Parents User Reviews

All About Parenting, Inc.

Top reviews


Super easy to navigate on the app

O echipă minunată

La multe întrebări găsești răspunsuri. Vă mulțumesc pentru ajutorul vostru!

Response from developer

Salut! Ne bucurăm să aflăm că ai obținut informații valoroase, care îți sunt de ajutor. Mulțumim pentru feedback!

Trustworthy App and company.

This app delivers what it offers. Rare anymore. I’m beginning to feel this app and overall program is the best kept secret around!.. and I plan on spreading the word:)

Response from developer

Hi, I❤️kona! Thank you for your feedback. We're thrilled to hear that our app has delivered on its promises and that you're finding it to be a hidden gem. We also appreciate your support and enthusiasm in spreading the word about our program. Congrats on deciding to learn more on how to be the best parent for your child!

Schimbă destine!

Cea mai utilă aplicație pe care o poate avea în telefon un părinte, schimbă vieți!
E deajuns să îți dorești!

Response from developer

Salut, Kristian! Apreciem mesajul tău și îți mulțumim pentru feedback. Felicitări pentru dorința de a învăța!

A. P

Super !!!!’👍👍👍


I highly recommend this program. Patrick and his team are doing an amazing job with helping us parents accomplish the hardest task of our lives. 🤪

Response from developer

Hi! Thank you for the kind words. We are happy to know you found valuable information and that you enjoyed the experience. Congratulations for working on being the best parent for your children!


In primul rând vreau sa spun ca deși am avut anumite idei in privința modalităților de a oferi un tip de învățare sănătos, acest curs m-a făcut sa înțeleg cu exactitate ceea ce de fapt nici eu nu am avut din partea părinților mei. Urania pătrunde profund in esența atat a invatataturii pentru copil cat si in cea a părinților. Este un cadou minunat către copilul tău interior si ulterior care se va revarsă nu numai propriul tău copil cat si către cei din jur si ii poți ajuta sa parcurgă aceasta minunata călătorie a parenting’ului cu cel mai drag de învățătura. Pana la urma aceasta este scopul nostru in viața, de a invata continuu, învățarea nu se va termina niciciodata si de ce sa nu o facem cu drag?! Multumim Urania!❤️
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This app is changing me and my girls

Parenting is incredibly hard, especially being a single mom. This app and the masterclasses and one on one coaching sessions is helping me extremely on bettering myself as a person and mother, with understanding ,the 3 basic psychological needs is a game changer. They say it takes a village to raise children and that is the truth! This app gives me so much support, everyone only wants to see me and my girls succeed. I am so grateful I’ve joined this community. Thank you for guiding me to be the mom Ive always inspired to be
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Parenting made easier

Absolutely recommend this program to any parents who feel they beed help. We keep getting the help!💕

Response from developer

Hi! Thank you for your feedback. Offering clear explanations and practical solutions is key in supporting parents. Have a nice day!

Wonderful resource!

I’ve been getting a lot out of this app. It’s easy, bite size lessons, pack useful information into 5-12 minute sessions. I’m using the playbook that comes along with it to complete the exercises. Ive already been putting what I’ve learned into practice and have seen great results. I’ve got a long way to go, but feel confident by the end of it that I’ll have the skillset I need to raise a kind, confident, competent human. Lord knows the world needs more of them!
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Response from developer

Hi! Thank you so much for your feedback, for your trust and recommendation. We are committed to continuing our work and providing valuable resources to parents everywhere.

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