Tumblr User Reviews

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    This app is terrible and I don’t really recommend it if you get easily frustrated by broken assets that you can’t even use even though they’re everywhere. An example of this is the search option on everyone’s blog. When I go to type something in on someone’s blog so I can search for a tag that they have, even if they have a lot of posts in that tag it’ll give me the “Oops nothing here in this tag! It just doesn’t exist!”. This has been an issue for YEARS. I have never been able to go in someone’s blog, manually type a tag and be able to click search to get me all the posts in that tag. This is also an issue for my personal blog. I haven’t been able to search a tag by manually typing it in. I have to put the tag on a post that is COMPLETELY unrelated to the tag just so I can get into it, and then I have to remove the tag from that post after just because I wanted to find it...... it’s a lot of extra work because of a bug that has gone unfixed for a long time. I can’t tell you how much time I’ve wasted having to scroll far down to a miscellaneous post so my followers don’t see a weird tag on an unrelated post, typing the tag on the post so I can click on it, and then deleting the tag from that post after I’ve gotten into the tag. Why is there a manual typing search option for specific blog tags when it doesn’t even work???
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  • Honestly my favourite

    Tumblr is easily my favourite platform to this day. I think the lack of emphasis on followers and such really makes it a less narcissistic place to be. In my personal experience it’s been a lot easier to make genuine connections and get good photos out there on tumblr than IG or any other photo sharing platform.
    Also I’ve always loved having my secret blogs for inspiration or random phases that I have and I still really appreciate being able to set and customise the themes for desktop. It was always a really good way to make a photography portfolio back before I could afford a website too.
    Not to over do it, but I would honestly credit tumblr quite a lot with my development creatively.
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  • Keeps crashing when I open posts??

    This has been happening for a while now. Sometimes it’ll just crash while I’m scrolling through, but now it’s started crashing when I open posts. It’ll stutter when I scroll through the post, then crash a few seconds later before I’ve read the thing, then I have to reopen the app and painstakingly try and find the post I was looking at, and try and read it quickly before the app crashes on me again.
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  • Hypocritical garbage...

    Really...reallyyyy garbage.. the only thing tumblr was good for was NSFW artists but you took that away and continue to keep literal nazi content
  • Love the App, But Timestamps/Dates for Posts?

    I’ve used tumblr for over 8 years now and probably will use it for a long time to come! One thing that’s always bugged me though is that I can never see when a post has been posted or reblogged. This is kinda frustrating when trying to tell what blogs are active and which haven’t been active for upwards of a year. I’ve had multiple cases of blogs that I love becoming inactive while I was away from the site, and also cases where I see a blog that I like and I follow them, only for them to never post again because it turns out their most recent post/reblog was actually made a year ago and I just couldn’t tell because there wasn’t a time stamp for the post.

    It’s not a super pressing thing obviously, just something I’ve always wished were different! And if there actually is a way to see timestamps/dates for posts and I’ve just been overlooking it please let me know!

    (Also, this goes solely for the mobile app. I haven’t used the desktop site in probably years so I don’t remember if there’s a way to see dates on desktop or not.)
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  • Was great but has turned sour

    Used to love using this app, but now it’s so glitchy. I’d try to open a post to read and then my screen would turn black and it would shut down, loosing the progress of where I was. If I luckily hearted something and tried to go back to it, it would glitch again. Sometimes it’s on the same post and others it’s not.
    Wanting to read something and then having to try and search it on the web browser is the most annoying thing.

    What was most annoying was when they changed the search algorithm. If I had a term followed such as polar bears, and I pressed on the little square that says that, it would say “sorry there’s nothing new” for recent or “sincerely we found nothing” for top searches. But if I take the long way and type polar bears into the search bar myself then I’ll see HEAPS AND HEAPS, of post on both recent and top. Why implement something that not going to work.

    I understand why they had to start putting in some new algorithms for inappropriate things, but that kinda what the platform was built on. But when they’ve started all these new changes it’s just been destroying the communities that are on here, and disrupting the flow of trying to search for things.

    No one is probably going to read this but it’s still upsetting every time I open this app it glitches and doesn’t actual show the correct search results.
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  • I don’t understand why

    I downloaded it for certain reasons, my friend does a lot of art on there. He sells it and show off his skills. So reason I made an account last year(a few months ago, it’s January so like around six or 4 months ago), first time ever making an account. I ended up deleting it because I never really got on it, I was busy and it was taking up room. So I tried creating a new account today said my email was in use, fine use another I have like six. All of them were in use! I’ve NEVER had it before until literally a few months ago(“last year”)! So when I try to SIGN IN it say NO ACCOUNT WITH THIS EMAIL!!! What the hell is going on?? I do not understand??? I just wanted to look at peoples art and an article that was on twitter😭😭😭 I’m so confused it keeps doing this I deleted it again and I’m gonna try to reinstall this is not what I was hoping for. I’m sorry I’m having issues trying to sign in. Also it does nothing when I say I forgot password, it just takes me back to the sign in screen when I click the email it sends me. Then once again says my email has no account on there.I kinda don’t wanna keep doing this...it’s almost 12am 😞 but at least my only job is to clean the house while my fiancé goes to work at 8 am tomorrow soon to be today🥺😅
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  • I love it but I hate it

    Tumblr is great and I love it there is such amazing art and content that some really talented people post. But to the good Lord in heaven if you haven’t gotten it yet don’t you will go down a deep dark rabbit hole and it will mess you up. You’ll end up planning to go to bed at 9pm since you have to get up at 5am and you won’t because you get a notification and you’re like “oh I’ll just have a weeeee look it’ll be absolutely fine only looking at this one weeeee little notification” and next thing you know it you’re dying and it’s 2am you don’t know what to do anymore with your life the choices you’ve made you’re broken crying what is life? What is existence?Tumblr is great but save yourself while you still can DON’T GET IT!!!!
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  • Trash

    I had over 17,000 followers for my adult content nsfw page until you removed all of that and basically made all my work and my entire blog null. There were nsfw features for a reason and shouldn’t have been viewed by anyone under 18+ anyways. Realize who your users were, mostly adults, and tumblr has been trash ever since. Bring back our nsfw content. You’re failing.
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  • Tumblr isn’t the same.

    It would be 5 stars and I would recommend it but unfortunately only 4 stars because of the rule that was introduced end of last year and only mainly 4 stars because of the remaining users before the change. If they left it would be only 2 stars. Also to many advertisements which Tumblr won’t do anything about.
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