Squad Busters User Reviews

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  • Lacking Battle System

    So first the good stuff:
    There is a ton of polish. The art looks great, the menus look great, and progression is nice and streamlined. There is an abundance of content. There’s a lot of maps, characters, enemies, and spells to spice up gameplay. The general gameplay and a fun and engaging, because you have to strategize around what characters you are given.

    The bad stuff:
    The fighting system is lackluster. Standing still and attacking just isn’t interesting. It boils down to if you have a stronger squad, and while there is strategy in choosing frontline tanks and backline attackers, it just doesn’t make enough of a difference. You win if you have more characters in your squad. (Also on a side note the mega units are really weird. I think you should have an unlimited amount of them and that special mega unit chests would spawn that would give you one). Also, there is really only one game mode. The modifiers are fun, but there needs to be more modes like in Brawl Stars.
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  • Fundamentally lacking

    The game is of high quality, as to be expected by supercell, but the fundamental mechanics are simply not fun or quality. It is a drag and shoot similar to brawl stars, except unlike brawl stars you have to aim by stopping and kind of waiting for attacks. This simply does not reflect any strategy or skill. Whereas similar games like brawl stars definitely feel like your strategies and timing matter, squad busters feels more like one of the lowbrow mobile games you see in adds, mindlessly spinning lazers and killing zombies. On top of the lame mechanics, the servers really struggle with connection, and when they do not connect they flash, bounce, and rubber band all around which is really uncomfortable for the player. One last notable point is while obviously companies need purchases to make money, some of the purchases within this game, such as mega units, or items for the brawl bag, are far too connected to directly winning a game. And no one wants to play a game where someone can pay for a very unfair advantage to win a round. While the game is somewhat fun, to put so much work into this sort of idea is a keen to polishing a poo.
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  • Overall good game but a lot of fixes needed

    Starting off the game is really fun but as you progress you can see the game is pay to win as in game everyone has a bigger squad than you due to the fact you can buy keys, can we just have a game fair for everyone and not pay to win for once. Combat is very glitched and seems like people can run forever please fix.

    I have just come back to edit this after loosing a 30 game streak due to a bug that crashes the game after a connection issue this has happens multiple times now so I don’t know if people can lag switch or force crash your game but it really is starting to seem that way. Please remove the option to buy coins as well as it’s totally unfair for regular players to compete with tier 3 and 4 characters when we only have tier 2s.

    Back again my 3rd time this game is absolutely broken people can run for way longer than you and there’s loads of people just spamming chests every game to get a free character is so p2w I’ve been playing for about 5 hours a day since release and my god it’s ridiculous how my characters people get compared to you in the same time the whole battle system is broken as you can’t even defend yourself as people can run forever lol FURIOUS TAKE AWAY THE OPTION TO BUY CHEST KEYS TOO EASY FOR PAY TO WIN PLAYERS.
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  • 3rd Party Fest

    This game is nothing but getting 3rd partied and running away. It’s pretty annoying just killing someone, being low health, then having another person come in and clean up. There is no passive healing for in between fights. Once you get the medic it’s OKAY.
    Also good luck if someone actually has a brain and just runs the whole time away from you. You don’t get loot during that time and they don’t. So once you give up trying to chase this one person. You have no loot and you are probably going to die soon to someone who has been farming the whole time.
    Greg is OP when you spawn somewhere with a lot of trees. A Goblin is probably the best to start off with. Trees give a lot of loot, monsters do not. Bo is okay but doesn’t do enough to kill another players troop.
    Where the heck am I suppose to find the Mega troop? Over 50 games and I have not gotten him before.
    You really rely on being lucky every game. Also there’s no real point the game too I guess. You can just farm the game and run around. You don’t have to even try to kill another players troops. I have had many games where only 1 person get busted.
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  • P2W: Powerups

    This game is totally pointless.. unless, you consider buying powerups for an advantage fun! You must also enjoy having to buy those powerups every single game or face players who have them! I mean who doesn’t love spending time running around and competing against players who get more value out of every move they make? Is this game fun? No, it could have been decent but without equal footing there is NO POINT in competing.. Do people enjoy races where some participants get to start a quarter down the track? Would sports be entertaining if one team had to take a penalty at the end of every play? No.. or course not.. the entertainment and value in these activities comes from honest competition; this game spits in the face of that all just to line these devs and their investors pockets a little more! But who doesn’t need just a little more money at any and all costs!? But let’s not pretend we don’t know who the people behind this game and these decisions are, and how they are going to move forward.. I knew what this game was gonna be since first hearing about it on from Clash Royale but gave it a chance. I will be deleting this game and all other supercell games, and boycotting the company indefinitely. For me this game was a litmus test for the future their company and I have better places to spend my time/money. 0/5 ⭐️
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  • Amazing game

    Good game with a unique concept, good characters and abilities, and gameplay. Only bad thing is it’s pay-to-win
  • Ruined By Rates

    I’ve been playing this game since it soft launched and it’s pretty fun, but there are 3 issues I have with the game. Firstly, the character rates are horrendous, I am at royal world and have yet to unlock any new character besides those from the squad journey. I’m not just trying to whine about rates since this directly affects gameplay as when you open chests in battle, some of the options you get are from characters you don’t have unlocked, which is completely unfair as I get forced into choosing one character because my other 2 are locked. Another big issue is how all characters contribute to the squad journey the same amount, how does that make sense? Why does an epic give +100 points while a common does the same? With how much harder they are to achieve, they should change rares to +200 and epics to +300. Lastly, the concept of MEGA units seems awfully boring and unfair, as they’re kind of pay to win. Apart from these issues the game is somewhat fun, but I don’t really see the appeal of chests every 3 hours, since that is my only drive for the game. I hope to see them fix these issues in future updates since I can see this game doing numbers with the right updates.
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  • Lots of potential, just ok right now

    When squad busters announced it was going global I lowkey wasn’t that excited. It looked kinda repetitive and not very skillful. Now that I’ve played it for a couple days I must say it’s better then I expected, but still not up to the standards of other supercell games. It has a lot of potential and I know it’s at its very early stages, but It’s not a game I could play for hours like brawl stars or clash royale. I really like the art style and the plaza idea, the gameplay can be sort of luck base at times tho. When your battling someone else, it’s hard to know who will win. Anyway, I had an idea for something they could add and even tho the devs won’t read this ima say it anyway lol. I think a solo dungeon crawler game mode could be great for this game. You can fight monsters and collect characters like regular, but you could solve puzzles to open doors or do really awesome boss fights without another player fighting you as well. Just an idea I had, but one day I think this game will be really fun. For now, it’s pretty good just needs some time.
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  • Great, addictive game with some tweaks needed

    This is a super fun game and I love the randomness of the maps and squad which takes the pressure off deck building and lets you just get to the good part! However the 3 chest tickets at a time is a perplexing choice, the matches go so fast that 3 tickets = <15mins of gameplay at a time. And the cost of the tickets is way too high relative to other things in the store.

    I get you don’t want people to burn out playing too much all at once but the limit is too low and the recharge time is too long. I played with no chest tickets and ended up screwing myself by progressing to a new world but not having unlocked all the characters from the previous one; since those new characters still show up in the random deck I’ll have chests in game I open with only one choice.

    Supercell is a great dev though (played a LOT of Clash Roayle) and I’m so impressed with how great this game is at launch - I haven’t encountered any bugs or lag - I’m sure as the dust settles these tweaks will be made as needed.
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  • Meh game

    I don’t uSUaLlY do reviews on phone games but this game I guess I just had to smh …..first off random loot drops ….random maps….an just the randomness of it all….. it’s basically like gem grab on another particular phone game I played but it’s nothing but gem grab nothing else an u don’t even get to pick the characters u want to upgrade or play with it’s random or u spend coins on upgrades to keep shuffling around the randomness but it’s a fast paced game for the short attention spanned kids/people….anyway I just feel like it’s an unfinished game or a cash grab if u would say 🥴and don’t get me started on the chest refresh time …u only get 3 unless u purchase more with coins if not plz wait 2hours for your next chest …..I honestly don’t see this game lasting that long tbh with the limited amount of characters and the randomness of it all …..think of brawl stars but only gem grab nothing else u run around the map fighting monsters and collecting coins/gems u don’t keep but spend on chest an hey u might get the character u want or just 3 chickens 🐔 …..it’s a fun game but I just don’t see myself getting invested like brawl stars
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