
About Ships Squared

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Developer of Ships Squared

Ships Squared screenshot #1 for iPhone
Ships Squared screenshot #2 for iPhone
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What's New in Ships Squared


May 6, 2020

Small layout improvements.

Reviews of Ships Squared

Good idea

Does not work anymore and seemingly unmaintained. Lowering review. Time to open source?

Original review:
A couple of issues.

The developer site lacks an easy-to-find feedback area, so I'm leaving my bug list here.

This is an impressive logic puzzle with the caveat that it can generate non-unique solutions to puzzles. Specifically, I've run into several boards where a single-masted ship can be legally in either of two positions. (This happened on level 2, which doesn't bode well for higher levels.)

It isn't always clear when the game is over.

Fix the ui controls relating to game completed successfully, clearing the board of ships to start over with the current guesses, etc.

Without these bugs, I'd give the game 4 stars. My experience on the store is that lower ratings provide incentive to fix bugs.
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More Applications by Universalis Publishing


Is the software for Ships Squared compatible with iPads?

Yes, Ships Squared works on iPad devices.

Who developed the app?

The Ships Squared app was made by Universalis Publishing.

What’s the minimum iOS requirement for the Ships Squared app?

To function properly, the app requires at least iOS 9.3.

How does the Ships Squared app rank among users?

The average rating for the Ships Squared app is 5.

What is the primary genre of the Ships Squared app?

The Primary Genre Of The Ships Squared App Is Games.

Which version of the Ships Squared app is the latest one?

The newest version of Ships Squared is 2.03.

What is the date of the most recent Ships Squared update?

The latest Ships Squared update was rolled out on January 19, 2025.

What is the specific date when the app came out?

The Ships Squared app launched on February 5, 2023.

What is the content advisory rating of the Ships Squared app?

The Ships Squared app contains no objectionable material and is suitable for children aged Universalis Publishing.

What languages does Ships Squared support?

You can use the Ships Squared app in American English.

Is Ships Squared part of the Apple Arcade gaming experience?

No, Ships Squared is not on Apple Arcade.

Is Ships Squared integrated with in-app purchases?

No, Ships Squared does not integrate in-app purchases for users.

Does Ships Squared support Apple Vision Pro compatibility?

No, Ships Squared does not support compatibility with Apple Vision Pro.

Does Ships Squared incorporate ads within the app?

No, Ships Squared does not incorporate ads within the app.