Outdated app
Don’t buy it. The PONs translator does a better job. The format of this one is not easy to read and feels like a clunky 10 year old app. Wasted $22.Developer Response
Dear WolfTsenW, every review is valueable for us. We want to make our app better and better every day, so we are happy to hear what you did not like (kundenservice@pons.de). Thank you.Free apps like dict.cc and linguee are better
It’s very frustrating to buy the PONS app and then discover that I have an easier time finding numerous words when I use dict.cc or linguee apps, which don’t cost anything (except a pittance if you want to get rid of ads). I hardly ever use the app anymore because I’ve had so many fruitless searches on it. That said, I’ve lived in Germany for 15 years and only tend to look up “difficult” words. They still ought to be in the dictionary, though.Pons Advanced German-English Dictionary
I chose this from the various Pons offline German- English dictionaries because of the intermediate cost and its features. The entries are exact matches to those I've compared with entries in my hardcover copy of their 2001 Deutsch-Englisch volume of the Pons Worterbuch fur Schule und Studium (add umlauts). I'm happy with my choice.