Cornsweeper User Reviews

Robert Morrison

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  • Yikes

    I don’t need to repeat what everyone else is saying, just adding my voice to the chorus. Someone fell asleep at the switch when they approved this game. It’s so lame I’m almost offended.
  • Don't waste your time here

    I love minesweeper, and I wanted to love this game. Sadly, Cornsweeper somehow manages to be worse than the 30 year old minesweeper in almost every way imaginable.

    - input lag is terrible, you can clear about 1 tile every 2 seconds
    - "handcrafted" levels have unsolvable states
    - power ups are cryptically described and unclear when they are applied.
    - the tool tip for rotten corn shows up for ten levels
    - there's no "click on completed tile to clear" shortcut, a major quality of life downgrade
    - there's no counter for marked mines
    - sometimes mines are pre-solved but display a number which changes for a while and then stops - a mystery with no answer

    The one innovation I found interesting was empty tiles - they added some interesting possibilities. But nowhere near enough to overcome the above shortcomings.
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  • Poor Design

    Like others have said, this game is very poorly designed. I went looking for instructions and literally can’t get back to the game. I wanted to like it, but the design is terrible.
  • Very fun

    Reminds me of Mine Sweeper.
  • Unplayable on TV

    Controls are completely broken on AppleTV. Can’t move cursor up and down.

    Everything in the other reviews is also true - “story mode” has puzzles that you can fail on your first selection, which is not how any minesweeper-like game should work. I get that they wanted to do “designs” for each level, but they could simply start you with a bigger board that shifts the shape somewhere after your first selection, or even start you off with some of the numbered popcorns “given” so users don’t have to rely solely on luck at the start.
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  • Interface is unusable

    I decided to download this game, but the main menu is frustratingly hard to navigate, and important menu elements get covered by the dynamic island. Not worth your time.
  • Bewildering design

    This game is essentially Minesweeper with a corn theme. The aesthetics are beautiful, the music is great, but the game manages to take a straightforward concept and make it very confusing. There are set levels in Story Mode and randomized levels in Arcade mode. The first 4 or 5 times I played Arcade because the option for Story mode is set off center and doesn’t look like something you could tap to select. The bombs are generated before you select your first ‘kernel’ so you often select a bomb as your first move, lose the game, and lose in-game currency. Other minesweeper games I’ve played don’t generate the bomb locations until after you select your first square so that you never have to guess when playing- your first move is always safe.

    Like another reviewer said, the game starts out brutally difficult and then get easier as you go, which is a weird choice.

    I remember when this game was originally supposed to be released and then was suddenly delayed. Now it’s clear why that happened. It feels 75% done.
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  • Double click things in the shop to buy them

    After playing for a few minutes here and there over the course of the past few days, I’m done. It’s just not worth the frustration. Minesweeper with pregenerated levels doesn’t work for me. There is always a chance of clicking a mine on the first move; minesweeper generated the field after the first click so that this super frustrating thing didn’t happen. Furthermore, it is possible to continue playing the field after triggering a mine thru upgrades and I wish I could take the upgrade back since then I have to quit and restart manually. Finally, a lot of mechanics are not explained and I doubt this’ll ever have enough followers for a wiki.

    I just want expert-sized randomly generated fields. The story adds nothing but annoyance. Also, 9 mines in a 49 cell field? That’s not difficult, that’s just annoying. 1/10 ratio was perfect; this is far from.
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  • Bad game design and poor mechanics

    This “game” is unfinished, poorly designed, and fill with bugs. The bugs are switches language to Arabic randomly, store doesn’t update icons properly, not all mines are revealed at the end of an episode, levels sometimes don’t end even with all cells revealed, and levels can also end with not all non mine cells revealed if a cell next to a zero is left. The game design issues are as follows, handcrafted levels are the same each time and less fun than random levels, menus are poorly laid out and confusing, power up’s are so confusing you don’t know what does what, the achievements menu is confusing, the sound deck makes no sense and is useless even when unlocked, and the system that handles revealing cells next to zeros doesn’t reveal diagonals. As someone who has coded minesweeper fully from scratch the developer either has no clue what they are doing or has awful taste in gameplay. This game is the worst game I’ve ever played on Apple Arcade and should be fully reworked before being released again as the idea is a good one. But only the idea is a good one nothing else about this game works and I’ve played through every level. To the development team, please re learn to make games because you don’t know how to.
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  • Horrible and confusing interface

    I love mine sweeper. Its so easy to play. This game here has a confusing interface. You can’t tell what anything does or even how to start a game. Some areas of the map click but don’t do anything. I figured by clicking the ocean a couple times I can get to a list of 1-9. Then i figured that clicking on 1 starts a level. I played the level and it was ok. Then I played another level and that was ok. In the 1-9 menu i noticed level 2 had a broom near it. But level 1 had a blue } near it. I didn’t know what that meant so I clicked it. Then the level started again. I tapped on the field and blew up. Lost money on a level i already successfully completed. I still dont know what the blue } means. I played level 3. First click i blew up again. Lost more money. It briefly shows where the bad spots are. Started number 3 again and quickly won because I saw the spots.

    I just don’t see how this game is fun if it shows you locations, all the maps are fixed, and none of the interface makes sense.
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