ATC 4.0 User Reviews

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    I dont know why everyone was stuck on levels 19 and 27 because i'm on level 47 and am stuck. All in all this is a very good game and I recommend it to anyone who doesn't have it yet.
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  • I like it, but it's so small

    Good game, very entertaining, but it really strains my eyes as the on screen action is so small. That is the only down side
  • starts off way too easy and gets hard way too fast

    at first, I thought what a jip... this was the easiest, most unchallenging game I've ever played... one level after another, a no brainer... then all of a sudden, it turns into the most sadistic thing ever... level 27 is nearly impossible to beat... I also recommend the developer makes better use of the alloted screen space, this game's going to end up costing me an extra prescription for my eye... developer: the progression of gameplay difficulty must be addressed!
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  • You May Want to Save Your Money

    Would really like to be present when the developer actually goes through each level. I've asked a 12-year old (an absolute whiz at such) to see if he can get past the first few levels, no way! You are not really able to control anything - the app controls all. Save your money - - for the time being. I think the last upgrade was to improve the background music? Really!
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  • Great!

    Loved it. Completed it and BEFORE the update which made levels 19 & 27 EASIER!!! I don't think a REAL air traffic controller cam just ring up their boss and somehow get their job made easier! Phurrfffph! Lol haha
  • Most frustrating game ever!

    When I initially started playing this game it seemed fun, however it rapidly went down hill. For a game that is supposed to be played on an touch screen the interface is ridiculously unresposive. Airplanes that are steered in the right direction for no known reason go in the wrong one. The runway environment is way to small, so aircraft are constantly overshooting. They try to make it challenging by adding hurricane strength winds - challenging try impossibile! I am glad I only paid .99 cents for this... Even though truth be told it was .99 cents too much. Do yourself a favour and AVOID this game!!!
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  • Good, but...

    I agree with the fact that this is a cool app, but I also agree that controlling the aircraft is too difficult. And heaven help you if you don't completely activate the next aircraft. You might just have the plane you just guided do a 180 and head in the other direction. Controls need a little work, and this app will be better.
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  • Good replayability

    This is the app most capable of killing time on my iPhone. Overall well worth the money.

    There are a few glitches however, like that alarm that goes off when a plane is too close to the boundary. I found that alarm false 100% of the time. In fact planes truely in danger of getting lost pass that boundary DON'T set off that alarm! Very annoying.

    Lessor flaws are planes that overshoots the runway without telling you, or unexplainably decide to make a u-turn at the exit point into on coming traffic, again without telling you.

    These however do not take away the enjoyment all that much. I recommend this game for its replay value.
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  • Bit hard on old eyes

    I love it, and the only criticism I could make would be, it is a bit hard on the eyes for someone my age! Yeah, "old". If only I could increase the font for the ABCD etc destinations I would be even happier!
  • Addicting! Can't put it down.

    I tried the Lite version and immediately bought the full ver. Great way to pass the time! Even if you know what you're doing, it's pretty challenging. Nice effects and graphics, especially when planes crash. Have seen Flight Control app and this one's much better. I haven't been able to put it down... got to one level that's almost impossible... This app isn't for those who want stress relief!
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