Scavenger Hunt! User Reviews

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  • Was Great Until….

    ….until they added that stupid ranking system. That’s pretty much killed it for me. I downloaded this a few months ago. I paid for the ad removal because I liked the game do much. Then not long ago they changed some formatting. Where you used to be able to voluntarily watch an ad to get a power up, now you have to buy those power ups with coins. And the prices are pretty outrageous. So you can earn these coins by completing the timed daily tasks to the tune of 5 coins per daily task completed. NOW…they have added this incredibly STUPID rank system that increases as you find items. So picture this… you are racing against the clock finding items, be they balloons, cobwebs, or thieves….you’re in “the zone” things are going great then suddenly up pops this window “Congratulations!!! You are now ranked as Detective! Here’s a reward”. What!?!? I’m in the middle of a timed task and you throw me off and sabotage me with this stupid nonsense! I think they pause the clock but still, your concentration in broken. Now when you go back to the game it’s precious seconds of “where was I?” They have ruined the game. I wish I could go back and undo the update that installed that stupid rank system but I can’t. It was great while it lasted I suppose.
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  • Heads up: In App Purchase Scam

    They make you think that everything is on the map and then you should pay them money so they'll show you where it is, but they don't load those objects until the end of the game it seems to be set on a timer. Meaning you may stare at the map for three hours looking for a sandwich that will not manifest there until three hours after you start looking for the sandwich. Meaning that you wasted three hours so they could try to charge you $1.99. Kind of a scam if you don't know this so you should probably know this. Things appear randomly in the map that weren't there before and objects appear randomly in the map they were not there before. It's fun until you realize that you've wasted the past three hours of your life looking for a sandwich that wasn't going to appear because it set on a timer and they didn't disclose that and now you've given them five dollars to find out object and then realize they just taken advantage of you. You're not bad at this game the game just wants you to think you're bad at the game. You could prove it if you screen recorded the whole session. Heads up. Rating this two stars. It's fun...but they're scamming people what's worse is they're making people think that they're bad at finding objects when they're actually trying to get money from you. I know you want money but wounding other people, self-esteem and confidence so you can make money it is just not a good look.
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  • Was fun, but the new level competition needs fixing

    I’ve been playing this game for almost a year now - I even paid for the ad removal. I love the different themes & enjoy finding “Easter egg-type” references to other games/movies, etc. while playing the different areas (love the Monty Python reference in the new Medieval map, for example!). The devs seem to add new theme maps pretty regularly, which is nice & keeps the game fresh! However, I’m not thrilled the devs decided to bring back the coin rewards you then have to spend in the store for the power-ups (like the magnifying glass) that we used to just get as rewards. Remembering to go spend the coins is a pain. Also, the new leader board is fun, but I always seem to get stuck at the Sheriff level (highest) at a certain level (such as my current 403) & then I never can seem to progress past that level! I think the coding needs to be fixed….last round I was perpetually stuck at Sheriff level 1024 & couldn’t go higher, and all the same “players” also never change around me…so I know I should be progressing/changing each time the progress window pops up, but nope…still stuck at the same exact spot! It’s frustrating & takes away from the fun of playing. I’ve sent 2 support requests & chats via the game, but I never get a response, so figured it might be time to post a rating & review in the hope it will get the glitches fixed.
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  • Unfortunate

    Unfortunately this is a fun idle game with simple but please graphics like Where’s Waldo, BUT like all other great games in the app store they are absolutely ruined by adds. 3 ads in 1 minutes is ridiculous. After the first ten minutes of play the adds become incessant making it impossible to enjoy the game. There’s no reason for as infuriations. I’d be more interested in keeping the game if before each level or every other level all the ads were played at once. Just another game profiting off of consumers. They are commodifying our consumption on a massé scale. It makes something as simple as a phone game, what’s supposed to be relaxing and chill, stressful, frustrating and annoying. We simply cannot escape being capitalized on. No i will not be paying $10 for free ads on every game i download. No i don’t want to be charged monthly. This isn’t how it was in the beginning of App store. I don’t remember Fruit Ninja, Subway Surfers, or Temple Run being constantly interrupted by ads. I believe creative artists, programmers, graphic designers should be paid fairly but that should NOT be at the cost of the consumer’s satisfaction. These are mild ways of just making life less and less enjoyable.
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  • 4 stars because ….

    there’s two reasons i’m giving this 4 stars. it’s really fun and good to challenge my mind while watching tv. but the first reason it’s not getting 5 stars is that i feel like all the hidden objects aren’t out on the screen at once. you look at one particular area 5 times and nothing is there that you’re looking for. then you use the compass clue and BAM the object is so obvious sticking out right where you just looked. it doesn’t make sense and is kind of annoying. the other reason it’s not getting 5 stars are the ADS. i understand games have to make money and there will be ads. it’s nice that the ads are short. but i’m tired of them popping up every 30 seconds. i can’t even accurately search an area without getting interrupted by an ad twice in one minute. it should be one ad every 5 minutes, not one every 30 seconds. in a game where you have to focus to search a large area, that gets really annoying. it doesn’t make me want to buy the no ads option, it makes me want to stop playing and find a different scavenger hunt game.
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  • Intrusive ads every 15 seconds

    The problem with apps riddled with ads? They don’t hook the gamer before they annoy the gamer then expect you to pay to get rid of the annoyance.

    If ads were spaced out about 2-3x longer in between than they currently are? I likely would have paid to remove them. Because I would have had enough time to enjoy the game before getting annoyed by the ads. But the “enjoy” time is so so short that is is heavily outweighed by the annoying ads and I’m not able to really get into the game. Thus giving an overall poor experience. Since my view is very negative of the game, putting any money into it is completely off the table “just to find out” if I like it or not. Can’t get into it long enough to get a feel for it. Since it’s also time-based before an ad shows, I can’t look away from the app without feel like I’m wasting time - it doesn’t value the player’s time. Maybe it should have been after X number of taps on the screen. But time-based is a slap in the face. Hard pass.

    I spend hundreds on games every month, but I won’t spend a dime on this. Developers need to understand that every time an ad is FORCED on the user is an opportunity for the gamer to stop playing the game, lose interest, and/or delete the game. This developer clearly missed the mark on that and their conversion is much lower than it truly could be.
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  • The Number of Ads Makes It Unplayable

    The game started out very promising. The art style, scenery, characters, items, everything is adorable. As are the little animations. However, by day 2, the frequency of the ads increased so much and became so unbearable, I had to give up playing. It got to the point where I couldn’t even locate the next item before another ad stopped my gameplay. To make things worse, it went from returning me to where I was on the map when it interrupted me to automatically sending me to the bottom of the map, causing me to lose my place. Not the end of the world since the maps aren’t massive (at least in the beginning where I was) but still annoying. Factor in how many scrolls/seconds it took to get back to where I was, however, and in no time another ad would start and the process would begin anew. It would be preferable if ads were linked to perhaps every 10 items found and/or if you come back into the app after being away. That way you are guaranteed the opportunity to make some progress before being interrupted again. Just a thought, but something definitely needs to change. It’s just too unforgiving. You can’t even interrupt/skip them at all like in some other mobile games. And you shouldn’t have to pay to make the game playable. Not saying there should be no ads, that’s how they make money, but it needs to be reasonable. Make the number of ads less obnoxious and you have something special here.
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  • Save yourself the frustration…too many ads

    I have no issue with games that have ads. The developer should be paid in some way for free games. But like EVERY game from this developer, the number of ads and their duration compared to the amount of game time you get to play is ridiculous. On some of their games, ads are tossed up every level, some of which can be only 5 seconds long. Then an ad that has a minimum time of 30 seconds to 1 minute. You have to sit and look at a screen that says download for a very long time, even if not interested. No bypassing that. Other games like this one, they seem to appear every 30 seconds or so, and then lock you up for 30 seconds to a minute with an ad. And they interrupt play randomly, so it’s annoying. The developer’s excuse that they need ads to bring free games is weak at best. Ads are ok, but when ads are 90% of the time and game play is only 10%, this is just developers trying to maximize their earnings and not caring about the game player experience. The experience here is pure annoyance and frustration. I will not be downloading any more games from this developer until they change this overload of ads. And if you want to save yourself from frustration, skip their games as well. Also, you have to be online to play, so playing in a car or on a plane is not possible. I’m passing on this developer’s games.
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  • Waiting to see what new ownership does.

    At this point I have to give one star but I would be thrilled to be able to change that. The game might have potential but I will never know because from the first minute the ads are constant, even including dishonest ones where the ad will not go away when you click on the X. There isn’t a chance to enjoy it at all. I am totally for paying for games I like but there is no way to know if I would like this one.

    It’s cute that the objects move. It’s cute that it’s large scenes. I wish it were easier to quit a scene when you have found, say, 190 out of 200. If you aren’t that good you will have to give up and delete the game.

    In reading other reviews I see others have managed to get past their disgust of the every-minute ads or have paid despite little evidence it’s a decent game, and it sounds like there are other issues as well, such as doing the same scene interminably. That turns me off. It would not be hard to make different scenes for every game. That kind of laziness plus the extremely manipulative and greedy ad situation had made me decide to delete the game until I opened it just now one last time and saw it is owned by a different company. Maybe they will read these reviews and change these problems, which are certainly turning off many thousands of potential players. I’ll check in a month and if it’s better I will return to this review. Don’t disappoint me!
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  • Addicted to this game

    Update: Changed my rating to 5 stars as they fixed the loading/lag bug. I love this game but I do wish they would change up the challenges to either give you less time or some different scenes. I can get through the entire thing in under 3 minutes because it’s always the same scenes.


    It kills me to rate this lower than a 5 because it’s one of my favorite games. The developers don’t seem to monitor/update the game very often. There is supposed to be a new challenge every day but they didn’t have one for the first week of May, and then released all the days they missed, and forced the user to watch an ad to play any of them. Also, whatever this new update is they released this week absolutely killed the game. It lags so badly I can’t even play it. (The game never lagged before. Yes, I have the latest version.) Lastly, the devs don’t reply to any feedback so I don’t know if they even read emails. This game is fantastic — when it works.
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