ABC News User Reviews

ABC News: Breaking News Live
ABC News: Breaking News Live
Disney Electronic Content, Inc.

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  • Held Back by Ads & Playback Issues

    I would rate the app five stars, but for two glaring problems. First, it makes you watch an ad before EVERY news story. I understand ads are the price of free here, but 1:1 ads to news stories is obnoxious. Painful. (30-second ad, 2-minute video, repeat.) Plus it’s the same couple of ads over and over.

    The other big problem is that, if you’re watching a story when they publish a new story, it kicks you out of the one you’re watching. Screen goes black, a new ad plays, and their new story starts. Really bad experience. Happens to me a couple of times per week. Not sure why these things are acceptable to the folks who work on this app, but they’d have all the stars if they’d fix it. (This review is for the app on Apple TV.)
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  • Apple TV App has been horribly broken for months

    Dear Disney, please have anyone who is human test this app before releasing it again, it is unusable, full of defects, and a completely awful user experience. Dear devs, the app should not reset when the next story is playing and jump back to the first story, the ads should not continue playing while the news is playing, the app should not spin not knowing what to do. I have to reset the app every day to make it even pickup the latest stories. ABC news is struggling to be relevant against many news apps that just work. Nuff said, good luck turning this ship around, I’ll check back in 6 months - but for now, good riddance.
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  • Clicking on a push notification doesn’t bring you to the article

    Clicking on a push notification doesn’t bring you to the article. It only brings you to the home page and you have to go manually looking for it yourself and half the time it can’t be found. Very useless. None of my other news app have this problem.
    I sent them a problem report about a year ago but they never bothered to fix it so I ended up deleting the app entirely.
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  • App keeps shutting down

    This needs to be fixed. While in the app, when you click on a listed article, the app just shuts down for whatever reason. This is becoming super annoying. Also, I know it’s something with this app because I just did an update. Example, the article about Regina King 26 yr old son passing. When I attempt to read the article, the app shuts down. I actually have to Google the article in order to read it as the it will not allow you to read the article. App just shuts down. This has happen with several other articles but this last time was just so frustrating, I had to post a comment in hopes this can be fixed ASAP.
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  • Notifications never connect to the story

    I like the app overall, it provides a good source of news information both in written form and in news videos.

    But, I get news headlines popping up in notifications all the time and whenever I tap one because I want more information, it always just takes me to the main “Top Stories” page, and sometimes I can’t even find the article that I tapped on a notification for.

    It’s very frustrating that a notification will draw my interest, but then I can’t get the information I want to see.
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  • ABC Propaganda

    To be sure, a majority of what is presented by ABC on this app isn’t news, rather it is political propaganda designed to discredit those with whom they disagree—generally conservative voices—while promoting the political views and viewpoints of those with whom they agree—generally liberal and progressive voices. Take the so-called Steele Dossier, which has largely been discredited and disproven. Even so, ABC Propaganda sought to build up Christopher Steele and his political hit-piece paid for by Hillary Clinton and the DNC with a softball interview with former DNC hack George Stephanopoulos. The ‘reporting’ is generally one-sided and lacking the balance one would hope for when looking for news. I’m not a Republican or a Democrat—I’m a political skeptic—and ABC News helped cement my position as such.
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  • Shameful piece of Trash

    Pure GARBAGE performance. That a huge corporation does not have a decent app that will play their news from beginning to end is total garbage. On any iOS device this app plays the LAST segment of George Stephanopoulos THIS WEEK and then will usually ends or play the show in reverse of appearance. Why? Is there ANY excuse for such a poor app?! My guess is that neither the executives or people on staff at ABCnews use the app, and if they do they DO NOT CARE. Shameful that they would have such a low regard for the show they themselves produce. If they DO care, then do not be silent.
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  • Love ABC news, can’t stand their app

    It makes me crazy when the watch and read articles never load. The video that does seem to load is just the useless “notified” thing, which has nothing to do with the headline or the story. Most of the time the story itself never loads but all the ads at the bottom sure do. No, it is not my Internet connection… All other apps perform fine. Just ABC fails 80% of the time. Reluctantly, I am about to delete it and use my browser.
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  • Video section never updates

    I have tried deleting and re-loading this app, refreshing app, turning off my phone and restarting—you name it, I’ve tried it. But, the videos section is ALWAYS outdated. Stories for 10/6 are showing as the latest stories for today 10/16. When I refresh, I get a never ending pinwheel that never reloads or updates the stories. I used to love this app, but can’t find a fix and outdated videos are obviously of no use. I’ve deleted and redownloaded this app at least 4 times and no change.
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  • Started playing audio by itself and would not stop after killing app.

    Very frustrating bug seems to have existed for over a year according to other reviews.

    Out of nowhere it started playing audio on my phone. I haven’t used the app in ages on the phone, so thought it was the Apple Watch triggered it somehow. Killed the abc watch app and that didn’t stop the abc news audio from streaming on my phone, even when I locked the iPhone. The. I Killed all apps on the iPhone and that didn’t stop the abc news streaming audio from playing on my phone. Rebooted phone to stop the abc news audio.
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