Super Leap Day User Reviews

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  • Really bad sequel

    This is honestly the biggest disappointment ever for me. When I got apple arcade, I was most excited for Super Leap Day as I loved the retro style of the og, Leap Day, and everything about it. But when I saw how absolutely terrible this truly was, as in no more retro graphics, unnecessary 3d-ness, incredibly long and unbearable cutscenes, I was just very disappointed. I still prefer the old game after this as I have been loving speedrunning the game with different characters (like Cloak and Lick) but I have gotten way too familiar with every level so its kinda sad knowing I won't ever enjoy the fun I used to have playing these games.
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  • USED to be the best game on Arcade

    This game should be removed from Apple Arcade. It is supposed to be reserved for premium games, which this used to be. Not anymore though, the developers have clearly given up. The physics on the gravity levels are so destroyed since the last major update months ago that you can’t even beat most of the levels, it’s even nearly impossible with the star you get after dying multiple times. Your player dies unexplainable when he touches a wall and the direction he jumps in the anti gravity areas doesn’t line up with where the landing is anymore, so you’re left with just repeatedly jumping into spikes until you die enough times to get a star. Used to LOVE this game and played every single level, and I even went as far are reaching out to the developers to let them know of the bugs, but they don’t seem to be testing or care anymore.
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  • Game Over

    I hated this game when it came out, HATED it. I loved the simplicity of the original game and felt there was too much to this new one. I grew to love it and have spent the past almost two years paying for Apple Arcade specifically for this game. That time has come to an end.

    From game breaking bugs to crashing on opens, this game has finally done me wrong for the final time. The jumping change on gravity days has changed the game immensely, but not enough for them to adjust the levels. The AI on multiple levels this month alone has made the games unbeatable. Their lack of urgency to fix things is also deplorable when they’re earning consistent money from the game.

    I’d expect this from a big AAA company like Activision or EA, but from a smaller mobile company I never thought I’d see the day. Such a shame, I won’t be paying for Apple Arcade and won’t be trying this game again until it’s playable.
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    Developer Response

    We are saddened as a fan of the original that we have not managed to satisfy you. We are looking at all feedback on here and social media so please check back in a while and possibly it will have updated in ways you like. Feel free to email in and we welcome some more in depth thoughts from a fan of the first game that feels we're missing some of the notes they loved.
  • I have 11k worth of coins and nothing to spend it on

    I love this game! Have been playing it for a long while but during all of this timeniver been doing my best to collect every coin on every level. Then I realized after I best all the mini games there is nothing to spend the coins on - I wish we could buy upgrades or power ups or how you had in the original game pay for check marks or something I legitimately have 11,500 coins Game is just starting to feel redundant - if I could suggest sometimes I am ending the game with all sorts of power ups it would be cool if I had power ups left to have a sort of end of level bonus level to play and pretty much try to last a long time but eventually it would use up the power ups
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  • Level NOV7th DOESN’T work

    I love this game have been playing it for over a year - I even play the original release of the game but this is the first issue I’ve ever ran into where the key isn’t in the field I literally can’t pass this part with out it

    I absolutely love this game even though it’s getting to be a little repetitive but I do love all the updates
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  • Superb game, but with major bug infestation

    UPDATE: Day 11/07 still not playable due to missing key…

    First, I admit that I love this game and play it every singe day. However with every update, something gets broken or isn’t working as is supposed to. Some examples are water levels which are simply too unpredictable for enjoyable game play, day 11/7 can’t be completed due to missing key (except for zipzipwoo - se bellow), multiplayer never manages to find any opponents, high scores are hacked (there is somebody named zipzipwoo who finishes every day in less than a minute - an obvious hack). Midas touch is most useless purchase ever and you can’t even un-purchase it. Reason being that there is no new add-on for purchase for months and everybody has abundance of coins. Also not sure what new minus timing bonus does, as it is never visible anywhere. To developer: get a couple or so good beta testers and listen to them - it’s going to be much better that this current half-baked state.
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  • Fix the game!

    There’s so many bugs it’s ridiculous. Now when I die the game freezes and I have to restart the app. With every update there’s more bugs than the previous update. None of the other games on my phone have this many things wrong with it. Maybe actually take the time to fix things between each update instead of rushing them out. Just a thought.
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  • Everything but the water levels...

    This game is a MASSIVE improvement from the first game, which was already good. However, without fail the water levels seem like the worst possible design. There are so many unavoidable and also unkillable creatures and monsters to avoid, so many annoying mechanics like the beach ball key, and so many obstacles that the water beach levels feel less like platforming and more like RNG.

    If those could be improved--near perfect game. Can't wait for more characters.
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  • super great game!

    Like most of Nitrome’s games, Super Leap Day is very creative, unique, and well made. It’s also a delight to play! I’ve spent hours and hours playing this game. Yes, some times it’s difficult, but it’s always fair. There’s always a way. If you like platformers, you will love this game.
  • Game would be great if they stopped messing with it.

    Every time they try to add something, they completely f up the rest of the game. Ever since they added multiplayer, so stupid, the game is pretty much unplayable. When you go to play the mini games, can’t get anywhere. The game stops and you have to back back out to the main level. So you can’t get bonuses from the mini games now. Then when you actually do get to the end of the level and jump into the trophy, the game locks up. Can’t say if the coins you collected get saved or not. Used to love this game but it’s EVERY time they try to update they mess up everything else in the game and it takes days or weeks for them to figure it out. How can updates be released that have SO SO many problems every time? I think I’ll just uninstall and find another game.
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