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  • Little cute Dino

    OK can we just talk about this game this is so cute so I was doing a challenge that I had to keep one game on my phone that was my friends favorite game One of my friends favorite game was this Dino game and now I’m obsessed I’ve been playing this game for 10 minutes and let’s just say I’m obsessed my high score right now is 450 and I’m really looking to get to 750 my friend is at 750 so I’m trying to beat that this is literally such a cute game and I was reading some of the bad comments and they were saying that they were missing like the giraffe and stuff but I personally didn’t know this game when they had the giraffes I guess they had different skins but personally I think that this game is amazing and I think it became more popular with the Dino because the dinos are so cute Diana and the Dino are so cute like I literally love them I’m also really excited for the coming up in the love story the coming soon personally I hope it’s a little baby Dino that’s why I titled this cute little cute Dino because it’s so cute but I definitely gave this a five star bc it’s so cute
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  • ITS SO CUTE!!!!🥺😖

    This game has got to be one of the cutest games I’ve ever played in a while I love it so much if you look cute with a game especially if you love music or games it’s a song that I can never get out of my head is like a Dino the first oneI to I love that one so much just because it’s like the first thing and stuff I love like a dino just because of the love story like it’s more than just a Music game it’s a game where there’s more to it there’s love stories there’s babies and it’s just so cute I can’t wait to unlock all the characters in it because I am so excited!My parents don’t understand why I got it in the first place and now they see me sing in the song every time and they’re like what happened to you what is that game due to you and I’m just like it’s such a good game and I guess like a Dino it’s just stuck in my head because I’m thinking in my head now thank you so much for creating this but I feel like we need to just a pinch more things other than that this is so great so good and if you love this game then you should tell me somehow someway because I love it to!🥺🥰👍
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  • Love it but one problem

    I love this game it is so awesome! It’s so cute and I love the challenge. But there is one problem I have a iPhone 12 so I do not have a headphone plug-in so I can’t use headphones to hear the music. So can you please fix that. Thank you to all the people who love the game, I wish I could support you guys by subscribing but my mom won’t let me. I love everything about it and I wouldn’t dare to give you guys a 4 star review or lower. Please download if you hadn’t already it is an awesome game. My sister Nikki had it and it was so stupid and ut is still but in a good way. My sister literally begs me to let her on my phone to play this game. I wish you guys would Make lkk I’m me a second game. Live you guys and your hard work to make this game. Super_toki I believe that you can make that animation!! When it comes out please make a Dino so we all know about your hard work <3 Ryleigh <3
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    First of all I installed this very recently and I LOVE IT! The music is cute, all the character designs are adorable (I love how they make a story), and it’s just fun to play when I’m bored or need a break. I am unlocking the characters fairly quickly but that’s probably because I’ve been playing nonstop. I do have one suggestion: maybe you could create a mode where you can choose which speed you want on a song to get better at that speed. It doesn’t need to earn you coins because it acts as a practice mode. I know you are working an other projects but if you do read this and get around to even thinking about it then that would make the game even more enjoyably than it already is. I am already obsessed with like a dino and I can see myself spending way too much time on it! Thank you for creating a fun game for many people like me to enjoy! 😊
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    This game made my heart grow by ten inches I bet it is so cute love it and always will! In this game there is no adds witch is amazing but to get a thousand dollars you have to watch an add or you can keep playing the game till you get a thousand but I don’t care about that. This game just made me feel super good inside the create must be super creative because I would of never thought of a game like this with some much fun and catchy music. It’s so a,axing I can’t explain it! Though other people may think this game isn’t that great I say it is. I don’t know if there are adds like I said there weren’t any but I’m a beginner. One of the reasons I told you I was a beginner was to tell you I haven’t played super long yet but that doesn’t mean I know that much less. I went to look at the reviews on this app and saw all 5 stars so I got it and I say carry on with the 5 stars this is a great app I cant explain how much I love it. So if your trying to decide to get this app I say you should but again this is only my opinion.
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  • Like a Dino is literally my therapy

    It’s so calming I love the music and the love story is the best thing since sliced bread i made a review account just to review this game I love how low stress it is and how whenever you mess up it tells you that it’s ok and how no ones perfect It’s gust a game where a Dino's neck grows and it’s a serotonin rush to see how happy the Dino is with his new neck when your games over I just started playing this game yesterday but I’ve already played for 10 hours (I have a problem) it’s so incredibly calming and whenever I play I get a huge serotonin rush I can’t even put it into words the correct way I love how it tells you that the tempo is speeding up so your never left in the dark about anything and as a control freak I appreciate that very greatly I love how it doesn’t use any weird technique to get coins from I love how it’s just how many points you get is how many coins you get instead of it being like other games where you get 20 coins for getting 200 points thank you so so much for making this game and basically making my therapy ♥️🦕
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  • Love It❤️

    I had literally bought this game today and instantly fell in love with it. The game is very well designed and user friendly. Along with the fact it doesn’t need WiFi and does not have ads popping up everywhere. The game is absolutely fantastic. It deserves every 5/5 stars I’m giving it. Highly recommend. Fantastic app. 🤩 But I do have one concern not about the game but the people playing it. So before I got the game of course I read the reviews and they were mostly great except the ones mentioning a giraffe. Now I didn’t get the game til’ after the update but it seems everyone who had wrote a bad review is over dramatic about the update. Yes I can understand that it would be a little upsetting for that to happen but why be soo upset about a game. Have any of the bad reviewers considered that fact that maybe the creator had to change it for a reason. Or maybe something came up that would cause him to change it. I’m just saying that it’s not worth getting all worked up about. But that’s my only complaint. So please everyone understand. Thank you for reading all of this even though it’s long. 🙂
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  • ❤️👄❤️

    So I think this game is really good and it helps me relieve my stress so I recommend this game the music is is VERY catchy so beware you’ll be do do do do do do do dooooing for days hah I wanna push myself to get to a high score of maybe even 1000 my score right now is around 570 and that was only like my fifth round and it’s not even one of those matching the things games so also beware Of the fake game this one is the real thing and this game used to be called like a giraffe but it had other really cute characters but now it’s called like a Dino and I just Love the love story in between when you buy the characters and yes some of them r expensive but trust me you get 1,000 coins just for watching a video or an add but yes I highly recommend this game and I mostly look at the reviews before I download something only if I know what it is I’ve known about this game for a while but I just got it on my iPad so if you look at these reviews I bet you would see a buck of great stuff about this game ok well I hope you have a good day or night God bless bye
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  • Omg this game is amazing

    Hey!! I love this game so much and I’m glad y’all made it it’s so cute it’s so amazing and it’s just the best game ever and I know the game roblox is a really good game but this game is way better if doesn’t have to have WIFI and it’s amazing! I really hope people like it just like me! And I really like the music and the dinos! This game is just adorable it’s amazing again and I love this game it’s the best game ever and I love it! I’ve gotten better at it too! My high score is 802!! It’s really amazing and speechless for me cause this has helped with boredom, but my sister hates it for some reason she said all you do is fail then fail then fail but I told her to keep trying but she disagreed but that’s totally fine but I honestly think it’s the best game! But that’s all I have for today and yeah! Hope y’all have a blessed day love you all!! ♡♥♡♥
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  • Just A Review

    This app is truly AMAZING, when I say “amazing” I really mean it! It’s so fun to play and it’s really cool. The Dino is really adorable and there’s not to much ads/adds (I forgot how to spell it lol) and quit with the bad reviews saying “bring the giraffe back, I miss it I would really love to switch to it. This is the ONLY reason why I’m giving it a 1 star :/” I know the giraffe may be adorable and I just started playing this today and I have no clue what the giraffe skin is but, don’t be rude about it, and don’t give a bad review just because of one update you don’t like. Because the developers/creators spent all their/there time on the game to get it how they want it and the reason I’m giving this app a 5 star review is because it’s sooo relaxing and calming (etc.) and way more I can go on and on but I’m just gonna stop right here. Enjoy your day everyone reading this! <3 I appreciate you reading this review, I’m leaving now byee:D
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