Tumblr User Reviews

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  • Banned words

    Funnily enough, apple is out of touch and have no idea how to handle tumblr. This censorship is now beyond p*rn. You have banned the words that people describe the struggles they face in everyday life. You have banned words that make sense that correspond with Tumblr inner works such as #submission that is a automatic tag in the submission tab on peoples blogs. You not only banned things that were strange but also things like #mine Which again, makes no sense? If you wish to keep people protected whatever, but give us a choice. Don’t force your weird censorship onto the users who is the majority are grown adults. I am a long time user been about 8 years. Not once have I ever been triggered or afflicted on this site. ( I don’t speak for everyone but) I think it’s safe to say this censorship on here is out of control. I’d be okay if we were given a choice but it seems that tumblr is going on a downward slope and eventually shut down if this is kept up. There is no longer a sense of self when you constrict someone’s identity and real world issues. I hope apple reconsiders this horrible move and PR movement of we want a “safer” internet that only really caters to white fragility and protecting horrible people like p*dos and abusers. Apple you are NOT helping.
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  • Terrible update

    Most recent update is abysmal, and it’s Apple’s fault! What happened? Posts on this app have a tagging system for both organization and discoverability, and staff has just banned innumerable innocuous words as tags, meaning for IOS users, these posts will be unviewable. Some of these are aimed at s*xual content, which was the idea (though that’s not one I can get behind either, not every social media needs to be appropriate for 10 year olds), but many others are completely inane and constitute simple user-aggression by being banned: such as “girl” and “long post”. Others still are actively sinister under the pretenses of banning hate speech. To ban the tags “antisemitism”, “racism”, and “transphobia” is not to dissuade hateful posting, but to silence discussion about this issues, which is something anyone can see. Tumblr devs are a bit inept, perhaps, but mostly they are just trying to comply with Apple in the face of THREATS to take their app of the App Store, which would lose them about 40% of their revenue and tank the company. This is a shameful move for Apple, using their power for censorship to silence users discussion social issues, destroying a sites usability for the sake of creating a sanitized, advertiser-friendly platform. This is a gross first step towards the future of the internet that Apple wants, and we should not sit by and let them Inact that.
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  • iOS update ruined things

    Listen, i love tumblr. However, the new iOS update changed the way and number of banned tags that users on the mobile app were using to help make the site a safe and fun place for everyone. The fact that this is only for users on Apple products makes me more than a little annoyed, and I no longer want to use the app if it means that the content I used to engage with isn’t there on iOS. A lot of my mutuals and I are into horror, and so blocking tags like ‘scopophobia’ and ‘body horror’ means that I can’t see ANY of the fan art when I’m on the iOS app. I’ve looked through the list of newly-banned tags and I’ve gotta say, I’m disappointed. None of them actually will work to ban the harmful or hateful content that might be uploaded, because they were being used in a way that I don’t think Apple understands. When someone is being transphobic, they do not end their posts with ‘transphobia tw’. Those tags are used by ACTUAL TRANS PEOPLE, who are talking about their life experiences or calling someone else’s transphobia out. Blocking that tag and removing the content means that we no longer get to share those stories anymore, and it does nothing to the actual transphobic content one might come across. The same thing can be said for racist and antisemitic posts.
    Additionally, some of the banned words are flat out ridiculous. Why is #girls banned? Or #long post? It doesn’t make sense, and it makes me not want to use the iOS app anymore. :(
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  • New iOS tag blocking makes the safe unsafe

    Once again, another update has come to Tumblr with little thought as to how it actually benefits - or rather, negatively affects - the community at large.
    Due to iOS guidelines, tumblr has been forced to block certain tags on the website. Sounds good, no? Well, actually, no. There is no official guide to what has been blocked, but while users expect actual harmful tags to be blocked, iOS and tumblr have instead decided to choose almost randomly. From tags as simple as ‘long post’ ‘submission’ or ‘my stuff’, to things like ‘mental health’ ‘trigger warning’ and ‘racism’. These tags were used to filter and control important topics, but now they cannot even be viewed. Heck, even tags like ‘Mary Jane’ and ‘queued’ are blocked, which makes incredibly little sense.
    With little to no communication from staff after this has been implemented users are, understandably, frustrated. While tumblr is an enjoyable hub for many updates like this do more harm than good for the community, who are no longer able to create safe spaces for themselves and others, talk upon important issues, nor even share their own creative endeavours. A very frustrating and disappointing step backward for this website and app, once again.
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  • Banned Tags

    I’ll put my review up to five stars if the recent banned tags is reversed. it makes the site practically unusable and unsafe for everyone involved because people will use multiple ways to get around the ban and that will make it extremely difficult to filter those posts out. this isn’t just from a nsfw content perspective - I actively try to avoid nsfw content but this still effects me greatly. they banned things like “my post”, “my art”, etc. as well as any way to effectively tag posts with warnings - such as “blood”. this makes an incredibly hostile environment for artists and people who enjoy art. either a majority of the user base will leave or they’ll find work arounds. this is a stupid update that just harms everyone including the app itself. please reconsider.
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  • Hostile user interface and staff hate us

    The latest update really goes to show how little the staff actually care about their user base. Banning basic words in tags such as ‘girl’ and ‘lace’ and ‘me’??? This is just harmful to the microblogging platform for all sorts of people, especially artists and writers. Why are you trying to alienate your user base? This so-called ‘censorship’ does nothing to prevent NSFW content and simply makes it harder for people to engage with each other.
    The English language isn’t something to be ‘cut’ (oh look, another banned tag) at the ‘request’ of the ‘self’-important few in a sloppy Orwellian attempt at enforcing ‘submisson’.
    Stop blaming Apple for your staff’s basic lack of consideration and common sense, otherwise we’ll all just leave and find another platform that’s kinder to fandom spaces. It’s happened before, and if things keep going the way they are, I’m sure it’ll happen again.
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  • Gets worse with every update

    Don’t get me wrong, I like tumblr. I have been on this site since 2011 or 2012. I like the art community and the chronological dash and being able to show or hide my likes and following lists. Your experience is fully what/who you follow and what you search. That said, the tagging system that used to make the site so good has been screwed over yet again in the most recent update. Tumblr has added more banned words and suppressed more content supposedly in the name of following Apple’s guidelines. This ruins the search function and will prevent people from tagging things appropriately and will defeat the entire purpose of tagging and personal filters. They want to hide “unsafe” or “explicit” content and yet everything they do with the tags does the exact opposite. Why would anyone use the correct tags if it will immediately be suppressed? Also the old system of giving a warning on explicit blogs worked fine. Now on iOS you don’t even get the choice of continuing with that search or not. You get booted back to the search function. I don’t know the exact age demographics of tumblr but especially these days it seems to be a site for adults who grew up with it so the fact that they treat their user base like children needing to be censored is frustrating and useless. If they keep going down this path of censorship and incompetent search functions I might be forced to abandon it all together rather than continue trying to make it work.
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  • Tumblr has banned the words Girl, Me, and Mine for being “Explicit or Suggestive Content”

    As the title says, tumblr staff has for some unholy reason decided to vastly expand their list of banned content and tags. Now, to be fair, the tag system was already nonfunctional. But the active ban on tags of COMMON WORDS is absolutely bananas. It bans things tagged with racism, sexism, gender, and stops these things from showing up on people’s dashboards. By extension, they have also completely nullified their tag-blocking abilities by making it impossible for people to block content they don’t wish to see because now people just won’t tag it! They claim it is to do with compliance with Apple IOS terms. Maybe that’s true. If so, hey Apple, you can eat me. But honestly? It’s because they are trying to make tumblr marketable, to attract advertisers, completely ignoring the fact that the user base of this site actively and willfully fights off any form of monetization. Post plus lasted less than 24 hours. But at this rate, tumblr is actually going to finally die like most of the internet already thinks it is, because they’re going to ban every user for speaking in the first person. So have a 1 star review!!! See how your advertisers like that you useless sacks of [banned language]
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  • New update has raised a lot of concern for users

    Hi, I’ve been using tumblr for quite a few years now and slowly over time the app has become worse with the spam of ads and the silencing of nsfw creator’s, tumblr is known for being edgy and having art and im thankful for past updates which got rid of most of the gross stuff on there but now with this new update you can’t even interact with mutuals who post “sensitive content” or even turn on a switch that allows you to do so, I understand the update is to stay on the apple store but even then twitter has a nsfw side to it and it’s still here so I just don’t get it? This has affected a lot of people on tumblr cause now people can’t even see their own mutuals pages anymore. Please fix this because it’s raising a lot of talk on the app thankyou.
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  • ‘Open in app’ alerts when using the app

    Frustrating to use at best. Links to other Tumblr pages open in a web browser pop-up, rather than in the app itself. This results in a giant blue button suggested you should use the app. THIS IS WHAT IM TRYING TO DO. The button either does nothing, as your pop-up is now blocking access to the app, or takes you to the App Store to download the app you already have.
    Solution? Open in Safari > back to Tumblr to close pop up > back Safari to Open in App > view your page in the app. So what’s the point in having the app in the first place?!
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