Pikmin Bloom User Reviews

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  • Great bones, needs development

    I really love competing with my friends with this activity tracker but there are some areas that need improvement.
    1. There is limited interaction between players. I wish that I could customize postcards by adding a drawing or picture on the back, and the images used for the postcards are poorly taken so there’s no real incentive for me to send them.
    I would also like to be able to gift Pikmin to my friends, especially when I am getting the same special characters over again.
    2. There is a bug with the detector. They allow you to use it once per day, but the button itself isn’t clickable, as it is only visible for one second if you click on the flower icon, then it disappears.
    3. I agree with other users that the types of Pikmin should be more considered for activities for players. For example, the only real advantage is the flying Pikmin are faster but you need a whole group of them. Rock type should be able to smash things open to retrieve items. And battle should be an option to retrieve items as well, where the player needs to walk to certain locations to fight monsters to get higher value items.

    Overall, this game is a great way to incentivize increased activity, but needs some patching, and incorporating Pikmin gameplay would elevate it from being just a step counter :)
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  • Gets me up and walking

    Having decent fun with this game. Level progression seems fair enough through level 30. Higher levels are harder to achieve but no complaints. A couple things I’d change are the selection process of Pikmin when switching them from your active to standby. I’d like to select more than one at a time through click-and-drag the way you can select multiple photos on iPhone. The other thing is in regards to mushroom challenges. I think a “beacon” or “call-out” to other nearby users when attacking a Large mushroom by yourself would come in handy. I can easily coordinate with other users in my household but they’re not always around to help and having four empty slots for other users to join seems like a waste. Something along the lines of a request to other users with a timer or countdown to join the challenge should be a lot of help to people in suburbs or rural areas
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  • A fun little game that doubles as a journal

    I love Pikmin Bloom. It’s a lot less active and attention needy than Pokémon Go, but doesn’t fail to deliver some time killing joy while walking or waiting for the bus. The little Journal function at the end is a helpful daily routine, and the day ratings have helped me revaluate how I see a day. Blue, Grey, or Yellow, a bit simple but that simplicity helps keep my stresses in proportion, by letting me ask myself “was today bad enough to be a blue? What happened that maybe made it a grey? Oh man, today has been a yellow for sure.”

    It’s a little bit buggy here and there, but they’re working on it and it shows. I think that a little patience makes all the micro transactions nonessential (although they could be a little less stingy with the coin giving). All in all, give it a shot! It’s fun and doubles as a little journal to boot :-)
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  • Love this game as-is! Don’t change it!!

    I love this game because it encourages me to walk. (Currently Level 32 when I wrote this, so yeah, I’m walking!) I also love this game because there are no events that force you to play more than you can; you can play at your own pace. I also love that this is not a fighting game. Yes, you can send the little guys out to take out a mushroom, but that is it. PLEASE NIANTIC, keep this game this way forever!! DO NOT add events that force people to play. DO NOT add fighting and anything resembling aggression. This game does not need these things. It accomplishes what it needs to just fine— it gets me out walking, exercising, and out of the house. As with your other games (Wizards Unite, I’m looking at you), when you’re in constant event mode it burns people out. They stop playing because they are tired of events and you lose money. Consider that, please.
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  • This App Is Amazing!

    I think this app is AMAZING!!! At first I downloaded this app because I thought the little plants were adorable. However after opening the app and engaging in it, I realized it was so much more. You can not only use it to encourage you self to walk around in which you can grow adorable little plants. But, you can also journal on this app. At the end of the day, it tells you how many steps you have taken and where you all walked to and planted flowers ( which everyone in your community can see your flowers that you have planted as you walk which is so cool ). It also asks you how your day was and gives you the ability to write a short paragraph about your day. In this you can add photos so you can look back and remember what you did that day. So I highly recommend this app to anyone interested in journaling or even just cute little plants that follow you around :)
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  • Excellent game, could use some minor tweaks

    Overall this is an excellent and fun game to encourage exploration and being more physically active. I love collecting all the different types of pikmin and blooming a variety of flowers. This game is very well polished. My only complaint are some minor tweaks that could improve gameplay.

    1) a way to organize pikmin by color on the main pikmin page itself. Currently you can only do this during an expedition and it can make things clunky if you are wanting swap in certain colors into your squad outside of expeditions.

    2) more decor pikmin! The decor pikmin are excellent and honestly what I love most about the game and what keeps me exploring. I’m always excited to get a new cafe or beach pikmin. I love their designs and they always bring a smile to my face in their little costumes. However, I worry that in a few months of actively playing the game I will run out of unique pikmin to find. I think there is a lot of room to expand the types of decor pikmin, such as gym pikmin holding weights or wearing sweat bands, or taco stand or other food groups outside of burgers, hospital pikmin wearing masks or stethoscopes. There are so many great ideas!
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  • Pikmin Bloom Review

    This is the best mobile app I’ve played in years! Although that’s not saying much lol. Pikmin is one of my favorite video game franchises ever, so I’m always excited to see new games being made. And seeing this announced on the 20 year anniversary of Pikmin just brightened my entire day. And on top of that, this game is just genuinely amazing. Walking around planting flowers and growing Pikmin is so incredibly fun. And all the different types of decor Pikmin are awesome. Their costumes are so cute! Plus, even when I’m not out walking, I can send Pikmin on expeditions and challenges which is really useful. My only real issue with the game is the coins. It’s really difficult to get coins by planting flowers, and the only other way is to buy them, and well… I’m really not a fan of micro-transactions. However, that doesn’t change the fact that this game is absolutely amazing and I enjoy playing it so much! Amazing job Nintendo and Niantic!

    (Btw Nintendo if you’re reading this, please make Pikmin 4! I would be so insanely happy if that happened!)
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  • Wish I could do more challenges

    I love Pikmin I’ve played every installment of the franchise I downloaded this game just because of my love for the little guys. So far I’m having a great time with this app even more then Pokémon go the only thing I wish I could do was do more challenges. I recently just got to the point where I can take down big mushrooms and it’s been cool getting the little fruit or stuff when there done it’s super fun. When I couldn’t do another challenge like that due to my Pikmin being tired I tried to switch out my squad hoping that would let me continue but sadly that wasn’t the case. So it kinda sad to see a challenge there and I can’t play it yet my Pikmin can go on as many expeditions as there are available. I hope in an update soon I can do as may challenges as I can expeditions other then that the game has been a simple joy to play I also wish how it counts ur steps near the end of the day u get like a prize every mile stone u pass like one nectar or after ten thousand steps get a random pikmen or something
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  • Excellent pedometer based game!

    This game, while retaining somewhat similar mechanics in certain areas, has a completely different base mechanic in that it revolves entirely around step count, and walking, unlike PGo using distance travelled as it’s base metric.

    Through the week it serves as mainly a pedometer and something to do during downtime, breaks or lunch. However, in my free time it has completely transformed how I spend big chunks of my free time. I’m constantly looking for new area to explore and walk through to keep things fresh, as well as find unique Decor variants. I’m almost always looking for a good place to start a Pikmin day when I’m out and about, and pushing my step counts ever higher and for longer periods. This also works really well being that my wife still plays PGo, and is always willing to go hunting for ‘mon while I’m planting up some ‘min.

    If you’re a fan of walking, Niantic mobile games, pedometry, exploring your local area, or are maybe just looking to boost your physical output daily in a fun, cute, very enjoyable way I very much recommend giving Pikmin Bloom a shot. The monetized portions are EXTREMELY not necessary but are there if you don’t mind tossing a couple dollars to Nindy to save a bit of grinding. Well done Niantic and Nintendo, and the Devs.

    I expect much more content to be added down the line, it seems a bit threadbare right this minute, but still has lots to do and many levels to grind through. Enjoy!
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  • Fun but HUGE bug

    This game is super cute, but the only thing is I hardly have any incentive to play anymore because no matter what I do, my pikmin’s friendship levels WILL NOT go up. I have a purple Pikmin that I’ve taken on SEVERAL expeditions as well as some starred pikmin because I like to farm decor pikmin. It’s been a good week and NONE OF THEM have increased friendship level even a little bit. It shows the little heart above them when they come back from the expedition and I collect the item from them, but other than that, they show no signs of leveling up. It’s incredibly frustrating and makes me not really want to play the game if I can’t even get decor pikmin anymore. I’m not even having trouble with counting steps or anything, everything else in the game is working fine (other than the occasional glitch where two or more pikmin are in the EXACT same spot and clip through each other, but that’s just visually funny and doesn’t affect gameplay) but I CANNOT raise friendship levels. I’m not sure if anyone else is having this issue, but it’s incredibly frustrating since I’ve starred all the pikmin that are from places where they’ll get a non-sticker decor item. Its a fun game and doesn’t drain my battery as much as pokemon go, but this is very annoying and I don’t see the point if I cant even get decor pikmin
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