Iron Fist Boxing User Reviews

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  • hey i am 6+ user i found many bugs

    There seems to be a lot of bugs in this game.
    Sometimes it's time to play games, and there's a lot of UI misfits. I hope you can optimize it.
  • Exciting and unique

    Edit: After getting a lot more playing time on this game, I am liking it a lot more. I still haven't figured out the tilt minigame, but I have learned to avoid the strengths of the opponents. If they can't knock me down, I can take them over the long run. This makes it a lot more like real boxing, where a pugilist with less stamina can't go very far, even if they have a harder punch, with one with higher stamina that can go the distance. If you can outlast them, and not let them get lucky, you win... I never had the previous version of this game, so I do not know the differences there. This review is of the version I do have, and the only one I have played. I haven't figured out the tilt minigame to get out of a knockdown yet. I don't know if I will be able to yet. That to me is only worth half a star, which is why I rounded up to five stars... The tutorial is excellent on this game. It goes over the controls and different moves and techniques. I mainly play on a 1G touch (OS 3.1.2), and this is one the best looking games on it. This is the only MMA game that I've seen on the platform. The game is responsive, and snappy, the controls are easy to figure out ( with the knockdown minigame exception). This to me is worth the money. The games that interest me are the games that are challenging, even if I get beat for awhile when learning them. I want to learn to not get knockdown...
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  • Amazing... but...

    So I debated and looked at this app for a while, but at 2.99 intro price I got it. It is worth a lot more, I would pay between 8 to 10 dollars for it.

    This really is a pretty awesome game. It has awesome graphics and a lot of variety. It's not easy however and lacks a lot of explanation or training. And it isn't REALLY MMA. It's kickboxing. But trying to have a fighting game with ground game on any console, let alone on the iPhone would be near impossible. Below are what I see as the pros and cons.

    Great graphics
    Addicting and fun
    Intuitive controls
    Unlockable characters
    Multiple fighting styles
    Multiple arenas
    Smooth play (no lag for me yet)

    Controls could be more responsive

    I am sure these will be fixed or added in updates.

    Touch with both fingers at once to block

    Touch your star by your health meter to do special moves.

    Buy it now while it's on sale and play. When updates come it will be even better. I will change this to 5 stars with a training mode and maybe a few control fixes.
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  • great fighting game, with a few flaws

    -awesome graphics
    -well-developed characters
    -cheat modes
    -VERY bloody/realistic

    -unresponsive touch input
    -the game's world is not very deep: after defeating a few characters and winning the belt, all you can do is to fight the same characters again as a different fighter and win the same belt again. i'm not a gifted or skilled gamer, and i played to the end of the game in a few days with my first fighter. playing all the way through with other characters has taken anywhere between an hour and an afternoon each, with no new levels or anything else of interest unlocked- just the ability to use new fighters in career mode.
    -it is not possible to switch between career mode and training mode without losing the skills and victories you had earned on your last fighter.
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  • Still not working right!

    As someone who purchased the original version of the game, I can say that it's come a long way! The first version was unplayable, the controls were so terrible. Now, the blocks and attacks actually work well, and the game is enjoyable... right up until the point you get knocked down! The knockdown recovery system is utterly useless, it doesn't work!!! If you get knocked down - forget about it, you're done! In the more difficult matches, you can sometimes miss two punches and be out - which means you lost! This makes the game, once again, unplayable in the higher difficulty matches, where it actually starts getting fun! Come on, guys, you came so close... Fix this and it will be a great game!!
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  • Crooks

    When did it become OK to sale iPhone application products with blatant mechanical problems? And people say 'It only costs a couple of bucks, they are allowed these shortcomings'. Bullcrap, you mindless Jobs sheep! Where's the quality control? These guys create a game with obvious flaws & say 'Wait for the updates, it will get better'. Hell no! How about you launch a product tested & proven w/o faults, therefore you can sleep at night knowing you are contributing positively to the notion of capitalism at its most purest, wholesome form, & not being a bonafied bunch of a$$clowns. If not, why not just move to China, & be perfectly satisfied with producing a product that is utter sub-par crap for the sake of meager profit at the loss of only the spoiled American Swines' pockets.
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  • Fun boxing game!

    Great graphics & sound! My main complaint is that the game is very easy. There isn't much skill required to beat the entire game. There are also some bugs with the sound if you play several fights in a row, and some achievements don't update when they should.

    Don't get me wrong. It's a fun game. Just needs polishing and possibly a harder difficulty setting. I'm looking forward to the future updates!

    (using iPod Touch gen1)
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  • Best graphics I've ever seen

    It's a really good game. The game has a ton of replay value, since every character plays differently. Some things you could add though, is a create a character, where when you win matches and acheivments, you gain points that allow you to buy new clothes. That would be awesome. Also, you could have multiplayer matches, and earn ranks and money for your character. Then people would pay waaay more for this game. Only problems are crashes, and sometimes it won't block.
    Spoiler: What's with the girl in the bekini after you beat the game during the credits? It's just wrong.....
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  • Update

    This game is the best boxing game for the iPhone yet. The update made this game so much better and a lot easier. There are a lot less bugs than the last one and it is a very addicting and fun game. It takes a while to get good at it but when you do it is a blast.
  • Here are some controls!

    If you can't figure it out, if you use multi-touch, and you press the screen with two fingers at the bottom section you will block your ribs. The same goes for the top part of the screen and your head.
    The only thing that needs to be fixed is there being a way to turn your body and a way to punch faster and slower.
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