ATC 4.0 User Reviews

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  • Doesn't load

    It doesn't even load the title screen for me. Please fix this, what's the point of buying something that does not work?
  • Very Amazing

    Hey there, I have to say I have ben very impressed by this app. I have actually played it while on a plane trip to Pittsburgh; while in flight. Anyways congrats to the author for making it such a great success
  • Not as good as Flight Control

    I was looking for Flight Control, which my friend had on his iPad. Fortunately, this was only $.99. ATC 4 wastes about 20% of the screen with a panel for info it could overlay on the map. Because of the reduced map size, you need a microscope or very good eyesight to see things. For me, I like the cartoonish graphics in Flight Control; it makes the planes, airports, etc. easier to see.
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  • Awesome

    Simply awesome! Survival mode is a blast; it's addicting trying to beat your last score and clear as many planes as possible. Mildly stressful and incredibly fun!
  • Fantastic Game

    I bought this because I'm interested in all things air traffic control, and I'm loving it. You're given the task of getting planes to different destinations and have to manage them by assigning them waypoints and ensuring they don't fly into each other. However, things get tricky when you have to deal with inclement weather, night missions, clouds, wind, and even tracking computer crashes. Different planes move at different speeds, so you have to really think about what you're doing... you can't just set their waypoints and leave them alone, you have to keep an eye on them all while they're in your sky. The interface is simple and intuitive, though a bit finicky sometimes. I had problems touching some of the smaller, faster moving planes. but, that issue is minor and I soon found myself saying "just one more mission", and you just might find yourself considering a career as an ATC because of it.
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  • Not too bad

    Although I was dissapointed at first, as you move through the game it becomes better.
  • Love it

    I love this game it is good and I have sickle cell so when I get sick it takes alot for me to stop concentrating on the pain this is the the kind of thing that's helps u should make more thank u very much.
  • Nice though not really an ATC simulation

    An interesting game though not more of a simulation as I thought it would be. I agree on some of the lost planes aspect of control. When I move the line, especially to "B", the plane moves though often it flys past or becomes lost. This is even after you hear the tone of the destination and the area being lighted. Dunno, maybe its me though I've tried it alot. The other thing is the weather. Trying to see through snow and clouds makes for a dismal ATC session. You almost need a magnifying glass to even pick up on where things are. Well, for only $0.99 its better than droppng coins into a pinball machine. Certainly one must give alot of praise to the progrmming. This has an excellent GUI, sound and it is more professional looking than many other appilcations.
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  • Too small. Too hard for entertainment.

    Overall, great concept. But the whole thing is way to small. And the runway target is really way too small. It is tougher than landing a real plane.

    Also, I know that air traffic seems to be radomly generated, but on lvl 26, like 12 planes on screen at once is overload. Even more so when 9 of them are supposed to land on the runway. Anything past lvl 22 or 23 is just too difficult for an entertainment game.
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  • Good game

    I like the game because it's obvious a lot of work has gone into it: the city beneath, with its moving cars, the weather effects, etc. I would ask that some improvement be made when it comes to directing the aircraft. For one thing, it'd be nice if one could merely touch and drag on a plane to control it, rather than touch to select and then swipe. I've lost control of numerous planes because I ended up not selecting first. Another big improvement concerns the L1 and L2 runways. Perhaps my fingers are too fat, but it's quite difficult to make the planes line up for a landing. The drawing response just doesn't want to produce the line I specify, most of the time, so I get planes that should clear, but fly past the runway instead.
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