State Connect User Reviews

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  • Annoyed

    I got this game last year and bought the no ads, it worked at the time when I bought it and I played the game for months, until I got to Europe and the game wouldn’t let me make connections between roads anymore, I simply couldn’t progress through the game anymore so I stopped playing for a long time, I just recently decided to see if the game would work again, it did not, couldn’t make connections to roads in Europe still so I decided to delete the game and re-download it, all my old progress is gone as they done have an option to backup my save, their “restore purchases” button doesn’t work, I click on it and it makes a sound when I click the button and nothing happens, it’s like they make the button but didn’t program it to work so I don’t even want to play the game because every 5 seconds I get an ad, I’ve read other recent reviews and it seems like their scamming all their players into buying the no ads and then it not even working, fix your game!! It’s a good game if it wasn’t like this!
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    Developer Response

    Hello there! Progress gets saved only on your device. Uninstalling the game erases progress permanently. If you haven't had success at restoring your No Ads purchase, then please send a message to our support team's email address:
  • The Developers Buggin

    Game cool. Game simple. Game fun. But game not fun. Why? Ads. Very invasive ads. I was considering purchasing Ad free version. The game’s team buggin off of yerks and molly if they think anyone investing 10 buckarinos on this game son. On the dead homies they needa do some adjusting. They needa adjust the price of the Ad-free edition to like $2-$5. I don’t know what they’re thinking with a 10 dollar price tag. Additionally, they NEED to adjust the frequency of the ads. It’s sad beca I know people such as myself and many others would spend money on the game if it was worth it. Ever heard of less is more? Lemme help these stupid ahh developers real quick. Lower the price of your product, and you will get larger profits. Mind blowing stuff, I know. If you charge $10 for a glass of lemonade, nobody buying it and you make less money. Charge only a few dollars and many people will buy it. Simple stuff, guys. These issues have occurred for at least a year from what I see from the reviews. It shouldn’t be this difficult to make a change.
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    Developer Response

    Hi! We are glad to have your feedback because it helps us making a good game. Thank you! We greatly appreciate your support! Stay tuned for the updates! :)
  • Good Potential, HORRIBLE Ads

    When I first started playing this game i thought it was a silly little game that i can kill time with. But that changed pretty quick when it turned into an ad watching simulator. Every 10-15 seconds, or every 2-3 roads you make, an ad pops up! it’s about five seconds until a skip pops up, then five more seconds, then an app store pop up, then you can finally go back. the game “experience” is 70% ads 30% actual gameplay. This is sometimes even worse when ads struggle to load, to the point of having to completely close out and reopen the game! Normally I would just buy the no-ads, but 10 WHOLE DOLLARS! just to see no ads is an insanely high price! the way i see “no ads” is how much i would pay for the game if it weren’t free. at MOSTTTTTTT, this is a 1.99 game. if it were two dollars for zero ads i would gladly buy that! not to mention all the micro transactions in the game, there’s even more opportunities to make money. I get it’s a small development team and everything, but there are so many ways to make money other than that. The game is also pretty popular so the amount of money made from ads is astronomically higher than from buying no ads.

    TL;DR- The game is simple in design but the sheer quantity and quality of ads makes the game nearly impossible to play
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    Developer Response

    Hello there! State Connect can't continue being free-to-play without having advertisements. In-game purchases are optional. If you've encountered any issues in the game, then please tell us more about that by sending a message to our email address:
  • Fun but impossible

    I understand you need to have ads in the game. However, I timed the gameplay between 5 different ad pop ups and I had an ad show up every 50 seconds. Not even a full minute between ads is very ridiculous. Especially when I get back to the game my money has barely increased. I am almost spending more time watching ads then actually playing the game. That being said, depending on what I am trying to purchase, I sometimes don’t even have enough time to make the purchase before the add pops up. (I am only on the 4th state, still extremely early in the game). This game would be worth it if you have $10 to remove the ads. But, I have never played any other game where it costs that much to remove the ads. If it was $3 or $4 I would continue playing. I will also say that I am impressed with the game and from what I played it seems fun.
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  • Disappointing

    I have put off this game for weeks and finally cracked 2 days ago. Do not trust the 4.1 star rating. This game is truly terrible. I’ll first start with the ads. You get an ad every 45 seconds or so and it makes the game nearly unplayable. When you upgrade a city or buy a new state and etc.. an additional pops up in between. Every. Single. Time. I do understand devs need revenue from ads but 45 seconds is ridiculous. Maybe 1 minute or a minute and a half is sort of doable but 45 seconds is unnecessary. Based on reviews I’ve seen the game only has North America which is pretty lame. The no ads price is a ridiculous $9.99. I could go to a Wendy’s and get a decent lunch for that price point. Maybe a more reasonable price would have been better for this kind of game ($1.99 or $2.99 or even $4.99) This game requires internet which means no airplane mode to avoid ads. You do earn offline earnings so they at least got that on point. I have just removed it due to the unbearable amount of ads this game gives. If the developers update this game to regular standards of an idle game and they add more content maybe I’ll come back.
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  • Good…But it Could Be Better.

    I don’t really write reviews. I either like the game or don’t. I do like this game though. It is promising because mapping your way across North America is a leisure activity and I enjoy the colors of the different roads and cars. It’s a great idle game, but it could be better.

    There are three bonuses you can buy on your journey; Speed, income, and experience. I wish this game would tell you what they all mean, how much bonus they give you every time you upgrade, etc. because I can’t tell if they are doing much. I buy new states and route them out, upgrade the stations, and that makes a difference…somewhat. But it’s hard to tell how much the bonuses affect the stream of money coming in.

    Another thing that would be awesome is to be able to go afk. Make some money on the side, so you don’t log back in and see that your money hasn’t fluctuated. Unfortunately I can’t stay logged in all day.

    Another thing is that you level up. From what I can tell it doesn’t seem to do anything. Maybe throw in some bonuses, customization of the cars, add in tolls, maybe add events?

    It’s already a good idea, but just needs a little bit more.
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  • Needs an FAQ

    If you some how manage to ignore the ads every thirty seconds and start playing the game you’ll began to have many questions that no one is interested in answering. Ex: gold is given on arrival to destination, is there any benefit to longer roads or is it best to just keep them short? Had to learn on my own what the keys and levels were for but that didn’t take too long. Please create an faq designed to answer the small specific questions any player may have and then put a link in the settings to it. Not a bad game if you have nothing going on in your life tho. The ad free version seems very predatory. Obviously you don’t have to buy it, but $10?? There is simply not enough content in the game for a $10 selling point. I can buy a game on Xbox for $10 and spend countless hours over the course of months. Or I can remove ads while I complete this game over the next 3 days. I’m sure some idiots fall for it but $10 is straight predatory.
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  • ads can go somewhere else

    The game itself is addictive. the consistency makes it a good game to waste time on, however- as others have mentioned, there is an ad every 45-55 seconds (timed). And while i understand the need to make money to keep the game running, the reality is, it’s pushing people away from the game entirely as they aren’t going to spend their time watching another game every minute or so, thus making it difficult for the developers to make any money at all. I think there should be a place in which ads can be implemented, but not out of choice so persistently. Maybe instead of making the optional upgrades at the bottom monetary, make those ad only so people who want to continue forth in the game are still enjoying it while contributing to the income of the developers. maybe even add more upgrades so there are more places to put ads (if they’re that necessary). just a suggestion.
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  • A shame- For the casual gamer

    What makes casual gaming so relaxing? It’s the ability to play games for hours on end (if you wanted to) and not be interrupted with fast-paced, in-your-face ads. This game has all the qualifiers of a genuinely good and relaxing casual game. It has wonderful, calming music and an oddly charming slow pace that allows the player to unwind…however an ad will come up every thirty seconds. I don’t believe that paying for an ad removal should be the qualifier for a gamer to have a good in- game experience, at certainly not at a sizable $9.99 ad removal offer. This game would honestly earn five stars if ads were not constantly interrupting the calming affect the game had on you. So any game that’s amazing but overloads with forced ads, can only get a maximum of a three star rating from an experienced casual gamer.
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  • Very good but…

    Overall it’s a very good game. Simple but entertaining. There are a couple of flaws however. Once you connect everything in the United States, Canada, and Mexico A message pops up and says you’ve connected all of the states, would you like to go to the next level. Going to the next level simply deletes all of your connections in the United States, Canada, and Mexico and starts you over. I would have thought It would open another continent as the image shows in the Apple store, however it does not… Also, if you make the mistake of selecting Alaska as you’re starting point you will never get enough keys to unlock any other area and the only option you have is to delete the app and start from scratch (an obvious oversight by the developer but easily fixed). So where are the other continents as advertised? Also you need to add in an option for clearing your map as well as and a screen for instructions. Other than that it’s great, but with a $9.99 price tag, I would NOT suggest purchasing the app until these issues are addressed. Once you have access to other continents and a little bug fixing it would easily be a five star rating
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    Developer Response

    Hello! We're happy that you appreciate our game and are glad you're enjoying it! Thanks a lot for your feedback. It always helps hearing what players like.

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