Nike Training Club User Reviews

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  • Bewildering update

    I can’t believe that Nike put in a concerted effort to water down the app and make it significantly worse. The video playback isn’t even good. You’d be better off just putting your stuff on YouTube. Hate Nike for this.
  • Best app there is

    Trust me I’ve downloaded about 30 currently. THIS IS THE BEST APP If you are just starting or are at an intermediate level (even advanced!) there is nothing better. Ive has this app since February of this year after getting a new phone and I could not have asked for a better gift. There is something so beautiful when there is knowledge and help that is FREE to use. Now they have the Premium version available, I’ll probably be thinking of getting that soon based off the amazing help they’ve been so far in even getting me started. Start up plan, bodyweight plan, keeping in shape plan ARE THE BEST. Mixture of cardio and muscle building, and truly caring for how and how well you can get your body in shape, working on the whole package as you progress through your plan. I recommend this app to anyone that needs help starting and staying motivated (Since March I’ve worked out every morning) It seriously helps you out. At least it did me! Thank you NIKE

    Edit: 2 years later. Removed a star because the updates aren’t great unfortunately !
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  • My go-to app for workout routines

    I have several fitness apps that I’m looking to weed out. I keep coming back to the Nike app because it’s easy, simple. The design of the app is clean and intuitive. The workouts are really good. I’ve used lifting apps but it kinda gets boring quickly with those. A combination of lifting plus the addition of HIITS, and sometimes Yoga at the end is way more engaging. Don’t get me wrong, some days I want to lift heavy and that’s it but those are occasional. I’m also happy they don’t charge like another big name corporation they I won’t mention. Bottom line is you’re getting a premium product at no financial cost to you.

    If I were forced to criticize something about the app I’d say this. 1- they should have a way to schedule your workouts for you via machine learning. For example, after a few weeks of recording the types of workouts you’ve chosen, the app formulates an algorithm to book your next routine the next time you open it.
    2- I want to eliminate certain types of workouts from view going forward. I know I can do that on demand but I don’t like sorting every single time I open the app.
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  • App doesn’t open often, but great programs

    I’ve been having a lot of issues opening the app. I can sometimes open it, and then I can click maybe one or two things, then it’s frozen. Other times I go to open it and it force closes automatically. This persists til I delete and redownload the app, which I have to do daily. Not good considering I like to work out on my lunch break and I only have an hour. I waste precious minutes trying to get this app to work when I could be working out! The programs are mostly great! Some aren’t for me, but I’m very advanced. I wish you could rate individual workouts and it wouldn’t show you the ones you didn’t like anymore. I have to keep a log of the ones I want to improve on and ones I liked and would come back to (the save/bookmark feature isn’t enough because you can’t sort from within there and you can’t leave notes on each workout for yourself). I do love the rewards/achievements style the app takes, I just wish I could get the app to work!!!
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  • Updates Are Going In The Wrong Direction

    The old formats of the workouts were great, why are they changing them to videos?? Before you could quickly skip parts of the workout to modify the workout how you’d like. Already warmed up? Easy, skip to the core part of the workout. Plan to stretch after another workout? Great, skip the stretching portions. Now you have to pan on a video. You could also easily see what was coming up by scrolling through the upcoming exercises.

    For the workouts that haven’t been updated to the crappy video versions, there’s nowhere in the UI to pause or exit the workout. If I accidentally started a workout I didn’t mean to, now I have to exit the entire app to go to a different workout or end one early. Also the timer doesn’t update if you skip an exercise. What the heck NTC! Please bring back the old formats. Those were the best workouts. Please concentrate on those rather than the videos with saccharine trainers. Might have to find another app for home exercising.
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  • Terrible update

    I’ve used and loved this app since 2019, but the latest update is awful. The best feature of this app was that it wasn’t just videos and it was possible to skip certain exercises in a workout. Now workouts I have been doing for years have been converted to video format and the app is useless to me. I don’t know why the developers thought it was a good idea to get rid of the exact features that made this app better than others, but I hope they listen to all the feedback and change it back. I will not be using the app otherwise.
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  • Frustrating new update

    Why have you gotten rid of the old format? The new update is a major downgrade, for several reasons:

    Firstly, the class format doesn’t allow me to see any of the exercises before starting a workout, and, as an athlete who often picks up small injuries, this was a very useful feature as I was able to choose a workout that included no exercises which would worsen any injuries that I already had. The old format also allowed me to skip exercises (that were possibly painful if I did have an injury), which was very useful. All of this is impossible to do with the new update.

    I also used to keep an eye on the green bar on each exercise, as this was an easy method of finding out roughly how long there was left on each exercise. Now, the only way to see how long there is left on one particular exercise is to look at the tiny number on the bottom left of the screen, which is extremely chard to see.

    Additionally, I thoroughly enjoyed rep-based workouts - however the new update has completely got rid of them.

    Could you please bring back the old format, or at least address some of these issues in the new version?

    It would mean a lot to me if you could do something about this. I’ve loved this app for years and it’s greatly improved my fitness, however the new update seems to have ruined it.
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  • Workout video

    They changed the workouts into a video, and now I Cannot even workout because it requires internet. Like they should think, some people may not have internet in the gym and you cannot even download these videos.
  • Waiting for proper bug fixes & better updates

    I’ve been using NTC for years!!! I even got some of my family members using the app. However recently I haven’t been able to use the app. I try to use it to work out and the app just freezes and I can’t do anything but close it out. I’ve tried using it on WiFi and with my cellular but nothing works. Then the recent update where you can no longer see the work out break down before selecting the work out is annoying. It’s just a guessing game at this rate. Unfortunately I’m recovering from a knee surgery and have limitations on certain work outs, so I hand select my work outs based on that. I usually have to make a few adjustments to some of the work outs based on my limitations and it’s nice to be able to do that ahead of time. Unfortunately now I have to try and do that in the middle of the work out, which is not as productive. Most of the time I find myself not able to use the app more because of it freezing up and I end up using a different work out app.
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  • Update ruined the app

    I used to use Nike Training Club all the time for my workouts, but the newest update made the app nearly unusable. Some of my favorite features of the app, including being able to see all the exercises in the workout before you start, being able to skip and repeat exercises to get a custom workout, and being able to adjust the amount of guidance during the workout were erased when they switched from the old format to “class format.” Now all you can see before you start is the level, duration, general muscles worked, and equipment needed. Instead of being able to pick my workout based on the drills it contains, I’m now expected to choose based off of the title and minimal vague information. This “class format” makes it incredibly difficult to compare workouts as well - how am I supposed to pick between “Straight-Up Abs” and “Core Crunch 2.0” without being able to see the drills in each workout?? This update might not impact casual exercisers looking for a quick workout, but for higher-level athletes who used the app to supplement their training, it took away the features that made the app so effective. I hope Nike reverses the update as soon as possible because until then, I don’t think I can use the app.
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