Alba User Reviews

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  • Another Bang-Up ustwo Game!

    One of their earlier releases, Assemble with Care, is one of the best mobile games. I normally avoid games made for mobile, however, I gave it a shot. Beautiful graphics, high quality audio/music & a storyline worth following (please do this for all of your future games). Mobile games lack storylines with IAP, skill trees & endless levels in its place. Very cute game for all ages that runs well on iOS & Apple TV. Good Apple Arcade games like this will carry the service & Apple TV on its back, it’s such an underutilized device for gaming.

    ustwo, keep up the good work. You are in the lead for Apple Arcade games with Alba & Assemble with Care.
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  • Full of Nature & engages in current environmental problems

    This is such a great all rounder!!The idea and form of play is really good. Keeping your child busy whilst promoting a calm natural environment with mostly nature packed sounds!(great if the parent has to sit nearby and hear it too!) It also teaches your child about all sorts of different animals and their habitats whilst making it a fun sort of treasure hunt adventure. It’s also great for role playing as it engages with different characters making them practice their reading automatically as they have to constantly read the chat bubbles to keep moving. All that was great until the drama arrived!! I gave it 4 and not 5 stars because, even though it engages your child with current and pressing environmental issues, (which is great for awareness!!)at least to a 7 year old it becomes a little stressful having to cope with the amount of growing responsibility that comes with each to do whilst having to face stressful situations like **spoiler alert**a fire and having to search for the little girl after the fire breaks out. All that whilst having to listen to an extremely sorrowful and almost funeral-like tune (Please change that, nobody died!!)I guess a little less drama and trying to keep it happily playful would do the trick.
    Otherwise love it!
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  • Really good, needs multiplayer

    My friend and I have been playing this game taking turns, we think that it would be such a great game if it could have multiplayer which would also make completing quests much quicker!
    Other than that it’s a really amazing game!

    Thank you for making such a beautiful game that combines all the things I love in life. My son and I are loving every second of it. I hope to see more games that can also raise environmental awareness like this in the future!!
  • Amazing

    It was beautifully made with all the birds and different shapes I really liked it how you could like scan the birds and animals the best animal was the lynxes. I would really like you if you made more because there so fun to do and maybe a bit longer because it was a bit to short. I would like to ask a few questions is Paco still on the island or is he on a boat sailing away. I’m wondering if you go on a airaplane to some were else or you just stay on the island and grow up as time goes by. You are great at making games that’s why I’m telling you all this. My older sister got it first a watched her the whole way, it was so cool even my sister like it! So please make more ok thanks 🤩
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  • Such a beautiful game.... I need more!

    This game is an unexpectedly profound and beautiful experience, one that left me feeling nostalgic and teary-eyed. It’s message is simple but powerful, yet not too in your face. I loved exploring this island and discovering its natural treasures. The art/graphics are simple but gorgeous, and the lighting is superb. One thing I would also like to thank the developers for is how realistically shaped all the people were. The main character is shaped proportionally for a 10 year old girl, the women had poochy tummies and muffin tops. It was just overall a very refreshing experience. The only negative thing I have to say about this game is that there is not enough of it, and I truly hope the developers plan to add some sort of expansion in the future.
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  • Loved it!!

    A beautiful and fun game!! Seriously loved playing along, looking for all the creatures. Would highly recommend!
  • Everyone should play!

    Let me start off by saying that no matter how great or terrible a game is, I never give it a rating. This game is an exception because of how amazing and informative it is. The game play is smooth, and the visuals are relaxing and low key. Alba, the main character, is so adorable and you can’t just help feeling happy as you play the game. This game greatly emphasizes the importance of preservation of nature and how anyone can bring change no matter how young or old. Everyone should play this game! Which is why I’m kinda bummed out it’s on Apple Arcade and not free for all. Overall a fantastic game, even if it doesn’t take long to finish the game. Have fun with it!
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  • Some Glitches, but It's a Cute and Relaxing Game

    I'm playing this on an M1 MacBook Air base model.

    I have to get the glitch out of the way first, but it was driving me nuts. I couldn't exit the game. I'd press all of the button on my gamepad controller and none of them would bring up the main menu which allow you to exit. I had to force close the app. After, I did that and re-started it would work as expected. Also, the an 8-bitdo gamepad that normally works fine with Mac games wouldn't work with this game.

    With the bad news out of the way, here is the good news. It a cute relaxing game where you wander around taking pictures of wild life and try saving a nature preserve. The game play is simple, but satifying if you are just looking for something very relaxing. The environments are stylistically beautiful, but not very detailed with the except of the wildlife. The artwork of the many different creatures is very nicely done and it was enjoyable to learn a little bit about lots of different animals. The dialogue is simple, but gets the job done. Overall, this is a nice game, but don't expect a challenge.
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  • It was okay... but disappointed

    I LOVE the graphics of the game and the whole idea of the game to protect nature, it was really laid back and fun to play. BUT the game was way too short! I finished it in only a couple of hours and by completing all the main storyline tasks I didn’t get a chance to finish side tasks such as replacing the pictures on the boards etc. So I think you shouldn’t able to continue with a main storyline task without first completing one set of side tasks like you should have to complete one picture board before you get a new task. Also my main issue was that it made my new I pad pro overheat constantly and I know it can’t be my device because it ha no technical issues and it doesn’t have enough downloaded data for the system to be overrun or whatever. Also most of the time when I pulled out the phone to scan something, it was almost always upside down so I had to restart the app every time I wanted to take a photo. It was a good one time playing game but it needs an expansion on the storyline because honestly I was kinda disappointed overall.
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    Developer Response

    Thank you for sharing your experience. This is now on our list of known bugs and we are looking to submit a fix ASAP. The next version of the game should address these issues. We apologise for the inconvenience.

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