Tumblr User Reviews

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  • clássic

    Tumblr inspires everyday artists to see the beauty in simplicity. Whether it's a random picture of some mundane thing or a few simple words strung up and pieced together. Art inspires art. And everyday that I go onto my Tumblr account, i not only find things imjuskittying about (ha) but I find people who find my cheesy humor endearing instead of trying to belittle me. It's good vibes. It's a place where quirky individuals can find some solice. A place where people who are extremely factual and weirdly eccentric can come together and take a picture of a pine cone and call it art because it really is. Have you ever thought of the magnificent ways pine trees add to our planet? Think about it. I challenge you to see the beauty within a picture of a pinecone. What will you find? That's Tumblr. A place where art and thought collide. Tumblr is about taking a policial stance but learning the facts first. As you scroll through you'll find intellectuals discussing major issues and tons and tons of pictures. Art inspires art. I find myself writing a poem every time I open the app. I'm writing a novel right now and I know who I'm making it out to- Tumblr. For inspiring artist everywhere to see the beauty within a pinecone.
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  • Bring back the OG format

    Tumblr used to be so cool Bc you could look at all your posts in a grid and even set up 🤤 infinite scroll 🤤. The grid view was even better than Instagram's because you could have more columns and control the view size of your posts. Everything you'd posted or reblogged, everything that made you you, was just right there in a huge collage and you could control its aesthetic and theme. But now there's no way to control the look of your page. It's just a buggy slow-loading scroll of your recent posts interrupted by adds and overlain with banners on a white background whether you like it or not, one post at a time. Everyone I know personally who has abandoned tumblr has abandoned it for this specific reason alone. Stop trying to mimic other social media sites. Realize what you are. Even Instagram has a grid for you and even Pinterest lets you create boards and Blogger lets you control the whole look of your page. If you want tumblr to have a resurgence stop looking to what others are doing and remember what made tumblr tumblr in the first place. Everyone loved designing their tumblrs so much that WE ALL LEARNED BASIC HTML in order to make the changes we desired. That's how important the web design of our personal collections was to us. That's how big a part of the tumblr experience your own gallery was. The people who made these devastating changes completely missed that part.
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  • Some issues but overall it’s okay

    The app has fewer crashes, but it has been refreshing fairly constantly which is a bit annoying but it’s manageable.

    My biggest complaint is when looking through a tag you are given three categories to filter through: Top/Latest, All time/Last 6 months/etc, and All posts/Text/ etc. I understand that the change to this was so more artists had a chance to be discovered but I’d like to suggest another category that is Most Popular/Highest Notes. Lately it has become difficult to see these posts due to the tags being spammed with new content, and sometimes it is just a handful of the same blogs, so you’re seeing the same thing over and over. I just think it’s be nice to actually have a choice to filter in seeing more popular posts for a tag because as of now if you have the set default as: Most Popular, All time, and All posts, a lot of the time the first hundred posts are under 20 notes and it renders the filter system as useless because you aren’t actually getting what you filtered for.
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  • A Weird, Wonderful World

    Tumblr is not for everyone, and it isn’t meant to be. It’s a weird place where people let their freak flag fly. It’s for people who want to immerse themselves in stories and ideas. Some of those stories are NSFW. I, personally, won’t let my kids on Tumblr until they are mature enough to navigate away from things they aren’t ready for… or when they become adults, whichever comes first. I actually appreciate that there are a lot more filters than there used to be because, unfortunately, there are people out there who will exploit others and Tumblr should not be giving them a platform. That said, I would recommend that Tumblr add a filter for creators to choose for their content only to be seen by 18+ (or age of adulthood in a region). I, personally, enjoy reading/writing fiction that would be inappropriate for younger audiences but, like many content creators, am responsible enough to indicate that it isn’t meant for children. Most writers include disclaimers on their work stating that underage users should not engage, but for many kids that just makes it seem that much more exciting and harder to resist. Let’s go ahead and give content creators the tools to help protect kids, most of us would use it.
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  • Refreshingly different

    Tumblr will annoy people used to insta, Twitter, TikToks always-new-content discovery engine keeping you addicted. It won’t show you stuff your friends have liked or commented on. It won’t show you how many followers someone has. I actually have no idea who follows me, beyond the most recent followers. It’s not for people who care about these numbers.

    Instead, Tumblr feels more like browsing an Indy book store and stumbling onto great or curious finds. It does now have a for you page, for when you want new content. But overall, it’s more thoughtful than any other social media platform. You get space to really spell pot and explain ideas instead of pressure to fit them into a video or 1:1 square. The reblog feature means you read your comment *After* the original post, which encourages actually reading the whole thread and not just the “hot take”. It’s also refreshingly influencer-free.
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  • Poor Ad Integration

    Some problems I have with the ad integration in order of priority:
    1) Some ads auto play with sound while my phone is muted. There is no way to mute them permanently or have them not auto play, or have them follow the volume settings of my phone. Isn’t this against the rules?
    2) Sometimes I can’t scroll past the ads. The ads which are made to look like part of the background of the app rather than a blog post will sometimes take up my whole phone screen, and yet I can’t grab them to scroll past. I have to grab a surround post in order to scroll up or down. Sometimes this isn’t possible.
    3) Due to multiple methods of ad integration, it seems like 25-50% of my dash is ads. This may not really be the post count, but if we measure it by screen space, the large ads take up more of my scrolling environment than many other short text posts. In addition, ads can double up by having “background” type ads, “post” type ads (which are not significantly visually different from real posts to distinguish themselves from content), and… Tumblr Blaze posts that shouldn’t show up based on my presence to view only blogs I follow on my dash. I feel like I hardly see any of my feed any more. I mean, come on.
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  • Why Tumblr Whyyyyy

    I’ve been on tumblr since 2013 but have been using the ios app over desktop for the last 5 years. The ios app KEEPS. GETTING. WORSE. I was going to write a review back in 2018 about the banning of nsfw blogs but decided not to. I again almost wrote a review in December 2021 due to a large quantity of tags being banned for exclusively for ios users. This latest update, truly pushed me over the edge. The layout is in complete disarray on the ios app. It is an actual eyesore and makes me want to go back to using tumblr exclusively on my desktop computer. My biggest complaint isn't even the spacing between the like, reblog, reply, and share buttons. But the fact that some *genius* decided to make the like, reblog and reply icons to the left of the notes SO BRIGHTLY COLORED! I tried all the different palette options and nothing helped. It is distracting. The colors make my eyes want to wander away from the actual post. I have to strain my eyes just to read. It’s genuinely making the app unusable for me. Just give me the option to either get rid of the icons next to the notes or at least make them one solid color please. Staff please fix this, I know I am not the only one having issues with this update.
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  • Siesta-Fosta and Apple have hamstrung this app

    The failure to communicate with Apple in order to fit into their guidelines (blocking #girl, # about me # long post and other common tags) means that people are tagging less and I’m seeing more things I don’t want to. I also have a more difficult time than ever finding content with the search function, especially music posts. I have to search the album and then I’ll get some music posts where if I search the artist’s name I get less relevant results. The site still has a lot of content I like, and is chronological in order, which most other social media has failed to keep as a feature, but changes to search and tagging has had a negative effect on the platform. Also, if Apple has the app listed as an 17+ rating, why can’t there be nude images with safety features to block them for younger users? Twitter also is rated the same, and I definitely see nude art and images on there. People have been loud about it for ages, and no one is willing to push back for the sake of tumblr’s users. Unless someone advocates for the users, the app will continue to decline and I have no interest in paying for extra features until things change for the better.
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  • Censorship

    I just deleted this app. My negative review is not for the makers or creators of Tumblr but more for Apple. Here me out. As a mother I want to protect my children. It is my responsibility to do so and not Apple or social medias responsibility. I agree somethings need not be posted or taken done. However, there is a better solution. There is ridiculous list of banned hashtags and photos. Really Apple, you banned #suicide prevention or any assault prevention hastags. So any prevention or education of sexual assault, assault or suicide can’t be posted. There banned hashtag list is a little ridiculous. #girl is banned, but #boy is not. #girlfriend is banned, but #boyfriend is not. #arm, #armpit #myface #mygif #mygifs #mylife #myphotos #mypost #mystuff #myvideo #tonythetiger is banned? Why? The list goes on and on. My suggestion is to have age verification. How hard is that? Over 18 years of age can see what they want. Since nudity is not permanent. And let the 18year olds and over to choose to look at sensitive material. It is our choice not yours. To the panel of Apple employees that wrote this censorship, do you really think this is going to stop people from going on Tumblr and looking at sensitive material? Let me tell you. It won’t. They will look from there browser. All you did was have people delete their app.
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  • Really, guys?

    So not only do we have to deal with the ridiculously high number of ads of this site and app now, but you’re going to ban a bunch of random tags (girl? You’re banning us from tagging girl? Really?), but still going to allow Pornbots to be rampant despite users constantly reporting them? So basically you’re telling me that Apple is going to tell you that you have to be age appropriate and yall idiots decide that what they mean is you should arbitrarily ban the word armpit from being tagged. Firstly, Apple, maybe instead of cracking down on Tumblr again you should consider taking a hard look at Twitter which has a lower age rating for the app and absolutely allows NSFW content as well as allowing literal people attracted to children to spout their disgusting rhetoric. Secondly, the Tumblr staff need to take a long think about just why people are abandoning the platform. Constant censorship - particularly over STUPID things (I got a picture of my forearm tattoo flagged once, like really?) - is ridiculous and you’re guaranteed to begin losing money when people get sick of not even being allowed to tag their perfectly innocent posts properly. Fix this.
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