ShopShop User Reviews

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  • I wish I hadn’t updated

    This app was simple and perfect before the update. Please go back to the previous version. I had continued using it for the past few weeks hoping I would get used to the changes but there are too many problems.
    1. Landscape in this app drives me crazy and even though I have it set not to convert, it does anyway.
    2. When I have my list up and decide to add something, I can no longer scroll to the bottom of the prepared list without closing and reopening the app.
    3. While in the adding section, at the very bottom, there is are options to “clean up” and “edit” but I cannot click on these because they are under the last item on my list which results in just adding that item to my list.
    After years of using this app, I am currently trying to find a new one since this one has become an unnecessary headache.
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  • Still one of the best

    The best sort of app - I've used it since I had my iPhone 3G - it's just been there working reliably ever since without me really noticing.
    Was a bit worried when I started getting messages saying it wasn't iOS11 compatible but happily this updated version is now available.
    Would give 5 stars but am not a fan of the change to a "swipe up" list of items; also these days iCloud sync would be a bonus.
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  • Hate the update

    I've been using this app for years. Not such a fan after this update. I do like how to clear individual items from your list by clicking on the item and then the check mark. That's easy. What's not is moving items up and down on your list. I'm type A and organize my shopping list by their location in my store. If your list reaches the item input line, you can't highlight it to move it up. You also have to delete items to see what's at the bottom. Hopefully this "bug" will be fixed. Otherwise, I'm moving on...
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  • Bummer update - please revert

    This new update has all the earmarks of user interface designers trying to justify their existence. This app was not broken but apparently someone felt they needed to tinker with it to justify a paycheck, and it has definitely taken a turn for the worse.
    You need to understand that shopping - especially weekly food shopping- is generally a two step process: 1. make the list, and 2. go to the shop or store and check things off the list as you add them to your cart.
    Therefore, adding this intrusive ability to add new items to the list while you are also looking at your shopping list is completely unnecessary.
    I see that the cryptic check mark at the top of the screen has replaced the “clear selected items” option on the menu list. Please put it back on the menu list until people discover what the check mark means, and move Clear List lower in the menu.
    Note that most reviewer’s have used the adjective “simple” to describe the previous version, and that that is what they liked about it. Maybe add some usability testing to the process?
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  • Not a fan of this most recent update

    I’m wanting to weigh in on this particular update, too. This app has been (and continues to be) one of my most used apps. It is THE app that I’ve recommended most to my no-so-techie friends who want/need a to do list.

    That said, this particular update is not a happy one for me. Always seeing the entry field at the bottom is visually distracting and takes away screen real estate from my longer lists. I also don’t seem to have as much control of the list background colors like I used to (only pastels now?)! I’m not sure what the check mark in the upper righthand corner is for.

    I’m still rating the app 4 stars (down from 5 for the older version) because I want to express appreciation to the developer and perhaps encourage him to provide a ShopShop classic to get that 5th star back!
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  • Updated app isn’t good

    Old version much easier. Will be changing
  • This Latest Release Destroyed the Product

    I have to agree with the current reviews. I have used this app for years. Nothing compared to it. I recommended it to everyone who needed something like this.

    However, this latest release has made it cumbersome and irritating. It is so bad that I am looking for a replacement.

    The two biggest issues are the inability to quickly scroll through your array of list to find the one you want. And how difficult it is to add items to a list.

    You have to tap tap tap to move through your lists. It shows one at a time. And, sometimes it doesn't even change lists. That is a major inconvenience when moving through a large set of lists.

    I'm not going to repeat the issues with adding items. A prior review summed it up perfectly. It is impossible to use.

    I am a systems programmer. I have written, debugged, and installed system software on mainframes and servers. So, when I say it is obvious that this was not field tested, I'm not just complaining for the sake of complaining. There is no way any real users tested this before it went into product. If they had, the issues would have been easily identified. Theses are not the type of issues that only show up after being released into the real world.
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  • Used to be great

    This app worked perfectly fine for years until some clown thought it was a good idea to “improve” it. Now the keyboard takes up the majority of the screen, is infuriatingly difficult to remove to view your list & if the list is longer than your screen length it doesn’t scroll to the bottom properly so you can’t even see what you’ve added!
    If anyone has a suggestion of a simple app that is actually user friendly then I’d love the recommendation because this will be deleted from my phone! Disappointed ShopShop.
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  • Why change

    This is a great app. But why did you change the position to type I the items from the top to now the bottom. It was much better at the top. When something is working why do you change it and stuff it up
    Please fix this back to how it was. If not I will be looking for another shopping list. Nothing you have done to this app has improved it. Quite the opposite and each time I try to use it I find more issues with it. If I could have given it -3 Stars i would have. Yet before the changes I would have given it 5 stars. I used to love it and recommend to friends. Not any more
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  • Struck out on this update 😕

    I have used this app on my iPhone 6 Plus for years ... and have LOVED it. But this latest update is NOT good. Database page on the same screen as the list page gets in the way (especially in landscape mode). In general, accessing the database page is cumbersome. In settings, the “prevent device sleep” feature does not work. This is a terribly aggravating situation while shopping. I trust appropriate adjustments will be made in a timely manner.
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