Medieval Merge User Reviews

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  • Stop making the game worse for profits

    I have been playing this game for over a year, and it feels like every time there is an update, the game gets worse.
    The events used to be completable if you got on a few times a day. Now, if you want to complete an event, you need to spend money.
    The weekend event rewards have gotten worse, the daily request rewards have gotten worse, and the reward pools keep having filler items added in to take up space instead of giving actually useful items like they previously had.
    Just recently, they made it so that the yellow gem chest gives far less coins than it had previously, the piggy banks that take 8 days to max out give less than before. I had spent money on this game in the past to support the developers, because the lack of pop up ads is nice when compared to other mobile games, but unless they start actively improving the game, I refuse to give another dime.
    If the game gets any made any worse than it already is, I will be uninstalling, which is a shame, because this is the only mobile game I have dedicated this much time to.
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  • RIP Medieval Merge

    I’ve only been playing this game for about half a year or so. But I feel like I’ve progressed a decent amount and was able to play before things got bad. High tier items now sell for way less gold. When you have a mission to get a certain item, the items that generate it and others have a lower chance of generating the item that you need compared to the other type of item. This makes it almost impossible to complete these events such as the latest thanksgiving themed one without paying real money. Now, they’ve removed ads all together, which you might think “yay! That’s great!” Well no. You can watch ads to get pop up special rewards of something you need. Or to recharge a generator item or get an energy cauldron. Not anymore. Gotta use gems. And you will burn through gems in no times trying to do the same things. So, you would have to spend actual money to even try to get close to the output you had before. So sad… I hope the devs see this review and the others piling in for the past few weeks/months.
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  • Developers are money hungry

    The game was decent when I first started a few months ago. The events then were fun and completable. Since then everything has dropped or became more and more difficult to complete. The events can no longer be completed by just playing everyday, you would have to spend thousands of gems. The daily challenges are not even worth doing, the rewards are useless. The items of high level items dropped to about 2% of the value they used to be. Also, cant even sell products during the event for cash anymore. The limited supply of gem boxes from mines are not even worth it, the infinite was way better. It has been so difficult getting chests to even progress. The events were so stupid having the bucket spit out both wrenches and knives making it impossible to craft level 5+ items without getting a bunch of crap that sells for 0 coins. The bards quest isnt even worth doing it just takes so long. There was an update that made it even harder for whatever reason until they made it spit out more. For some reason the map keeps changing and we never end up killing the octopus in the castle which i was really hoping for.
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  • Seriously fell from grace

    When I first played the game about a year ago it was great. Fun and simple merge game with no need to spend money provided you were patient and you could play it once or twice a day and still make decent progress. Then about 5 months ago they introduced time limited events which wouldn’t be a big deal if they didn’t become the new story mode and didn’t require massive amounts of time and/or money to complete before they run out. Additionally they increased the in game currency required to buy items in the shop. Now they’ve gotten even more greedy by introducing battlepass esc mechanics, practically getting rid of getting gold from selling items, and making it a complete slog to get through the later parts of the game (which btw don’t have any story at all). At this point you need to either lay down your wallet or play for several hours a day in order to make any progress. A game that used to feel rewarding and chill has become a cesspool of micro transactions and scummy gameplay. Seriously the people in charge of these decisions have no souls or appreciation of art.
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    Developer Response

    Thank you for the feedback! The team is still adjusting the prices of the Flash Sale, so be sure that we will consider your suggestions in our future decisions. And don't worry about the event's end, the old events will come back at some point so players will have a chance to experience them at some point in the future. We expect that you keep playing and having fun, and consider giving us 5 stars in the future if you're still enjoying 😊😊
  • Very greedy updates

    TLDR: The games new updates have only pushed greed on a longer time player and it’s extremely unfun and impossible to gain progress without money now.

    Overall I believe the game to be a fun merge game, it was actually the first merge game I’ve ever gotten and I really liked it and I played it for multiple times a day for the past year, but it’s all pretty much gone downhill over the last few months, it used to be the game would reward you regardless of needing ads but watching ads did give a beneficial boost to the game and you only needed to watch a max of 3-5 a day if you really wanted the stuff they gave. But the past few updates have cut event time drastically making them almost pay to complete, they added a battle pass type system (in a merge game??) that requires way too many points to complete in 10 days and everything is starting to have a price tag on it as rewards that used to be granted as you played keep getting worse and worse and diminished. I hate to see the direction the game is going almost any currency is impossible to get a lot of because the developers nerfed the ability to sell items for coins to where you can have a max level item and only get like 20 gold (for reference where I’m at an upgrade to bag storage is over 17,000 gold) which is extremely unbelievable and greedy for your money. I’m probably going to uninstall the game if none of this is fixed or reverted, and thank you for reading if you did.
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  • Great game with one major problem

    This is easily my favorite of the merge genre games, because the story is actually really great (though sometimes confusing) as are the graphics. However, it suffers from progress being *incredibly* slow once you get past the early game (I’m thinking specifically the bards quest line and the Usurper quest). And even if you have multiple objectives, due to space limitations on the board you often can only work on one at a time. So the game becomes very repetitive, where I log on once in the morning, merge a few things and generate a few more for a couple of minutes, and then close the game to wait to do the same thing in the evening. I haven’t made meaningful progress in the game in about a week, which is fine but definitely makes me wonder if I should just uninstall it sometimes.

    Especially in the latest update, where getting mysterious eggs is now SO much slower, this is the main things keeping the game from being five stars for me.
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    Developer Response

    Thanks for your feedback! This is the first time we have seen this kind of report, but your points make a lot of sense, so be sure that we will consider this in our future decisions. We expect that you keep enjoying the game and consider giving us 5 stars in the future. 😊😊
  • Fun but….

    This is a decently fun game. You miss the story line if you can’t finish the timed additional games and there is so limited space it’s anxiety enducing about trying to decide what can and cannot be deleted safely. My suggestions: Increase timed duration for limited time events, especially if they have a story line in them. Decrease costs of the backpack space after the fifth row. If you have time to kill, this is a decent way to do it. Just be warned it’s a constant struggle to have enough turns to get timed events done unless you babysit your turns, and you will constantly worry about space in your board.

    Update months later: some events are so hard to finish without paying money. Even watching the ads to get extra gems or bonuses, and the other ads to speed the cooldown of the resource buildings, don’t get you close. Uninstalling the game as it’s designed to be a “pay to complete” game. Visually it looks nice, the story line is decent, but if I am spending most waking minutes in a game and still unable to complete the events, why bother??
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    Developer Response

    Thanks for your feedback! Board management is part of the game's intended difficulty, but we will also consider your insights in our future decisions. And don’t worry about the events, they will come back in the future, so you can check them later. We expect that you keep playing and having fun, and consider giving us 5 stars in the future if you're still enjoying 😊😊
  • Wonderful, but the updates are a bit off…

    I’ve been playing this game for over a year and have been thoroughly enjoying it, but in recent updates certain generators that normally exist permanently are now destroyed entirely when ‘used up’ and I feel as though it’s a step backwards for the app rather than an improvement. The game itself is more stimulating than other merge games (I’ve downloaded quite a few now haha) with its fun plot, interesting visuals and gameplay where you could actually progress; so I was very disappointed when the generators I had taken the time to add to my board would be deleted so the game lasts longer (the fairy pools and matchboxes). I much preferred just having to wait to use them again 😅. I don’t know (or really believe) if this is an update that could be amended, so at the moment I’m sincerely disappointed that I might not play this game anymore… which is why I’m only giving 4 out of 5 stars. I hope my message is read and maybe others agree, but I commend the creators for making the game in the first place and respect the hard work it takes. No matter what, I had fun. Thank you!
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    Developer Response

    Hey, thank you so much for the feedback! We're discussing topics related to what you told us here, so be sure we're considering your feedback on our future decisions. We expect that you keep playing and having fun, and consider giving us 5 stars in the future if you're still enjoying 😊😊
  • It’s good! But I have some suggestions!!

    I really enjoy the game!! Super cute and fun! It’s easy to follow and calming. The only problems I have with it are the timers on the item generators. I have tried to figure out how long they are in real time, but I still don’t know the right time. I wish when you clicked on it, and the time it has remaining until it refills would show on the description. I’m not sure how you would wanna do it or design it, but it would really help me! I would also enjoy hints, because for the longest time I couldn’t figure out how to get the hay!!! I finally figured it out, but I keep running out of space on my board. Even though it’s annoying to run out of space, it adds to the game!! I have to plan and try to figure out how to fit things, even when I have no space to do it.

    I really like this game. Thanks for reading!!
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  • Pretty good but recent changes are worrying

    I want to preface this by saying that I really like this game. It’s kinda grindy but super chill and you can go at your own pace, however they’ve recently done some changes that worry me. The first is limited time story missions, which have slightly different mechanics than the base game and none of the resources transfer over (other than gold and gems) these are a complete slog to get through without paying money and you can’t replay them, ie once the time runs out (about two weeks) then it’s over. The stories can be kinda fun but the rewards have been pretty measly (since giving too much for it means less money made from the base game) and it creates a sense of urgency to bump up micro transaction sales. They’ve also increased prices in the shop significantly, where one item once cost ~10 coins it now costs 48 and one that cost 100 is now 550. Basically really scummy decisions motivated purely by greed, I seriously hope this behavior doesn’t continue but it likely will.
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    Developer Response

    Thank you for the feedback! The team is still adjusting the prices of the Flash Sale, so be sure that we will consider your suggestions in our future decisions. And don't worry about the event's end, the old events will come back at some point so players will have a chance to experience them at some point in the future. We expect that you keep playing and having fun, and consider giving us 5 stars in the future if you're still enjoying 😊😊

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