Strategery User Reviews

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  • Ya update!!

    Yes 64bit support!!! Love this game. Played it for years 👍🏻
  • Could be better

    Strategic games should be based on determining a pattern to best position your armies to cut off opponents lines and mitigate losses. At the lower levels, Strategery makes this easy. At higher, difficult levels, the playing field is skewed against you. In battles between between equal armies, random rolls of die should dictate a 50/50 split of wins/losses. It is quickly apparent that the rolls are not random. I have had situations where I have challenged an equal sized army five times in a turn and lost them all. That is statistically impossible. By giving either side an advantage, the game becomes pointless and tiresome. I don't mind losing to a better strategist but only if we are playing on a level field. Chess is the perfect example. The better the strategist, the more difficult the challenge. The pieces and their movements are the same for both, the level of difficulty is based on an opponents strategic ability and ones ability to defend, counter and attack. The makers of Strategery should make the game more difficult by increasing a player's need to be a better strategist not by stacking the deck against them.
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  • Great Until You're Good at It

    I think most of us can figure out how good the gameplay is just from reading the application description. Honestly, it's really good. Unfortunately, now that I'm pretty good at the game, I'm getting frustrated. I played for a while in the second-hardest difficulty level, but I started noticing some patterns. I learned how to lay traps that I knew the enemies would always fall into. While this was a little bothersome, I got downright frustrated when it became obvious that none of the players were "playing to win." If one of the enemies was taking over the board, the other players never tried to stop this enemy. Often, I'd be attacked by one of the enemies with just one or two panels, even tough there was an enemy with almost all of the board under its control. I figured turning this up to the hardest setting would help. It makes things even worse, and I stopped playing the hardest difficulty level totally. It appears that the hardest difficulty level doesn't mean that the AI is better, it just means that the AI tries to attack only you. Even worse, if instead of attacking, I tried to save up pieces for my next attack, the game pretty much stops. All enemies stop attacking each other, and instead stock up their pieces to attack me. The hardest difficulty level is much more about luck than strategy, and it's outright disappointing. I'm looking forward to an update that includes the item "Improved AI"
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  • Strategery 2?

    I play about a dozen games a day and my only complaint is that a sequel has not been created yet. The game is awesome, but there are some things I'd like to see (and willing to pay for) in a future release: +Players should only be able to change the map before the game starts a limited number of times. You should be able to *shake* a new map maybe five times and then it should just cycle the same 5 choices over and over. There is no challenge in cycling until you find an easy map. +How about 1 or 2 unique territories that provide an additional bonus to the player that controls it (additional armies each round or you can't roll a 1 or 2 while you have control). After one player controls 50% of the map, the outcome is a forgone conclusion. There needs to be some additional game dynamic that allows "a comeback" victory. +I like to manually place my armies, but towards the end of a round, it becomes a chore. How about letting us change to auto-fill on the fly? +Larger maps could be larger and be more randomly laid out. The crazier the map, the more strategery needed to win. +At the start of a turn, the camera should snap to a territory that player controls instead of making them navigate the map looking for their armies. +I'd like the option to turn off win/loss stat tracking. Sometimes I just want to screw around without messing up my stats.
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