Warcraft Rumble User Reviews

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  • Unbalanced cash grab missing basic features

    The initial experience was fun. The PvE is great compared to others of the genre. However, for joining the genre 5+ years late, it doesn’t even have basic functionality such as a match summary or replays, friendly battles, etc.

    Although technically free, PvP may as well be gated behind a paywall. Your unit levels have throttled/capped levels as you progress in rank, similar to other games, in order to even the playing field at low ranks while the $$ players can rise up. However, you can pay $ for extra abilities for units, and those extra abilities are not gated by rank. The point formula for win/loss keeps most people, even cash players, at a low rank. So after you win ~5 games, you will be placed against people with full rosters of added abilities, against which there is simply no winning if you don’t also have the extra abilities. For f2p it will probably take 6+ months to get a single deck to this point.

    If you are a cash player and are still interested, the PvP balance is horrendous. There are a handful of highly OP units, so every match is monotonous with highly similar decks, and deviating from the short list of OP units is a massive power loss.
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  • Really bad

    If you enjoy games that are loaded with bugs this game is for you. If you enjoy games where “progression” means almost nothing then this game is for you. Have fun grinding “quests” only to have all those quests scale with your account so that all your effort amounts to next to nothing. Pvp levels are capped at level 1. Honestly there is no point in leveling anything up in this game, your only reward will be more grinding in the same zones to level the same characters only to have everything scale with your level anyway. There is no point in this game. Its repetitive, and no amount of time or effort or even money for that matter will ever get you actually anywhere in the game. Its fun at first, give it a play through, but it is buggy, the pathing is shoddy at best, but the first time you play a zone or level it can be fun, by the 20th time in that zone it gets old. The only reward for beating a new zone is that it gets added into the pool for quests that scale with your level anyways. I gave it a solid try, but it just has no lasting enjoyment at all. Uninstalled before the first season ended.
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  • Money grab

    Played for a month. Was fun, then hit the talked about impassible wall. It’s designed to beat you down so you’ll open you’re wallet. I don’t mind micro transactions, if they make sense. This is just fleecing people. You get to certain encounters with an army you like, then have to switch armies to something you may not be playing because it will do better in that particular fight. Problem is those minis are so low level that you’ll spend another month to get them on the level, even with buying xp. PvP will match you with players completely out of your league (on purpose it seems), to give you a beat down, again so you’ll spend money. No explanations of boss mechanics, you think your on your way to a win and be completely wiped because of a surprise mechanic or ability. Rewards for just playing are so minimal it may as well not be there. Thursdays and Sundays are the only time you can earn real gold. Guild rewards are easily earned in about two weeks and then there’s nothing to do or work for. Overall, the gameplay is fun, but the progress grind is incredibly frustrating and debilitating. The way to win, it seems, is to just be 2-3 levels above the bosses. And even that’s hard to do, even with buying xp.
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  • Working better! Needs more competitive PvP

    If they added global exp from mini (mobs) trading and changed the way chests drop items: gold/exp and added a boss middle which gave a buff +gold and changed the position of towers or requirements on tower order like other moba game so people actually contested them this game could be fit for ESports arena. I’d also love to see a 2v2 and 3v3 competitive more with more objectives and towers that can manage big pushes you’d see this game spike for a lot of players looking to jump away from league. This game is simple right now which makes it fun but so was LoL at first and as it got better and the content became more advanced yet simple the game took over. This game needs to advance strategically because atm you just rush right side and drop unbound for gold points and everyone is using the same mobs isolating the meta to very few minis. You need to create reason for other minis to shine and objectives and power dynamics helps with balancing. Game has the potential to be amazing as long as blizzard pulls back on this horrible pay wall opens it up to free to play and focuses on map and character skins vs. A horrible pay wall! WARNING: pay wall is very bad!!!
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  • Decent player review

    I used to play Clash Royale but fell behind because I did not pay to win, and Rumble seems to be heading in that same route only worse. I have played a lot and got to the Plague lands in the 60s with a collection level of 19 and I just can’t seem to push further. There are at least 5 different cash grab packs at any given time and the amount of EXP you gain is abysmal.

    You get to unlock three talents for each of your minis and I eventually found that only one talent is active at a time. This game is already extremely difficult, the AI cheats and gains more gold than you do passively. Most games I control the entire board with every gold mine and chest under my control and yet the AI still pushes out more minis than me.

    I really wanted to enjoy this game, and I even remember Blizzard promoting CO-OP for this game early in its development, but I guess just like Overwatch 2, they scuffed that mechanic for more money instead. Overall if you want a game like this I’d say steer clear from Rumble, it is an obvious cash grab.
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  • Fun until level 55ish

    I know this is not so much a game as it is a cash grab but I am from the game generation. I like to have fun and enjoy playing. This is such a grind unless of course you blast thru real money. I spent 10 bucks but I doubt I will spend any more. There is really no permanent gains from spending money just a bit less grind. If say for spending money I got a little extra free xp every day to all my minis that would be good. Or a small permanent xp percentage boost for the money I spent. 25% more xp for 5 bucks or something like that. Other than that the game is fun in small doses. Once I am done with my higher xp quests and the three rewards there is not much to do. The lvl 59+ world quests I can’t beat yet and I have to wait for the next dungeon. I have other games that do this type of pvp better. The legendary missions I don’t even comprehend how the beat. I tried stopping the level 22 miner that levels up with each gold and one hits your tower and uhhh nope.. I stopped him at 22 and killed him but couldn’t get to the boss and another one spawned that I couldn’t get to in time.. maybe the first gold should be further from their home base… I know I am at the point where green is the fastest way to win…
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  • A truly respectable game

    Original, fun, innovative, kind of a spectacle in a hidden gem kind of way. You can tell the developers aimed to create a non-predatory environment in game (for your wallet, of course). That being said, it does highly incentivize you to spend your money once you get your minions around level 10 to continue the PVE mode. And at that point grinding becomes rather tedious. HOWEVER, having played many grindy games myself, I would say that the method of grinding is far from the worst I’ve seen. Overall, if you plan on playing this game in the long run, I WOULD say you should expect to throw at least SOME money, especially since it occasionally drops time sensitive deals, but because they are not exorbitant, so it doesn’t feel bad. Overall, would recommend, but if you are decidedly against spending any money firmly, you might consider a different a different game. If it’s not a problem for you to drop some dollars, definitely try the game out.
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  • Fun game but needs some fixes

    The game is a lot of fun and definitely has potential. The minis are good, the gameplay is fun and gives me back days when crash royal was fun. I’ll keep playing for sure. It’s a new game so balance will still be added to some minis.

    However, there are glaring problems that need to be fixed. Blizzard continues to have lag and game crashes in this game just like Diablo 4. Their team in charge of those features cannot get it right. The last thing that needs to change is how the PVE AI play their troops. There isn’t strategy on the pve side. They just have no gold restraints and can have up to 50 gold on the board while you have 10. Most levels you start against about 20 gold on the board. Blizzard is almost a requirement due to the amount of troops they can throw on the board just to kill most of them off. It would be more fun to also limit the AI gold and give them better strategy. If they don’t fix this the game will die for anyone playing the PVE aspect. At about 40 digits this becomes a huge problem.
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  • Decent gameplay, pay to win model

    I played the game for a few hours. The gameplay is just alright. I’m sure there are more engaging team combinations once you’ve unlocked more minis, but if after three hours it starts to feel like a grind, then it’s not very enjoyable. After these three hours, I was offered a pack for $4.99 that would give me 3x as much gold as I had earned during my playtime. It instantly made me feel like I had wasted my time playing at all, since all I would need to do is spend less than I would for a coffee and have a ton of gold. It made me think of how much I make hourly at my job and equate that to playing the game. If I make say 300 gold per hour and a pack for $5 is 1500 gold. Then I’m basically making $1 an hour in gold in this game. And I’m not complaining about the price of the pack, or the amount of gold you earn in game. I’m annoyed that while playing a video gam, it makes me think of real life working and has me drawing parallels at all. I wish more people would take a harder stance on micro transactions in games, because I know most people would choose for them to not exist given the option. Yet people still rate games that have them 4.8 stars and spend their hard earned money for a fleeting sense of superiority.
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  • Great game, but beware of in-game purchase issues!

    This game has been great so far, but I cannot recommend buying the in-game packs. As of right now, Blizzard has stated that in-game items from purchases can take 72 hours to receive. Seriously? I guess if you don’t mind waiting days to get your digital goods and having to go back and forth with help tickets on their site, then might be worth it because it’s a pretty good game. I’ve just been waiting over 4 days now and still not received items from my pack and I don’t know if they will even fix this or I should dispute the charge with my credit card co. Just received a generic response from Blizzard and apparently a lot of other people are having similar experiences with in-game purchases. How long should I have to wait though? They could say something at least..

    On top of that the performance issues are frustrating and hopefully will be addressed soon. Constantly crashing and missing out on the stage completion rewards is deterring.
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