on Facebook and thought I’d give it a try. Not only am I enjoying my travel clubs (shout out to GLT!), but I am also enjoying clubs for my other interests! I’m a teacher, so I’m in clubs for education and science. I love languages, so I am in clubs for people learning the same languages I am! In my free time, I join social rooms and talk to random people, some have already become my friends. You can Ping people into rooms you think they would like, and they can do the same for you. Finally, I end my day by falling asleep listening to the Lullaby Club. If you have a niche interest, there might already be a club for that, or you can start your own!
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  • Help!

    Let me start by saying this app is amazing and actually it’s the only social media app I get on every day now. My IG and FB are suffering because I’m all about Clubhouse every day all day. With that said, I’m frustrated. I was accidentally logged out of my account today and can’t get back in now. I’ve searched high and low on how to successfully log back into my account and I don’t see the information anywhere. Why isn’t that easily available? I know I didn’t delete my account but I can’t get into my existing account anymore. I tried reaching out to Clubhouse support via email and Twitter and haven’t received a response. I can admit it wasn’t that long ago that I sent that info in but I was expected to be in a room and can’t even access it now. The problem now is when I click on the app it’s trying to make me sign up all over again. Asking me to pick a new user name. I need to access my groups and contacts so I’m not trying to create a new user name. This review is to let it be know that Clubhouse is one of the best apps I’ve been a part of in a long time but how can I continue to enjoy it when I can’t even access my account that’s I’ve grown to love? Can someone help me with this??
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  • Love this app

    So I definitely found my crowd of ppl and it’s awesome and heartwarming. I can network if I so choose or just explore different rooms with my interest. Definitely five stars. I can’t wait to see how the app is improved over time. Here are some of my suggestions:
    ▪️A clapping or heart emoji when someone says something that resonates. And everyone can see the reactions of each other or maybe just the speaker.
    ▪️A brighter color highlighting the speaker(s) and maybe if their icon became bigger so when you want to address someone it will be easier to find them when scrolling through the room. Design feature idea: what if the stage icons were set in a circle with the speaker in the middle. Idk. Just putting that out there.
    ▪️Maybe a raised hand feature when on stage to speak next. Sometimes ppl talk over each other and while mostly everyone is polite about it we forget who should speak next. Maybe a number system! for example when I am done speaking whoever raising their hand on stage after me gets the number 1, 2, 3 and so on, on their icon and they get to go next.

    All in all I love the app and it helps greatly in these times. Some ppl are getting jobs, it’s helping small business, ppl are doing interviews and find their safe spaces to express themselves. Excellent work to the team. Love and light.
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