ShopShop User Reviews

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  • Not as good

    Been a long time ShopShop user and have always enjoyed its simplicity. Sadly it’s lost that for me now as the add items menu is far too easily activated while shopping and covers up half my shopping list. Plus it’s fiddly to dismiss, not what you need in a busy supermarket. Shake to clear no longer works on my phone even though it is still an option in the settings. Finding the new design too much of a hassle while out shopping and not using the app as much as I used to.
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  • Don’t fix something that isn’t broken

    I love(d) this app, I used it for everything. After the recent update, it doesn’t save the items I add to my lists or delete items I want to delete without multiple attempts. I make lists so I remember things, it’s less than ideal for the lists not to save.

    I also don’t like the bar on the bottom that pops up when you’re adding items, it takes two or three swipes to move it back down.

    I hope the developers take notice and fix the bugs the new update has brought with so it goes back to the reliable app it once was.
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  • 5 star up until version 5

    Loved this app and have been using it for a few years now, but not at all keen on the changes introduced in version 5 thus now rate it 3 stars. I've managed to lose my entire shopping list when I've put my phone in my pocket temporarily when need 2 hands during shopping; I suspect it's because of the added on screen 'tick' feature. I prefer a smaller iPhone (iPhone SE) and the new changes leave the input bar at the base which takes up precious room; I'd rather see as bigger list as possible. I would love to see this go back to pre-v5.
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  • Love the app, disappointed with the update

    (Revised review - see below) If it ain’t broke don’t fix it! New update looks good but the functionality is not good. As others have said the key board gets in the way. I’m all for refreshing stuff but not if the new version is not as good the old.

    Since posting the comments above I’ve discovered that in landscape view it’s as easy to use as it was before. Still not sure why there was any need for the new version though as it just seems to do the same things as before but in a different way
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  • Great list app!

    This is by far my longest and most used app because it is useful, simple to use, and reliably effective. The app has a clean interface and works so well because it stays true to its purpose, rather than trying to be some gold plated multi-role thingamabobber.
    After so many years, it will take some adjustment to accustom myself to the updated UI. While I have lost some screen real estate, I have gained the ability to add to my list while still viewing it.
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  • Displeased with new update

    PLEASE PLEASE bring back the feature of just holding down on the page/list selection to find the one you want instead of having to swipe through every one. That was such a convenient feature when you have several lists, like I do! I also don't like the pull down feature because you have to do it twice each time to get it completely down. 😕 Also, the colors aren't as good as the old ones. I have used this app for a long time now and have told others about it, but this new update is really disappointing. It's dropped from a 5 star rating to a 3 star, in my opinion.
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  • Not impressed with latest update

    I've used this app for years & this latest update is a huge step backwards. It was so simple to use & now it's awkward & clunky. Washed out background colours look awful. And I now keep accidentally deleting whole lists instead of just the crossed out items due to the changes. It's also annoying to have the text bar constantly at the bottom as it hinders viewing your actual list. Plus the app always opens on 1 particular list instead of the last one you used. Very frustrated & disappointed!
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  • If I Could Turn Back Time UPDATE

    2 Oct '17 review. If you have a small to medium size phone screen, this update might not be to your taste. The background colours are now pastel, slightly less of the list is visible onscreen and the item entry box is now at the bottom of the screen BUT you can easily move the item entry box upwards to full screen and optimal dropdown suggestions functionality when adding items. Your call. I think I'll get used to it. I still appreciate the app's clean simplicity.
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  • Great ap, bad update (10/17)

    I have use this app for years and I absolutely love it. My husband and I both add and delete items from our own phones which are linked by dropbox. He can be off in one corner of a large store, see an item on our list, I get it and cross it off while I am across the store shopping.
    I just downloaded the new update and I'm most unhappy. You cannot see a long list at one glance. It's confusing about how to add items. I hope they revert back to the old familiar format.
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  • Latest Update Has Ruined This App

    The very last update made some major changes to a flawless app. This app was simple to use and never had any problems now it’s nothing but problems. I am hoping the app developer will fix the bugs.

    This app cannot be best for its simplicity. I have used several apps over the years but have used this the longest. It’s super easy to use with no fuss. Just like having a paper note pad and writing on it, only the note pad stores everything you write for fast recall. Love, love, love it!!!!
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