Clubhouse User Reviews

Alpha Exploration Co.

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  • Blocking people

    Although I enjoy using this app at most times. I have come to realize one of the major flaws which concerns me. I was in a chat playing a game with most of my clubhouse friends. During this game I had said something which was allowed but a individual didn’t have the same view us me so they got sensitive and ended up blocking me. Unfortunately this individual happened to be friends with many of the people I associate myself with on this app so therefore when the person goes into the chat before me I am not able to join the chat. I feel the need to speak on this because I honestly find it under that someone could prevent you from enjoying a good time and gaining new information from others due to their feelings. There should be a better way to avoid these sort of problems. One can be not being able to notice the other is in the chat or even hear them speak so problems could be avoided
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  • I love this app !!!!

    I love this app because it allows you actually have a conversation with numerous people that you may have NEVER had the chance to talk to. But the one thing I that should change on this is maybe a space in the chat where the person who is talking make their picture bigger so that you can find their info, follow them on the app or on Instagram. Sometime I’m trying to figure out who is talking to connect with them but I have to scroll down to see who is talking instead of their profile picture popping up a little bigger (like zoom, I hate to compare. But I think it should show a bigger picture of the person talking but still have all the little pictures of people in the discussions. And maybe move the IG icon next to the follow button so that you can get back to the chat quick without having to scroll all the way down. Could you guys also a question chat so it is easier to the moderators can answers questions for the audience of course allowing the mediators to pick which questions they would like to answer. Again this app is great !!! I look forward to seeing this app flourish wish y’all the best.
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  • LOVE it so far but curious to see how it develops.

    I absolutely love this app so far. It has such a great and eclectic mix of people (especially POC) from a breadth of backgrounds; the conversations I’ve joined and listened to have been genuinely interesting, at all hours; and I like the range of topics.

    It’s quickly becoming my favorite social platform — and, yes, it is addictive.

    But I definitely echo some of the other reviews. It would be great to explore topics I didn’t pre-select during sign-up, just to see what else is out there. Being able to at least ‘react’ to conversations would be nice (even with an emoji to show appreciation). And I wonder how bloated it’s going to feel when it’s completely open (it’s already pretty big but the conversations have been on point and pretty respectful vs. Twitter that just gets crazy).
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  • Great app overall for networking

    This app definitely offsets one of the most fundamentaly important things that we as a people been missing ever since the pandemic started; social gatherings. This app is perfect for networking with like minded people to help you on this journey called life. The app is a lil addictive ngl. Its a great alternative to regular podcast bc its live and interactive. You guys definitely cultivated a great app and would love to see it grow. My only form of criticism is that the audio could be a bit louder and a bit more clear or a way for you to stream music seamlessly through the phone/app overall five stars "💫💫💫💫💫"and when this company become public, I would love to invest in the brand ‼️

    Re: would also love to see the explore page i like that ability to change rooms with different topics not just one specific thing. If it follows that curve it will turn into ig and it would lose its novelty to me at least. I dont wanna see 50 rooms named: "music review" .....I like philanthropy and stocks too y know? If its not broke..... u get the point
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  • Amazing app

    I absolutely love clubhouse, the only thing that I dislike is industry people charging others to speak on a free platform that was built to create the connection between the industry world with individuals who are somewhat already in the industry. I feel like clubhouse needs to keep the app invite only maybe doing 1 invite every two months to stop the app from being over saturated like Facebook or Instagram where anyone can join. I think they need to have someone go into these rooms and make sure all guidelines are being met because most of them are not. This shouldn’t be a popularity app, but a tool to help creative minds link with professionals and network. People should not be charged to enter a public room by people claiming to be professionals. Cashapp’s should not be allowed in profile descriptions on a public platform. And I feel like being that the app was create to be an open form raising of hands should not be disabled. Moderators should just pick who that want on stage but not make someone feel less then by disabling hands.
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  • Love The Site!! Hate The WiFi Glitch 😒

    I practically don’t turn it off, it’s like the 90s party line lol.. It’s great to actually hear voice with knowledge, inspiration, honest help, laughter, and emotions. Not just text and emojis that leave you to your own emotion of interpreting what’s read. I’m glad it’s bringing back communication, something that’s been lost with technology advices. I enjoy that there’s a invite only I hope they keep it that way, and better transparency which keeps away those that hide behind the keyboard. It’s good open dialect. Just what the people need 😊

    Only fall back with the app for me..I just hate it consistently ask to find a stronger signal, even when I have full cell bars but not connected to a WiFi.. it’ll play anywhere on my iPad with or without WiFi...but my cell it just doesn’t stay connected unless I’m on WiFi. 😒... For the most part the app is great 👍🏽
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  • Find your voice and your tribe!

    Listennnnn!! This app is the “stage” I said I would stand on and speak to the masses. 2020 said ok the stage is virtual babygurl but you gon’ be just as profound because now ya don’t hafta worry about hair and makeup! Just speak!
    This app revives the art of verbal communication like the good ol’ days when you had a 30 ft house phone cord so you could kick up your feet and chat with your friends about your goals! Just what we need during this pandemic to keep hearts, minds and spirits LIFTED!
    When you are intentional with your connections and your message, this app brings your tribe to you! Results NOT rhetoric with the genuine interactions! Keep a notepad, sticky notes, SOMETHING because the jewels being dropped on a daily will blow your mind and shift your life!
    And thus ends my dissertation on Clubhouse: The juxtaposition of social distancing and verbally embracing✊🏾
    PS I may or may not be operating on 3 hours sleep writing this due to a phenomenal 6 hr discussion with some movers and shakers last night that started as a welcome room for my friend who had just joined.😂
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  • best social platform i’ve ever used

    this is quite simply a revolutionary take on social media, and for me personally being in the creative entertainment world it’s been incredibly beneficial to me just being able to network and put a voice to peoples names instead of just seeing a traditional “DM”. i’ve been in rooms with attorneys, other musicians, experienced people all around who are willing to talk and she’s their experiences or even advice to anybody listening. it’s a game changer. i think the invite only aspect should stay though, as the loose-exclusivity makes it a lot more powerful. it’s not like it’s that hard to get invited either, just have to know some people. but again, it’s a game changer for social media in my opinion
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  • Great app but unfortunately it’s limited now.

    I loved loved loved the app until today. Before the update, I got to jump in and out of very diverse chats, from finance to music to psychology to poetry to straight up gossip chatrooms. After the update; my listening is very limited to the people I chose to follow and their interest in the two weeks I’ve been on the app.

    Clubhouse has turned itself into another Instagram app where it shows you targeted content based off of the content you “liked” when you first joined. I HATE IT HERE NOW.

    What made the app great for me was I had access every space, every topic, everyone everywhere (within the app, of course) with just a click on a globe. Now I have to scroll thru people I follow to find other people to follow in hopes the start an interesting room when in reality they are avid listeners and note takers like myself.

    Since you removed the explorer page, I can’t expand my knowledge or explore other topics I may not have known existed. Since I didn’t follow enough people early on, I lost access to many spaces including psychological and finance chats which is directly within my field.

    So now with such a heavy heart, I dislike the app because I’m stuck listening to the same people talking about the same things every other day.

    Can y’all bring back the explorer page?! Please and thank you.

    If not; I’ll stick to Twitter b|c there I can at least click on a thread within the thread and learn something new.
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