Dislyte User Reviews


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  • Great game, just needs a couple tweaks

    This game is good overall a couple things will really bring this game to the next level. Such as reducing some of the steep stamina prices for levels. Doing one ten run shouldn’t take everything from me and than I have to spend on crystals to refill. If you want people to waste countless hours don’t make the most important piece to that so rare and make refill time for one stamina shorter. Keep me in the game longer and more involved. Make gold more accessible or reduce the price for relic improvements, a million gold shouldn’t be one relic from level 12-15 if your lucky even with the pity timer. A lot of in game resources are extremely rare for no reason once getting past a lot of the easy game play the game becomes so hard to gather resources another way to keep people from wanting to play. I get you want people to buy these things but keeping people playing will keep the game going longer which in turn will make revenue. Don’t be scared to make some tweaks to help the average player experience better, games like this don’t survive on the whales they survive on the casual fan base who keep it popular. Overall game is good some characters need balanced and the devs seem to stay involved which is good for a new game. Plan to play for a while and hope they make a few quality of life improvements to keep me playing for a while.
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  • Dislyte is fun

    Been playing this game off and on for awhile before writing this review. Story wise, the content is good. A bit above average. More than your typical good guy rolling through a story. It is pretty in depth is you like following along with the story. Where I am at currently, lvl 15 and at 5-5, it’s still pretty easy. Not much is needed for strategy right now, but like most tbrpg games, that comes in the upper echelon of the game. Usually after you have finished the main story campaign. I did get my first 5 star character early, which is good for story progression and early content to help strengthen your team. I have 2, 4 star character which is nice to have for sure. The only bad thing I have to say is if you want to buy the the summoning discs for the character, it costs a bit much and the requirement to get a guaranteed character is a bit high as well. If they come down on both of those just a bit, I’d feel more apt to play the game more often. The grind is all to familiar to me with the games I play and stream online. So coming to this, I try to take a break from the grind. Hopefully this review has been helpful to both the developers and to future players. Good luck out there!
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  • Pretty good but unfortunately not great

    As a mythology nerd, this game is AMAZING. I love the designs and guessing which mythology a certain character is from. My favorites are the Egyptian and Norse ones. The designs are so diverse and inclusive. You’ll see all sorts of colors and shapes, which I feel isn’t a game style you see often. Usually, games like these only have super skinny/fit characters sexualized and just boring to look at. Dislyte has an amazingly diverse cast of characters and I appreciate seeing different body shapes being represented. It’s the little things that count, and fans would love at seeing these seemingly subtle design choices.

    However, as a game, Dislyte seems to be lacking. It’s not engaging enough, in my personal experience. The story and the way it progresses is boring and not really entertaining. The game itself is a bit confusing but that’s my fault for skipping the dialogue. Except I suppose that’s another fault with this game. It’s too boring to read through the explanation— it’s just a huge chunk of exposition! Not fun at all and all too tempting to skip.

    There aren’t a lot of changes I wish for this app. The soundtrack is amazing, the colors are great, and oh my goodness the design is immaculate. The gamestyle itself is just lacking in my personal engagement due to its lack of entertainment.
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  • An interesting remix

    Turn based games dependent on strategy, stats, and characters generally don’t grab my gig. I was skeptical at the implemented 'music' as a gimmick.
    To say this game changed my mind isn’t far from the truth. Yes, the music doesn’t play that much of a role, but the selection of tracks it has to offer with different stages or screens is thoughtful compared to a looping track (bonus points for making it a mini game).
    With the marginal amount of espers at my disposal, the developers did a great job of combining figures to their aspects with personalities to boot. Along with each character’s vastly different play styles, no two lineups of espers will offer the same gameplay even if the order of play is changed.
    From my hour or so into the game, it’s obvious the devs want the players to have a great time with their story and soundtracks. The only downside I can really find—or lack thereof—is an explanation of individual stats or a list for in-game abbreviations. For example, AP stands for Attack Points in Dislyte, but my knowledge keeps chanting Amour Piercing. New players or anyone getting serious about the game will want to know everything they have so they can plan on those advantages or cover up their weaknesses.
    All in all, a bop’n player for the first released game that I know of.
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  • Endless stimulation and content to explore

    I already love gacha games but this one is the one of the best ones or even the best one so far, it has so much content and ganes to okay it feels like im playing 4 different games in one. The gacha is amazing and the vidual and character designs are top tier the ads for this game do not show its entirety, theres story based missions that actually has an interesting story that has actually made me laugh before and seperate trial missions to help u level up more and even trial other characters you don’t even have yet. Theres also a DJ rhythm game that not only has bangers but also serves as another tool to learn more story and lore of the characters, just the pure thought and complexity of this game is amazing and i didn’t list out all of its features. The way it teaches you to use the game is quite genius it has specific level to unlock different parts of the game or different modes so you don't get overwhelmed with everything. I honestly could probably write a whole 3 page essay on how good this games is but that would be way too long and unnecessary, overall get this game one of the best gacha games out there trust me.
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  • This game is really and if your into rhythm, story driven or rpg games I suggest you get this game.

    So where do I start. So the game theme is modern gods ands myths with added music for each character which seems like an odd combination but this game pulls it off really good. The gameplay is nice with a complex storyline and different and unique abilities for each character. The visuals are really pretty and stunning with the characters, enemies and background looking fantastic. Also, the music is really good in my opinion. I am someone who is in band so I kind of listen more to the background music in games and this game has really good music. Ok now here comes my controversy of other games like this game. So recently I have been craving an rpg game but I couldn’t really find a good one. I eventually went to Raid Shadow legends and I have nothing against the Raid but it just wasn’t the rpg I was looking for and then I found this game quenched my craving that I had. So I highly recommend this game. I love the characters, the story, the music, the background and everything else about the game. So I hope when/if you decide to get the game I hope you enjoy it like I do. Peace out.
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  • Has a lot of potential.

    I started playing this game just to support an influencer I've been following since they began, JonTron. I figured I could get some enjoyment from this game and that I'd play it every now and then when I had the time, but I find myself with multiple options to do small things here and there especially with the auto-combat feature you get after clearing an event. I'm usually trying to do something at all times and I get pretty bored when I'm waiting on something to happen when I have to constantly grind, but with that auto combat stuff I don't need to worry too much. I'll usually put my phone down to do its own thing with my optimized characters or while I level up new ones. When I look back at my phone, I can see that I'm doing something right with all the buff and debuff features. Not all but some of the weaker types can be leveled up past their starting rarity and I'm all for that. I've always wanted to do that but I was never able to do it reliably without shoving cash into it or waiting an entire day to have stuff refresh with only a few actions available per day.
    Glad I started playing. I can't wait to see what gets tuned later on.
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  • Awesome so far but could use some improvements!

    This game offers so much content and is generally really fun to play, I really love the character designs, art-style, and general visuals but It can improve gameplay in a few ways. I feel like there is too much to keep track of when it comes to new players, I feel like you get too much of new info (or new available content your able to access) thrown at your face all at once, it’s honestly a bit overwhelming and wish the tutorials were a bit more slow paced! Compared to other gatcha games this game does feel a bit stingy when it comes to the gatcha system, records are too hard to farm and you aren’t given many gems to be able to buy records. I also think that the pity system should be less high than it is, 100+ pulls to get a guaranteed 5 star is too much. I would also like if there was other ways to farm xp easier than doing the practice stages a bunch of times. I also wish there was a skip button when it came to the character stories, i would like to be able to get the rewards without having to read a characters story im not interested in.

    I really look forward to seeing the improvements to this game— I hope they expand with other languages when it comes to the character voice overs!
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  • Pretty Addicting

    The music is very captivating and unique, doesn’t try too hard to hype you up but also isn’t a snore fest, the rpg elements in the combat is a pretty good selling point for it really does have an impact on what you do strategy wise, the option to automate it is also pretty cool if you can’t be bothered and let the AI choose for you, the summoning process where you “drop the best” is very generous with the short time of playing I have summoned 20 heroes a handful being epics and 1 being legendary, part of me wishes that it was a bit more generous with the legendaries but all in all it is pretty good, how progression feels in this game is actually done pretty well for not everything is unlocked at first so it doesn’t overwhelm the player when they first start off which is a common issue with games like this where the game forces you to do a bunch of stuff and yoink you all over the place, Dislyte seems to be a one of a kind game where the progression starts off linear and develops into you doing whatever you want the more you play, the only thing I can really say is an issue with the game is the summoning odds and the certain points of leveling blockages where people are too strong for my team, but both aren’t really a major issue and more of nit-picks since the general experience is still pretty good.

    TLDR: Good Combat, Amazing Music, RNG isn’t my friend, keep up the amazing work.
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  • Could easily grow to 5* game, well on its way

    So far the content is all really good. Diverse gameplay options, lots of things to do to occupy your time and everything feeds back into upgrading your espers. In that regard, it’s exactly what you want from a game like this. The vertical screen is actually quite nice and makes more of a difference than I anticipated it making.

    Literally the only thing that I actually dislike about the game is that the main character says “freakin” in what feels like 95% of her lines. I actually think the story is somewhat interesting and engaging but her dialogue has become so obnoxious to me that I just end up skipping all the cutscenes and reading the summary they give you instead. A good deal of the in-game character reviews (a feature that I quite like) say very much the same thing. Just. Just make her say it less, if she even has to say it at all. It’s like they decided her entire aesthetic would be hinged on the fact that she says “freakin” and just continually doubled down on it.

    All this to say. I’m excited to see how the game grows both with its content and community engagement. I do consider the quality of the current content to be worthy of 5-stars, I’m just leaving room to increase the rating for when the game gets even better.
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