Game Dev Story+ User Reviews

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  • Well this game was not what I expected

    In the beginning, you find it a little bit of a struggle, about half way through things smooth out and you start getting your bearings. Expect to make hundreds of games and fail a few of them.

    After a while the satisfaction grows higher as you start receiving rewards, have a fan base and even get to make your own console to make games on that. Don’t skip on licensing a new console but don’t live ve all of them and stay above 10%

    As a last note there aren’t any bugs so far as I could tell and the rng is in your favor so you are having good fun and plenty of Easter eggs to top it off!
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  • Nice Game, Could Do with Some Tweaks

    Interesting concept of pairing different game styles to see which work out or not. There is also a good desire to build the best team to get to a perfect 40 score for a game, and then win the Game of the Year Award.


    1. The game is not open ended enough. It needs to go beyond Y19 or so

    2. When developing the games, instead of the creative phases (graphics, sound) being randomize, what about a mini-game?

    3. Some of the text and event dialogue are overly repetitive and could be removed.

    4. Increase the complexity and rewards of the contracts; at a certain point, they are irrelevant to the game.

    5. The characters you can get through hiring seems fixed, so after a while, the hiring screen becomes useless since you get to see the same characters you rejected in prior auditions.

    6. The options for Gamedex seem limited - why not allow us to pick the games on show to influence how people interact with the booth, or allow a sneak peak of the next game, etc?

    7. Should there be a way to permanently increase the Power of a character?

    8. Would be good to allow the Job Titles to have influence over the creative process, for example, a Director / Producer attached to the graphics and sound team, Lead Programmer to the programming team, …

    9. Why not allow multiple projects / teams to be developed in parallel?
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  • Improvements almost non-existent

    Don’t get me wrong, if you’ve never played this than go ahead and give it a try, you won’t be disappointed.

    If you’ve played the original version, then don’t let the “+” fool you. The only improvement they’ve made is adding in the ability to play the game in landscape mode rather than only portrait. All of the known bugs in the original version are still present (i.e two identical wrestling types, etc.). Additionally they’ve removed the feature to where you can use the gains you’ve made in adjusting the direction of your games after beating it and restarting.

    This is essentially just a copy and paste version of the original for an easy money grab for the developers by letting Apple use it to promote the Arcade.
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  • Great game

    This really does give a better appreciation for how hard it is to create a good game. I love the style and thought process that went into this game. The only thing I wish it had was a better explanation of the different jobs. Maybe that’s an Easter egg to figure out that if you max out each job on one person it will unlock the hacker. Also I wish there was a way to increase max energy, first play through I didn’t fire anyone because the first people I got worked to make the company so big, but I could only get in the hall of fame. Training only gets you so far on dev points, and from the wiki it looks like different jobs give different development points.

    That being said I found this game addicting with a brush of nostalgia as i saw the game companies and their hardware changed to clever puns. I laughed at the Nintendo whoops. I’m glad the devs made this game with their flair and a high level of care. Cheers and thanks for reading
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  • Don't bother if you've played the original

    I suppose I can't complain since this game was functionally free, but I can't help but feel let down as the "+" in the title led me to believe that this was an expansion or update on the original Game Dev Story that came out over a decade ago. It is not. It is exactly the same as the original in every way, MAYBE some graphical improvement but I genuinely couldn't tell whether or not the graphics had changed or had just been upscaled for today's larger screens. If you already own the original, this app provides nothing. Don't bother.

    If you don't own the original, this is a decent distraction. It doesn't offer much replay value as the gameplay is incredibly shallow and once you know the "correct" combinations you can effectively print unlimited money on demand, but the hours of experimenting can be fun and addictive. Worth the download if you've never played this decade old game before.
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  • Addictive but needs more choices

    Really enjoyed it. In fact it was hard to put down. But after hitting year 12 which can be done in a few hours I was already starting to struggle to make it to year 20 which is when the “game ends.” I am definitely going to play to year 20 to see what happens but then with its current choice and content options it’s probably a game I’d delete off my phone because I’ve seen everything there is to see and don’t want to put forth the effort of another play through.
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  • Very fun!

    The basic premise involves choosing a platform, a genre, and a thematic category for the game. The development process is broken up into three phases, Story-writing, Graphics, and Sound. It takes the basic premises described above and pile on a ton of strategic elements that really make the game a joy to play from a management standpoint. Outside of improving individual employees, each individual aspect of development has its own experience/level that can be developed, as your team becomes more experienced. A lot of the fun involves balancing making games, with training, with research while making sure there’s enough money until the next big hit. There’s also a very strong appeal to wanting to “make just one more game” or making new engines just to experiment with how new features impact sales. I had no issues with the basic control scheme, if the game hooks you in as it did with me, make sure you allocate enough time for play. It’s the perfect sort of game for mobile devices and there’s so much to do here in terms of developing personnel, researching items, and making games that there’s loads of replayability for quite a long time.
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  • Stop Progressing at a Certain Point

    This game is actually pretty enjoyable. I’ve gotten sucked in for sure! The decision making in what games to create is pretty engaging and the different consoles with licensing create a decent goal based challenge. This game could do with some update to end game or progressing the game the next step. Once you reach a full office with max stats, it becomes very repetitive. Further expansion past this point is needed.

    The only other change I’d enjoy is more diversity in popularity. Some game fads come and go and it would be great to see this happen in the game over the course of 20+ in game years. Maybe a new movie comes out involving ogres that spikes the popularity of those games for a year or two. Something to change it up.
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  • Fun but…

    It is fun to pretend, however this game needs some attention. I have the best possible staff, a couple of them should be able to have their role changed to a hardware engineer but I cannot change it. I cannot develop my own console because of it. There is another game dev game out there that I recommend you take some notes from, Game Dev Tycoon. I honestly love most pieces of your game, but it is as if you forgot to finish making it before you released it. In certain menus there are just blank spaces that one can highlight but not select anything. It’s weird.

    I passed the 20th year and that’s just it? No more progression? Come on man!
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  • The concept is fun but the end game is garbage.

    The game is fun up until you understand how to play the game and/or get to the end game and depending on how good you are at the game that could be in a hours time. Once you get to the end game and start cranking out “Hall of Fame” games consistently there’s no real challenge or reason to keep playing. In fact once you start making Hall of Fame games it becomes more of a challenge to not make a game that goes into the HoF. And once you get to a certain point money becomes a non factor because there’s nothing to buy. You are just making money with nothing to really spend it on.

    All of That being said the real end goal is to make a “Game of the Year” game and that seems almost impossible. I have made 29 straight “Hall of Fame” Games, 15 straight games that have scored a perfect 40 rating all of which have made #1 on the top sales chart and I have yet to make a game that has gotten “Game of the year” instead the award is constantly given to a game with a name that’s a pun to a real world game. At a certain point it just felt like the game was against me and even if I would “beat” the game it just feels like it would have no substance to it.

    This game has potential to be addicting and great but it just falls on its face toward the back end when it should be more challenging and rewarding.
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