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  • Faithful Reader

    My thanks to Mike Huckabee and his crew for all they do to bring the status of the current issues to this faithful reader. Not a day goes by I don’t look for the notification that I have a new read. I also purchased a subscription for my parents and they read it as faithfully as I. We always spend an hour or so talking about the finer points and the issues we feel most important. It has brought us many hours of conversation that I count as some of the best with them.
    I especially enjoy the satyrical quips. It’s not often someone reads my own thoughts.
    What I like the most is the quality of the information in the letter and that it’s current news. I can’t stand watching the major networks and having to decimate between fact, hyperbole and out right untruths. I get so upset with the networks my husband won’t let me watch them on tv anymore. So thanks to Mike Huckabee and his team I get the information in a way that is less stressful and brings loads of fun to my day.
    Thanks for all you do!!
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  • Substack a return to investigative journalism

    The mainstream media is biased and extreme in both conservative and progressive world views. But their biggest failing is what they don’t report on or intentionally leave out. Often their stories are accurate but irrelevant because they simply edit out or ignore anything that contradicts their world view.
    The Substack media platform, with its full range of publishing tools has given a voice to real investigative journalists, advocates of category subjects (energy, environment, finance, sports, travel, health and more), and invited the readers to participate in much needed social debates. Substack is emblematic of freedom. That’s why I subscribe and follow the producers on Substack. Still, never stop using your critical thinking skills.
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  • Can't even log in without encountering a programming error

    Downloaded the app, went to log in, and the input fields are incapable of pasting values from my password manager, which is one of the highest-rated and widely trusted ones. Whoever coded this app apparently doesn't even realize that many people use long character strings as passwords, and expect to be able to paste them from a password manager, not rekey them manually. If they don't even know that, then do I even want any app that they coded on my phone at all, given what else might be wrong with it via the coders not knowing any better? Update: I logged in anyway and began using the app. I wanted to check what it would cost to upgrade a certain subscription from free to paid. D--ned if there is any way --- any way AT ALL --- to find the super-hidden Easter egg that would let me manage my subscriptions, upgrade one of them to paid, and so on. If you find the deeply hidden menu controls that let the user do one of the most basic functions like managing their subscriptions, let me know! I gave up hunting after a while, in disgust at how bad this app is!
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  • Awsome awsome awsome app

    Dive in!
  • Love the access to independent really creativity journalists

    I’ve quit Twitter as there is rarely a topic that needs less than a page of thoughtful writing to get right… so Substack is my home now!
  • Fresh look

    It’s great to see the Birmingham Dispatch arrive on the scene with a fresh pair of eyes.
    For far to long we have needed someone to look at the positives of our great City.
    I was born here 69 years ago and have watched all of the old publications just focus on the negatives over the last fifteen or so years.
    It’s time to move on and focus on the positives. Welcome new young businesses to our City, Creating jobs and wealth for our citizens.
    Well done Birmingham Dispatch for taking the initiative.
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  • The ride home

    Hey Jeff. Great “ride home”. Thanks to you, AD, coach, GOAT and whoever else made decisions to let you sit in the GOATS seat. You stated many times you were having FUN. Being at the game, I did not hear the broadcast although did hear the wrap up. And now listening to the ride, there will be no one that doubts you are having fun. Throw in knowledge of game and great presentation, I feel there will be many years for you to be “behind the mike”!!
    Last night brought back so many memories. My first MSU game, I attended with my parents at an early age in Carr Health Gym. Watched them dig the hole for racer arena. Sold drinks in the stands for a couple seasons. Too many memories to start naming. But one, watching my son, Shane, being a ball boy for games (the ones in those days that had wiped up the sweat😁).
    Continue the excellent job, not work. You’re having too much FUN to call it work.
    Lifetime fan of Racer athletics!!
    Steve Andrus
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  • Thank you, I have a trans child

    Thank you for this article and the courage to write and publish it. I have a trans son. I refused to give my then daughter hormones when she was an adolescent. I told her that is a decision she alone must make. I cannot be responsible. As for surgery, he claims he wants it, he cannot make the call to the hospital alone. And when I call and give them his phone to contact, when they contact him, he does not call back. He is nearly 24 now.

    Just a note to say that the internet is a huge part of the increase seen in transgender adolescents. Look at the numbers and see what happened in those 15 years you noted there was an enormous increase. The iPad. Apple came out with the iPad in 2011 (I think or 2010). Many children, including mine, received as a gift from parents or grandparents. We were ignorant of what internet access could do back then, but access to it open wide the Idea of transgender.
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  • This is who WE are

    This is just the latest demonstration of a world or rather a species that has that has never left the jungle.
    Remove the thin veneer of civilisation we’ve all given ourselves, by threatening, attacking, or trying to take what is ours and we will almost always respond with violence.
    Worse still and unlike most other animals, our violence is often vicious, excessive, gratuitous and cruel in the extreme.
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  • Loving it

    Really enjoying it. Thanks.

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