Warcraft Rumble User Reviews

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  • Fort condor for wow

    Warcraft rumble is awesome! It got strategy, epic gameplay, and gnomes!!! If gnomes arent your thing it has other fantasy creatures like orcs, gryphons and trolls oh my! Better than a sidescroller, this game lets you level your game pieces and it has a chesslike feel with gold miners that are like pawns and ground troops like armored soldiers and other fighter classes similar to bishops, flying gnome kamikaze troops like knights and you can even get characters like the archmage jaina or the orc overlord grommash that are more powerful troops that are similar to queens. It has a kind of reverse tower defense feel although you can get towers so its like a tower offense and defense game with both sides pumping out troops and manning the artillery!!!! I love this game and can forsee playing it regularly. I also like how it has ingame bonuses to allow free to play people to keep up even if they dont buy items or troops from the store.
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  • Another pay to win cash grab

    Progress through the “campaign” is excruciatingly difficult it hints that you need to level up the mini’s and you can only do that repeating previous missions but you get absolutely no reward save for 4xp so you’re grinding for hours to raise random minis that may or may not actually be effective. New minis are outrageously over priced and the only way to get new ones it to actually progress in the “campaign”. You can spend real money to buy - potentially - better minis. The PvP is extremely unbalanced, one match I’m up against someone who is practically new to the game, next match I’m against someone who can churn out minis literally every second minis that I might add are some how more powerful and have a higher DPS than seems possible for the forced level one. 1/2⭐️/5 it’s cute, it’s a great premise, but PvP is drastically unbalanced with little to no real reward to suffer through it, the next to no gold gain without spending real money makes advancing or building a good team extremely slow and again not worth it. Don’t waste your time unless you’ve got a lot of money to burn.
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  • Solid game all around

    Warcraft Rumble presents a well-rounded gaming experience, marked by its distinctive map designs and an innovative twist involving mini combinations akin to Clash Royale. The game's AI opponents provide a formidable challenge, ensuring that players don't swiftly breeze through the content, thereby promoting a sense of progression. It's worth noting that concerns regarding balance in the game appear, in many instances, to be rooted in individual skill disparities. Warcraft Rumble manages to strike a fine equilibrium, offering fair and appropriately challenging gameplay, thereby instilling a profound sense of accomplishment upon completing its various challenges.
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  • Glad

    Excellent, Blizzard has done it again. As they always do! Love this little distraction. It’s much to my liking! I was concerned it would be much too adulty for little tikes. Of course - shrugs- it has its lovely artsy flare of the traditional Blizzard banners, though very simplified. It’s much like their prior Warcrafty card game and hearthstone game only, with great Easter eggs of all the other WoW games all in one tiny app, so it’s Almost like any other mini game app out there - Almost, but Blizzard, and fortunately in this instance that means it’s a step up. Thus far living up to the typical high Blizzard expectations for excellence in our world of Ever diminishing gaming standards. For me, I still love pc games best over apps, however and that being said, for an app - it definitely bests my 3 star expectations of most second rate mobile time absorbent adult sitters. ^_^ Thank you Blizzard team! :]
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  • Set up for instant failure

    Obviously the game is pvp/pve how ever I’m the pve instances you are at the worst disadvantage I’ve ever seen in a game like this. Even when played 100% perfectly you still can instantly die, now let’s take a dive into why… it’s because the enemy already holds a forward position and has a handful of mobs already marching towards your base. When they also start with the same mana as you the player. I get that companies need to make money but to stomp out players in the first three zones and either force the to buy with real money or grind for actual days to get anywhere is insane… id recommend some balance on all the extra starting mobs or not having the pve enemy’s starting with a forward base that is actually 2.1 steps away from your nexus?? I mean I probably know nothing I’ve only been playing video games for 3 decades… The suits know all
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  • Clearly a “Pay to win” game

    Yet another “Pay to win” mobile game designed to frustrate the player with snail pace progress and “can’t progress without leveling up” stages where you cannot possibly level up enough to continue without spending. Top that off with a casino slot machine type “win credits” store designed to keep needed/wanted items in view but out of reach ( unless you like handing over cash to Activision Blizzard for no real good reason ). The App Store is FULL of better or equally as fun games with minimal need for constant in-app purchases. Get smart and don’t play into the greedy cash grabs with near zero benefit for the end user. Should be easy since this game is borderline boring anyway with is snail like play and progression. Chock up another Blizzard failure.
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  • Fun strat

    The game is fun although there is in game purchases but it is free of course so given that it’s free the incentive in game purchases is almost a must but at the same time it is a World of Warcraft universe in your hands and it is very fun and always strategic definitely recommend for anybody that’s looking for a strategic game in Azeroth. The only problem I have with the game is the random upgrades of winning or surrendering every round it gives you random upgrades for random characters which is kind of awful every way better if I gave you the upgrades for the current character if you have a quipped not the ones that aren’t in use other than that it’s pretty fun.
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  • Hooked!

    I love the artwork, gameplay, and many many Warcraft references which is a given with the name and all. I wish some of the loading screens were faster and I’ve had occasional issues with app crashes and error codes. I feel like with it being Blizzard and as long as it took to release that they’d have thoroughly debugged it. Either way I’m really enjoying it and excited to see what the future holds.
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  • Loving it so far buuutttt

    I’m loving this game so far but there’s somethings that would make it even better.
    1. We’re using our bnet stuff, why can’t I see if any of my friends are playing, because let’s be honest, you more than likely have friends on bnet if you’re playing this game day one.
    2. With the clan stuff (and friends if that does get implemented) I would like to see challenges implemented. Won’t level your minis or anything, just test out a new deck or see how it fares against other stuff people come up with. And alongside this why not have a share button, if you have a deck that’s really working for you, show it off.
    3. Match replays. Close match in pvp and won by a hair? Share it to friends or clan mates or even replay it so you can screen record and post on discord or Reddit.
    4. Don’t shove the pay stuff down our throats, or at least give an option to turn it off. I don’t see myself paying for anything in this, and it’s great that there’s no ads, but it would be nice not to see ‘You’ve unlocked Hogger’s Hoard’ and things like that as frequent. We get it, it will be pay to win, no need to rub it in to the people who don’t want to spend the money or don’t have enough.
    5. Show us the rock paper scissors chart in the deck builder.

    That’s all I have right now. When I see a few new features put in I’ll up the rating because I really do love the game.
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  • Fun initially then frustration ensues

    The game is charming and fun on paper hit a complete disaster as you progress. You’re incentivized, as a mobile game, to spend money to easier achieve leveling and resources you’ll need to level up and unlock new minis.
    The first couple of chapters of the game were fun and not too much of a challenge. Then, the difficulty curve hits. You’re supposed to train by doing quests and they’re extremely tedious and slow and will become extremely chore like in time if you stay free to play.
    Balance in the game is going to be an insanely difficult issue that won’t likely be fixed, ever, as we have seen in Blizzard games.
    PvP being mandatory for gold and rewards weekly is a huge turnoff. This should not be rewarding such important things. Some people don’t want the headache of pvp being darn near mandatory.
    Dungeons are too difficult, high mob-waves are too difficult to overcome with resources charging slowly, and leveling up minis is painfully slow.

    I played this game for 72 hours, all free, and noticed a huge halt in progress after a few chapters. I unlocked dungeons but can’t beat any, I can’t beat the next chapter without leveling up my minis, and the training quests are way too slow to keep my attention. I will see how the game updates as it goes on but to me, as a curious player looking to see what’s going on in Rumble, I got out before I got too sucked into a chore and wallet-manget.
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