Cornsweeper User Reviews

Robert Morrison

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  • Want to love it, literally can’t

    Minesweeper is super fun and I was excited to see a minesweeper game getting added to Apple Arcade, but this just isn’t it. Game audio is glitchy, game language keeps changing to Arabic randomly upon launch, you have to buy the ability to flag bombs and that ability is either limited or it just randomly disappears and you have to repurchase it and there’s not an easy way to get to the in game shop (rather than the shop being accessible on the map, you can only access the shop by winning or losing a level. Super unintuitive design). I honestly wouldn’t have cared too much about the audio and language since you don’t really need those things to play minesweeper, but the ability to flag bombs shouldn’t be an “upgrade” that you have to purchase, it’s a very basic part of the game. Minesweeper is already such a basic game and to lock some of its fundamental features behind a store and not even have them be permanent upgrades is just a complete miss to me. It also doesn’t tell you how to use it, you just kinda have to figure it out yourself which is really dumb.
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  • Not a good Minesweeper

    Have you ever played Minesweeper? Do you like it? Then don’t waste your time. The good? Well the developer seems to be working on a fun looking game with a quirky idea of popcorn. The bad? The Minesweeper portion of the game is awful. If it was decent, I would play longer to see if there was anything better to get to. As is, the board is set. What I mean by that is that at every level, the board is already known. If you repeat it, you get the same board. When you first click on the board, you’re likely to get a bomb. Any decent Minesweeper game should have a variety of boards, and the board should not be set until the first click. The first click needs to always go into an open area. The next thing is that there is no way to mark the bombs. So just remember. You have to remember where they all are so that you can click around them. Really? I won’t bother even going into this game unless those two things are fixed. I need to be able to mark the bombs (or burnt kernels) and the boards need to be set after first click so that the game doesn’t start in explosion.
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  • The worst minesweeper style game I’ve ever played

    And very seriously in the running for worst game I’ve ever played. Biggest problem is the “minimalist” nature. Everything is an icon. There is very little text. I’m sure Tim Apple thought he had his next Jony Ive here. They do not. This is a disaster. I have no idea what half the options do. Is there a way to mark “burnt popcorn”? I have no idea. It was not described in the tutorial, and everything I have tried (long press, double tap, tap and slide) does not let you mark a spot.

    Worse yet, there is no starting protection. I went into Level 1, and lost ON MY FIRST TAP five times in a row. Mind you, you LOSE MONEY (even at 0, you go negative) when this happens. Fantastic new player experience here.

    I tapped fully everything I could, and there is very little here worth mentioning. The credits screen is hilarious. It’s so minimalistic I can’t even see a single person that made this game. That’s good. They should not have their names publicly known (I’d change my name if I made this game).
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