Morocco User Reviews

Thomas Aylesworth

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  • Excellent game, responsive developer

    I've played more games of Othello since downloading this than probably in the whole rest of my life combined. Good game, well-implemented. I like the simple clean look of it, and the optional show-available-moves capability, and the fact that I can play a quick round in ten minutes while waiting in line. On the Hard level, it's a challenging game for me; I can beat it if I set it to show me available moves, but not if I don't. (But I'm very far from being an expert player; ymmv.) I strongly prefer Morocco to the other Othello app currently available, which I downloaded, tried a few times, then deleted--the other one is okay, but this one feels much more polished to me. And the developer of Morocco is very responsive -- I sent him email to tell him that the game had hung, and he responded quickly with a note asking me to send a screen snap so he could check on whether the problem was the known bug that he had already fixed for the next version.
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  • Great game, but...

    I love this game, even though I'm terrible at it... But would it be possible to include an option to allow the user to change the background colour? In any kind of sunlight, it's next to impossible to see the black tiles against a dark green background :-/
  • Great!!

    Fun game but cuts out randomly, Pitty it's actually a very good game love it
  • Can't complain for free

    Stable, runs quickly, passes the time. AI is too easy, even on hard, but oh well. Basic algorithm to beat it is: avoid playing such that it can gain an edge square whenever possible, and never let it get a corner (well, almost never). That's it, and that algorithm beats most human players too. The great players see ahead several moves and trap you into having to move where they want you to move. Good computer AIs can do that as well. Not this one.
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  • At first, not. Now, definitely.

    I thought it was way way way too hard on easy mode at first but I had never played before. After a few(okay more than a few) games I like that it is challenging. Really good options available. Beats the other iPod touch othello hands down.
  • Good game with good balanced difficulty

    From UI perspective this game is not as good as the alternative offering Othello. But this game allowes you to play as white which is important. And the difficulty level is well balanced. Othello I can pretty beach easy/medium/hard all without need to think much. This one the easy is relative easy. The medium does not too bad of job that forces me to be at least a bit careful. And hard is pretty challenging. This is about the first othello/reversi type of game on a mobil platform that I've played that actually has a difficulty level that's challenging to me, so much so that I don't mind paying a little bit for this game. But nothing beat free.
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  • Better than Othello

    Right now, as far as I know, the only two Reversi/Othello games for the iPhone are this and Othello. Both free. I like this one best for two reasons: (1) computer plays a better game here, and (2) you can quit a game here and pick it up later. Othello has slightly better graphics, but I just deleted it and this is my game of this type.
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  • Great challenge

    I love the AI of the "hard" level. It has great defensive strategies to try and keep the user from trying to obtain the corner spaces and also tries to lure you into traps. I would not have thought this type of AI to be featured in a free application. Bugs are very minor and the only one that stands out is that the AI's response time in the "hard" level can get Morocco "thinking" for up to 10 seconds.
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  • Excellent game

    Elegantly simple. Hours of fun. One of the must have free games
  • Perfect if you want to get "served" by a computer

    The version of Othello is a nice package. It runs fast. Loads fast. And continually beats the pants off of me. I think the kids call it "being served" or "owned". It's a great strategy game that keeps you on your toes (even if you sitting down (or don't have toes)).

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