Monster Demolition User Reviews

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  • Remove Ads!

    This game is actually pretty fun and addictive, the ads really are stopping me from giving it a 5 star rating, you should add an option to remove ads for a fee or something. I wouldn’t mind paying to play without ads.
  • This game isn’t that bad!

    It’s a very simple game with a simple aspect, basically you’re driving a car and you gotta kill the monster in-front of you while dodging his attacks. You can upgrade the cars mass, handling, and acceleration, it doesn’t have any ads besides the “500 gold coin free reward” and after you defeat a monster which usually take about 10-20 minutes to kill. So over all, it’s pretty good for what it is!
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  • boss too high to reach

    I know people are gonna say you can controll it mid air but I was on level 8 and I got a floating alien but then realised that my car couldn’t reach it so I had to watch ads of 500 coins to upgrade my speed hoping I would go higher but I didn’t go higher I tried it so many times and NOTHING I couldn’t reach it
    and i had to watch ads this is an ad theater seriously I even read reviews hoping someone would talk about the bosses to high and I saw many reviews saying bosses to high I swear if I pass this level and there is another floating one IM DONE IM DELETING THE GAME
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  • Fun concept poorly implemented

    Let me start by saying I’ve already sunk too much time in this game. It’s addictive and easy to sink hours into, but you’re not actually having fun. Just on a treadmill designed to keep you watching ads. And lord does this game load you up with ads. A perfect example of the poor implementation is the reward for breaking the monsters. It doesn’t matter if your run did massive damage or basically no damage, you get the same reward. And there’s no set amount of reward per monster, so the game actually punishes players who are quicker to destroy the monsters. The upgrades definitely make a difference over time but you can’t easily tell with individual upgrades. Almost all the monsters use the same 4 attacks, even when they look set up to do something different. For example there’s a chucky clone that stabs his knife down but never at the car or in the path of the car. So the moving knife is literally set dressing only, with no game play difference. I want this game to be good, but it’s clear it’s designed only to keep players on the ad treadmill.
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  • Game is fun, but ads ruin it

    I understand as an iOS game developer you want to make money on ads and micro transactions, but you have to be more tasteful about how these things are implemented and you definitely need to make sure that your ads are mutable. I was enjoying this game until I got to an unmuteable add. I listen to a lot of podcasts, and the ads interrupt and play over the podcast audio. Whenever I run into something like this in an iOS game, I immediately delete it because I know I’m not going to be able to enjoy it and listen to my podcasts at the same time.
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  • It’s pretty good

    I first downloaded this game because I thought it looked fun I was correct it is actually a good game. However there are adds but there is not a handful of them it like every 3 levels or something like that. The only thing I dislike is how after about level 83 it just restarts itself. Due to this and the adds I can only give it a 4/5 stars.
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  • Kinda cool but some levels not passable without power ups

    Game was kinda fun, even got to one shot a few of the monsters, but level 9 and 19 are impossible without power ups, so I just deleted the game. The monsters levitate so you can’t cut them down by hitting legs like other monsters.

    Nice try but come on!
  • Boss too high I can’t reach

    (I know some people are gonna say “you still can go faster mid air idiot” but I knew that since I first played, also by the time I’m writing this I haven’t tried the free 500 for watching ad button.) Okay so I was casually playing the game until I got to level 55 (Big spider on web) I was doing fine for the first couple of minutes but then I ran into a big problem, after I got rid of both sticks on the side and the web I was surprised the spider didn’t get destroyed but then I realized my car couldn’t go too high, I decided to use the actual rockets but only like 2 hit the spider which did like nothing so please make the boss more easier or I’m gonna have to watch ads for such a long time!
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  • Fun but frustrating

    This game is fun and helps take out some frustration, however there is way to many ads and need to be a way to earn or boost money earned. I would pay to remove ads. Makes the game no fun with ads every 2 minutes.
  • I love it, just one suggestion

    This game is amazing I have been playing it all day, but I noticed each time I complete a level, my car gets weak, so why not add car strength? It takes less damage from monsters, and does more damage! How about that? (Also pls add an ad remover it’ll make the game less annoying)

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