Tumblr User Reviews

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  • Something for everyone, with things you won’t find anywhere else.

    I’ve been on tumblr off and on for years and it’s never treated me badly. There are pictures and ~vibes~ you won’t get anywhere else. No matter what you’re into there’s something for you.
  • the new mobile update is bad

    I’ve been using tumblr since 2012, and on mobile since 2013. Generally the mobile version has been okay, and fairly easy to use, but there’s a new update that’s being rolled out that is making it almost unusable. The dashboard buttons (homepage, write a post, notifications etc) have been removed from the bottom of the screen - where they were easily accessible - and into a side menu on the left of the screen. It doesn’t take a graphic designer to tell you that this makes it way more difficult to navigate the app. Additionally, if you want to reblog a longer post- at least on the iPhone 11 - it’s now impossible to add anything to the tags as the app will physically not let you scroll that far. I’m only giving this one star because i enjoy tumblr as a social media and i still appreciate aspects like the tag system and the fact that your follower count is invisible. Otherwise it wouldn’t get any stars. But the mobile app is so bad, you’d be better off just using the web browser on your PC.
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  • It depends how you use it

    I’ve been on Tumblr since 2010, and I have seen the changes over the years. Tumblr is a great site and whatever you’re looking for you’ll find it if you look hard enough (the same goes for literally every site, though) and Tumblr’s attempts to create ways to block users, tags, and content from your personal feed is slowly getting better as the years go on. There are still some issues there (I have had to block at least five versions of the same tag before) but that’s more because the users themselves make up new tags daily and it’s hard to keep on top of for everyone. In all, it’s a great site for art and writing, as well as a variety of other things ranging from recipes to history to writing or drawing advice, with the only remaining drawback being it’s quite reactionary at times and the reblogging webs can lead to very different and isolated takes on the same thing without any cross-conversation. As a final note, instead of attempting a Tumblr+ system (which is only going to end badly), the site moderators would get more out of fundraising like Ao3 or Wikipedia does.
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  • God help me

    I could frankly care less about whatever features the app has or what kind of content is allowed in the rules. As long as I get to scroll mindlessly through my dash and occasionally spit out the odd text post that nobody will read, I’m pretty much set. So here’s the thing: I’ve got a phone and an iPad, both of which are ancient by technology standards. Probably not a decade old, but they can’t be far at this point. The app works fine on them. Glitchier than most I’ve used, but I can still do all two of the things I usually do on tumblr with ease, so I can look past it. With all that said, WHY does the app crash incessantly on my brand new phone? It’s the only app I have that does this, so I know the phone itself isn’t the problem. It freezes if I exit out of the app for a bit, sometimes if I reblog a post or look in the notes, it’ll freeze if I look at someone’s blog too long. The only thing I can do that doesn’t have a chance of crashing the app is scroll - and even then I can’t go down TOO far. I’m genuinely confused at how this app functions perfectly fine on the oldest devices that I have, and yet can’t seem to stay open for longer than ten minutes at a time on a two day old phone. I’m open to any reasonable explanations for this, because I’m honestly at a loss, but mostly I just hope this gets resolved soon. I can’t use my iPad out of the house and I absolutely refuse to redownload Twitter. This hellsite is my one source of entertainment, man, cmon
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  • Always partial to T.

    Been using this app since long before Yahoo & the pedos ‘ruined’ it & it’s taken a few years but I love this site just as I did in 2012. It’s not quite as unmonitored as it used to be, but for gods sake there was a TON of child pornography all over the site. I would hope that if my child had lewd photos/videos leaked all over the internet, other adults would empathize and prioritize making Tumblr safe for kids over having an unmonitored blogging app. Yeah it can be irritating that certain things are no longer ‘okayed’ by the site, but to keep CHILDREN safer, it’s totally worth it. The content posted on my blogs hasn’t slipped in quality, ever. I have always been able to keep up the aesthetic I want on my blogs & if that’s the case, idk why people are mad over being monitored more. The app works just as it was designed to do, and it appears Tumblr has made an effort to correct the design flaws that allowed for so much child pornography to be distributed while tactfully keeping the same atmosphere that made tumblr the best social media app in the first place. This app is a happy place for me to recollect myself mentally and put myself into the mindset I want, and for that I am extremely thankful.
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  • Let’s cut to the chase

    TUMBLR is, at least to a large extent, a very good porn site. Adults ought to be free to make their own decisions about the content they choose to view and contribute. TMBLR is free to set its own moderation policies. The way TUMBLR has approached this reality- and I understand the choices it has made, and why- has been an attempt to reach a middle ground, but it has been lackluster. In the 21st century, there are ways to set age limits for certain content, to moderate very highly offensive and illegal content reasonably well, and to do so without punishing the conscientious and law abiding adults that want to exercise their perfectly sound inclination to engage porn. Content providers should tag content as porn and the app should filter pornographic content for all accept those that opt to view/contribute porn. For those users that opt, require some authentication that has a reasonable association with age, and make it binding. If the user is caught lying about their age, ban them- ban their isp# or whatever number IDs their device, etc. If the content provider fails to tag content, ban them. If a user posts illegal content, block them, give them an opportunity to appeal, and then block them if they don’t or if the appeal fails.

    TUMBLR is a great app- for all things, not only porn. It’s a worthy contender, and more than anything it can support the (legal, ethical) interests of everyone… users, advertisers, TUMBLR, and even the US Congress.
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  • Hellsite (derogatory and affectionate)

    Tumblr is run by a bunch of chaotic weirdos and is used by a bunch of chaotic weirdos. Here on this godforsaken site we remember remember the fifth of November not only for gun powder treason and plot but also 2012 coming back to life in the worst? best? of ways.
    10/10 would recommend this….. place…. If you want to find your people, because trust me they’re out there. Is it the most reliable of apps? Eh, it crashes occasionally. But I mean it has a pride and goth rave colour palette so all is forgiven.
    Come one, come all to the weirdest place on the internet!
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  • Block list bug

    I love Tumblr, flaws too, as it gives me something else in life to complain (justifiably so) about. However this review is more personal and seems counterintuitive but this is the issue: i have a rather extensive block list as a result of the never-ending bot-blogs bred on tumblr. I also have a violent, abusive, ex partner blocked whom I have worked tediously to completely disentangle & separate his existence and access to and from me and my life. For my safety and as a direct result of his violent, stalker & malicious tendencies, i check his blog every so often in order to ensure he’s still states away and to see if he is still making creepy posts about me. A couple days ago however i noticed my blocklist was cut down from at least 150 blogs to about 20, and it does not allow me to go to the blocked person’s blog. My ex’s blog is no longer showing up which scares me bc that is the way i safely keep my “distance” from him, while also still being aware of his life. I know it sounds creepy on my part but i still fear for my life and know he would bill me if given the chance. Please, i hope this review actually reached someone who can help do something about this glitch. Thank you.
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  • Chill place the majority of the time

    Yeah there’s occasionally a lot of discourse but you can block posts with the discourse tag in your settings if it makes you uncomfy.
    A lot of reviews are angry about how staff took away all the porn on the website, staff did that a few years back and the people who are angry only came to Tumblr to find pornography instead of using an actual porn website or just going to reddit.
    The apps got a lot of glitches i know, but that’s because staff isn’t the best at managing the app, they’re doing their best but every update there’s an even bigger bug which is kinda funny.
    Somehow this is one of the only apps where straight people are actually a minority, LGBTQIA+ thrive on the app which is so fun, being on tumblr was one of the first times i got to see people actually like me.
    The ad’s aren’t as bad as some people in the reviews say, there short and easy to skip even though they pop up frequently, also sometimes they’re super obscure, the most common ad I get just says “my wife told me to put vinegar on bread and leave it in the trash can” and I always chuckle whenever I see it
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  • reduce the frequency of ads. PLS

    i like tumblr, there really isn’t any other social media like it. i obviously there are bad sides to it, but there’s a weird sense of... not community, but acknowledgement? idk. like, as a website we have inside jokes that other social medias don’t have, we all have some sort of past superwholock harry potter emo edgy phase in common.
    but for real. ads every five posts is a bit ridiculous. the majority of posts on my dash are textposts. short ones. so the frequency of ads is annoying. also the ads are so weird and i’m not gonna lie, some of them are funny but i had different variations of one ad that was something along the lines of ‘clear your bowels without a doctor’ and it was the most cursed disgusting pictures of bananas being cooked in the strangest way.

    [tw ed mention] also obviously the problematic communities. i manage to steer clear of them, mostly, but there was one uh pro-ana blog in my recommendations for no reason. like i follow cottagecore accounts and. not meme pages but whatever the tumblr equivalent is where you just post whatever’s in your head and it gets 80k notes. if i’d seen that a year ago . oh boy it wouldn’t have ended well. i get that it’s hard to moderate these things but when i open the app and see “mental wealth month” at the top whatever that even means. it feels very performative. at least make an effort.
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