Rogue User Reviews

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  • Yes!

    Awesome memories... This old game is a true case of substance over style - the epitome of gameplay over graphics. So many memories!
  • Well, it IS rogue....

    Very good use of the Ipod Touch interface. Portrait mode is graphical, landscape is the ascii map. Most of the time the swipe interfaces are intuitive after the first hour or so of "how do I do..." and using the button interface. Would get a higher rating if it actually implemented some of the rogue elements properly - the character type appears to be meaningless - they all start off identically statted and equipped, from what I can see. Still, for those of us used to the classics, it's a good port - looking forward to the updates that fix the character types. I want my archaeologist back (ok, that was NetHack, but still).
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  • Perfect little 'casual' dungeon crawl game.

    There is a reason why Rogue is a classic, and I'm still able to enjoy myself 23 years after I first saw it. I was even playing this on my PC less than ten years ago while waiting for a download to complete. Sure there are more advanced clones of this (Nethack, Larn, Moria, etc..), but Rogue excelled with the simplisticness. I was hesitant over the touch interface, but actually I warmed up to it after a few games. (In fairness, the somewhat obscure keyboard method wasn't much better on PC's, but it was all we had.) I'm embarrassed to say that my largest complaint was simply that it may not be a great fit for the itouch. The screen is just a little too small to play without eye strain, and a zoom feature would make this much more comfortable to play, even though when I've had it on other versions (like for the Atari ST), I always needed to keep zooming out in order to see the whole map in order to figure out which direction to go in next. However, I say 'was going to be a complaint' because I played it several times without realizing that if I rotated the screen, the game automatically zoomed into a well drawn and playable closeup. Very nice. It may feel a little old school to some, but it is definitely well worth the playtime.
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  • Great port of a classic

    With very few problems, this adaptation of rogue opens the door for the iPhone interface to bring any roguelike. I play it often, prefer ASCII mode and find it as challenging as I'd expect.

    One issue that I have is certain autorun behaviors lead to difficult movement through mazes. That's my only real complaint, and it is just a result of the iPhone. Not a big deal at all.

    Great job and I look forwad to nethack!
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  • Excellent idea, but could use improvement

    1. As others have mentioned, there is a throwing bug where it throws something other than the intended item. 2. The response to transition between portrait and landscape view when the screen is rotated is slow and sometimes doesn't respond at all. 3. Pitch zoom is fine for photos, but terrible for games. Would suggesting using a two finger/three finger tap gesture for zoom in/out. 4. Does each character icon have different stats/characteristics/item specific luck? It seems that the only change is the icon. 5. The embbedded faq mentions the importance of saving the game, but I didn't figure out how to do this. Seldom if I close the app I can pick up where I left off, more often it starts a new game. 6. Difficulty selection would be nice. 7. Please consider a port of Larn or uLarn. It's more diverse than Rogue and much more entertaining.
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  • Mr

    Awsome brings back memories
  • Hours of fun

    Perfect game for the handheld, gestures work really well, very friendly and helpful board support, ... can't wait for Nethack! :-)
  • Great game with niggles

    I Play this game compulsively, put in 50 hours plus. Graeat reminder of cllege and Mines of Moria Gesture's for character actions is a great innovation.

    Couple drawbacks preventing a five star rating. Issues with the throw function, after selecting throw and direction about 30% of the time the next screen is the food screen rather than the weapons page

    From a game play point of view, finding food over rides everything. Starting with just one food ration means food is the most important need. I've had three or four promising characters die from starvation because the app decided to not provide food. As a solution you should start with more food or start out at a city so you have the option to purchase provisions.
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  • Good, but missing something.

    This is a good start at a Rogue clone. It's missing things you'd expect, but is still fun to play. It's free so try it out and see what you think.
    Tip: rotate your iPod 90 degrees to switch between map and room view.
  • Got stuck

    Amazing game up until the point I got caught by a trap which teleported me to a room with no doors. I had to reinstall the app because of this, as I can't find a new game button.

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