WidgetPet! User Reviews

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    im rating this 4 stars bcs i just got it 30 seconds ago, and i haven’t done much, so i can’t mentally rate it. it seems good so far, but the only thing is that there’s not many free pets, and there’s not too wide of a variety. there’s like 5 dogs, a few cats, a bunny, and a few others. personally, i’m a rodent person, so the only option for me to do something that fits me is get the bunny. i love bunnies, but in this one, the around the eyes part is very dark and just to keep it simple, it’s not too cute. don’t get me wrong, it’s not ugly, i just feel like it could be better. i would be so happy if you guys could add some Guinea Pigs, Mice, Hamsters, and even more reptiles so you hit everyone’s interests. and just to be fair this is a suggestion review, not a hate review. i do think it’s a good game tho.
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  • Nice Concept!!! 😊

    I really like it, but I got some really cool ideas I feel would make this game even more interesting.

    I think you should add new pet types, poodles, hedgehogs, Pomeranians, axolotls, unicorns, dragons, reindeers, kangaroos, raccoons, foxes and other cool and unique pet types.

    I also think you should have more options of treats, like for the rabbit, I think instead of just giving her or him a carrot maybe also give them a flower bud, leaves, head of lettuce as another type of treat you can give them.

    I think it would also be cool if you can buy them gifts and toys and even buy a special cake or surprise for their birthday. I think that would be cute and cool.

    Another awesome idea, I think all the pets you create should become friends. I think they should live the same house that you can purchase for them and do other things inside the house such as cook in the kitchen, okay board games and more!

    Just ideas, I hope to see more soon in this game, keep up the good work. 😊
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  • Very little too it and need so much work

    So I had this game for about a mouth and I would play it every now and then. I downloaded it on a car trip hoping it would give me a little bit of something to do but there literally is not much too it at all. You can view your pet in the wigget, which I like and I thought was handy, but to take care of the pet all you do is feed it and water it once or twice a day. Often games like this have some form of “interactivity” with the pet or mini game but this one just had tic tak toe wich is honestly just a game of luck and I personally don’t think is that fun. So I ended up deleting the app because it really wasn’t that fitting for what I wanted and it is kinda overrated in my opinion. There for I suggest this app needs some major updates because it dose have some potential but it is lacking a lot.
    Thank you
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  • Good game, but confused on a couple things

    First off the idea of this game is amazing! I love having a little pet that lives on my Home Screen! I just wish there was more to it, like different things you can buy with your pet coins, like hats and accessories, and more games would be fun.
    But I am confused about the blue bar that goes around the pet, seemingly to level it up? But when I feed my pet, the blue goes away? And I don’t understand why my pet is now silver and how I got it there.
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  • Fun concept!

    I love my pet and I like that I don’t constantly have to check on him but there is enough to do that it’s not boring. 17 actions for one ad is pretty sweet too. We get a lot of free things just logging in too. Besides that, some escapes just look like it’s made in MS paint and your pet looks so out of place. Plus, I don’t know what’s the highest level my pet can be and even though I raised him to be platinum, I cannot have another pet without letting him go :( Please help! I would love to at least browse other pets without letting him go & I want to know what’s the highest level possible before I let him go. Thank you so much!
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  • Widget not working glitch

    This is a good game and I would love to see it on a widget but unfortunately the widget dosnt seem to be working. I can get the widget on my home screen it’s just that everything is blank. I don’t think i’m doing anything wrong I think this is just a glitch.

    I also love that you can play tic-tac-toe with other people but if it’s a tie dose it have to look like you lost that round? It seems a little unfair that no one can win so it looks like we both lost. Thank you for your time
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  • Cute Game

    Me and my SO play this Bc we heard of it on Tik Tok. It’s a neat concept and a good idea for a game. Some feedback from me: I would try and smooth out the user experience. Like a previous review said, the developing doesn’t look too complicated and it’s really simplistic. Adding more detail and tailoring the user experience to be the best it can be will bring this game to a new level. Just making a few things more seamless and tailor it more to a mature audience will blow this up no doubt. Small children may be satisfied with some clip art palm trees meaning a “vacation”, but tailoring it to a more mature audience and just working on the details will do wonders
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  • I love it.

    I got this today and I love it! I’ve been feeling lonely and I am not very close to my family, I can’t see any of my friends either. I have already gotten attached to my pet. 😊

    A have a question though. Did y’all add the death feature? Like, when the animal dies? I hope not, I get attached to animals easily and tend to be emotional sometimes, but I love this app. The things my animal says are funny too! That’s why I don’t want to experience that part of the lifecycle- even if I’m not the one going through it. I hope you didn’t, because I love my animal already!
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  • I’m so happy!!

    So, normally I am not one who takes well to care games at all... and forget about the pets:plants:creatures: etc a little while after them existing but the fact i can always see them whenever helps me to be motivated to help care for my little pet babies! The only thing that is a little displeasing is the wait time of hatching an animal, some are probably more patient then me but it is definitely worth the wait of finally get to see your new friend :)
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  • A really great app!!🌟🌟

    I love having a widget pet its adorable and its nice to have something to check up on every once in a while (its kind of like a tamagotchi) but I have a couple of requests.
    The first thing is, I love the system where you have limited resources. It makes it a little more real to take care of the pet and honestly is what really kept me continuing through the game, however there is one tiny flaw in it. I understand you guys need to make money, and its fair enough to make resources cost an ad. But there need to be more ways to earn stuff. Once I ran out of turns and I had to watch an ad, I couldn’t because I don’t have wifi a-lot of the time, so I think there should be mini games you can play with your pet to earn turns to take care of your pet. Or even better, there should be an option to put your pet to sleep and as it sleeps you earn turns. Its really unfortunate when your pet runs away and theres nothing you can do about it.

    My second suggestion is that pets should have animations. Maybe your dog is walking around the widget, or maybe its lying on the floor or barking at objects. This would be really cool because would make the widget pet seem more ‘alive’ and wouldn’t be just a pet staring at you. Maybe the widget could have a full background and could interact with stuff there. So its like an entire home in a widget.
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    Developer Response

    Hello! Thank you so much for the amazing review and all the detailed feedback :) We love the suggestions and input so we can continue to improve! We will definitely keep these in mind and consideration for future updates and as we continue to build and develop more features!

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