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  • Amazing!!

    I have been waiting for this to come out. I love that quest base campaign. I like that it isn't pay to win. PLEASE KEEP IT THAT WAY. Don’t give us a reason to dump money into massive power lvling our heroes. Let us grind for our lvls. I love the tactics and strategies you have on each map as you progress. I look forward to the evolution of this game. Please please please keep this game away from PAY TO WIN. its so much better without it.
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  • WOW WOW WOW! I’m Hooked!

    So I’m not a Warcraft player and to be honest idk any of the characters. The last Warcraft I played on PC was the first or second title where you could pick orcs or humans and build and battle. That being said I love games like this where it’s PVP and you build your own deck or in this case minis. This game has a HUGE ADVANTAGE over other titles in this genre and that’s the STORY MODE!!! It’s so fun to just be able to play the game on story mode when you don’t wanna really play a PVP match. The minis and their designs and actions are top of the line. It’s clear Blizzard didn’t cut any corners here and it shows. I can’t wait to see what other new things are added to the game as the updates start to come in. I’ve also noticed another big thing that normally effects this genre and that’s the fact that this game is NOT A PAY2PLAY/WIN! It’s literally skill based and that’s a big plus imo. The rewards you get from story mode are more than enough to rank up your minis and be competitive in PvP mode.
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  • Horribly balanced forever grind

    Seemed really fun at first, I picked a strategy and played for a while leveling up a set of cards. Was doing really well when they unveiled a Dungeon system that I couldn’t play because a different faction of heroes was needed for it this week. Seems the dungeon is tuned to your top level set so playing it on the lesser hero that was the correct faction meant there was zero chance of success.

    Grinding means getting 20-something currency for 3 to 4 minute games (if they are winnable as some pve opponents are the rock to your scissors), which means I only need to do 15 games to level up one level 10 card. So just an hour and a half playing to have one card to 10% more damage.

    Either unleash the credit card or prepare to spend days ramming your head against the wall for barely any gain.
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  • Add mounts

    They should and mounts and make it more like world of Warcraft dragon flight just on noble and easy to get the mounts and able to transfer them to you other characters that are on your computer laptop or anything else but they should and mounts and able to transfer to your character on your laptop or computer. You should also make it able to link to your battle net account so you can transfer the mounts to your computer or laptop.
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  • Haven’t a clue what’s going on

    When you first open this game you’re greeted with a 15 fps cutscene of a cool looking story. It then immediately throws you into a game and starts bombarding you with menial information and telling you to place units down without actually explaining what they do or what they are, and apparently a combat triangle is critical here. So after you win your first game that is handed to you, you’re immediately put into another game all on your own. I have no idea what’s going on other than I can spawn creatures that walk forward and fight - very poorly. I have no idea what counters what because nothings labeled, so I’m just endlessly spawning monsters in. The only memorable one is the kobold that carries a pickaxe. The rest of the character are boring and look alike. There are multiple flying characters, but one is supposed to be siege and the other is ranged, both die instantly. Game doesn’t have any explanation, even as a 15+ year World of Warcraft player, I haven’t a slightest idea what is going on. It’s left me frustrated and unwanting to continue. Haven’t even touched the actual game past what is supposed to be the tutorial to take a look at what a cesspool of a cash grab this is supposed to be. Really unfortunate, I should have definitely learned my lesson from Blizzard pushing out bad games, but I hoped this would be different. It’s not, it’s the same old song and dance.
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  • Amazing So Far

    I have to give this a 5-star review based on the first few hours of gameplay. The gameplay loop is quite fun and I have not even reached dungeons/raids. This game is like a slower clash royale with more PvE potential. I really hope that the game does not feel pay to win in the later stages. Constant quests aside from the campaign to incentivize gameplay for decent rewards. Hope it holds up and receives attention as time goes on!
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  • Crashing and Bugs

    Overall, I would put the game around 4-stars in its current iteration. Granted, the game has only been out for a day, so I’m sure there’s a lot of change to come. Gameplay is smooth, instructions and information are easy to follow, and progression without spending money seems to be decent… for now. What’s really getting me is how many times the game will crash. I have an iPhone 14 Pro Max and an M1 iPad Pro, both devices up to date on OS. However, the game constantly crashes. Finish a match and want to collect your reward? Can’t because it’s frozen. Hit 30 sigils and want to enter dungeons? Can’t because there’s a bug error. Want to pause the game for more than ~10 seconds? We’re sorry, error has occurred. I hope they fix all of this and more within the coming days/week. Don’t let this deter you from trying it out and having fun!
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  • Fun game, IAP issues everywhere

    The game is great, it’s fun and the in app purchases where targeted don’t feel scammy or overly priced. The only real issues is the abysmal integration of in-app purchases. The game regularly crashes, or resets when the menu comes up to purchase something. I’ve purchased and not received several items and performed all expected operations (restarting phone, restarting app, reinstalling, etc) nothing has worked and Blizzard offers no support other than to tell you to do those things then auto closes to the tickets. I’d recommend the game, but suggest you do a hard pass on anything with real value in the game until they fix the issues seemingly everyone is having from Reddit to other fansites with the in-app purchases. I’m running the latest iPhone (iPhone 15 Pro Max) with iOS 17, so I’m not skimping on tech and as mentioned hundreds of others on Reddit and Twitter are mentioning the same issues across multiple device families.
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  • Buggy Broken Mess

    Really representative of the new “blizzard quality” we’ve all come to expect these days. When you are actually in a match it tends to go off without a hitch. But operating the UI menu between matches is like walking through a minefield. I’ve had slews of errors that softlock me from doing anything until I close and restart the app, buttons being unresponsive for minutes at a time, and constant app crashes.

    Being forced to close and reset the app or having it outright crash on me no less than a dozen times in the first hour of playing it is hilariously sad, because it’s just expected at this point. I’ve never seen an app struggle so much to just stay open.
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  • Single player

    I really like that it has a single player to it. I’m iffy on the booster and purchases part. I have been down this road of buying in game things only for the game to shut down half a year later and not getting a refund. Over all it does have a strategy to it that I really like that.

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