The Quest Classic User Reviews

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  • Best Iphone RPG

    Definitely the best of the iphone RPG's out there. I played 10 different ones so far from Vay to Aravle to Dragonbane2. This one was the most interactive and the longest for me to finish. It allows for hours of fun. You can customize your stats (main and secondary talents), enchant your gear, mix herbs to make potions, choose your alliance, gamble, choose lots of different quests and sleep with women. There's many save slots so you can save anytime. I saved often so when I made bad choices, I always could reload and try the other choice. The enviromental changes were nice, from day to night, rain to sun. I was good at 1st then I played the whole thing again as evil. Or you can just be neutral, but be careful, some gears you only can equip if you're good or evil alignment. I'm definitely going to try the sequel to The Quest.
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  • It's OK, but not great

    It's a good game just like Orcs & Elves. It has great graphics and solid gameplay. It is pretty hard, but it gets much easier as you learn the fundamentals and mechanics if the game. The gameplay is turn-based, but is fast-paced enough as if it were an RPG like Oblivion.

    Also, could you tone-down the sexually-oriented dialogue and language in the game?! I bought this game in the 1st place because it had only a 4+ rating. Could you PLEASE tone it down or remove it? Or at least warn us about what type of game we are buying because I purchased this game before the Lite version was released or else I would have tried the Lite version and not purchased the full game.
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  • Good game, not perfect.

    I got this when I was home sick one day because it looked fun. To start off, this is a very strong and complex game. It has a LOT of depth and this game WILL occupy you for a LOT of time.
    That aside, the controls are slightly lacking and unibtuitive. Their a bit better in portrait mode, but then your view screen is smaller. Albiet annoying, the controls don't get in the way of the gameplay considering this is turn based. As soon as I beat this I'm buying the expansion.

    Very strong RPG game. Quite a gem considering the appaling lack of good RPG games in the app store.
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  • Amazingly In-Depth

    As I played this game, I was continually surprised at how much could be packed into a game on a handheld! I actually beat the main questline, which is saying something for me as I tend to lose interest in games before finishing. Now I'm starting over with a different character, trying the bad side this time. :) So as you can see, there's a lot of replayability--literally hours and hours worth of gameplay!

    Navigation is kinda wonky, but the map and compass are your friends. Think of the map more as a grid, it helps.

    I really hope the expansions are being ported to the iDevices as well! I eagerly await them!
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  • The Quest by Redshift

    This a quality game that truly should be experienced by gamers everywhere; it features everything and more that an RPG should and could ever have! Quite engrossing! It's like a portal to another universe!
    This app is superior to any other that I've purchased from the app store, and is worth the time taken, in sending in this review. Redshift is a company from whom I'm expecting many more wonderful creations! While I do understand that there is an expansion for this particular game on the PC, I'm anxious for an expansion of The Quest for the iPhone medium... I've heard some vague rumors of this; I'm hoping these bits of info come into fruition.
    To everyone at Redshift: please, keep up the fantastic creations!
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  • One of the few games worth its cost!

    I will keep this short but sweet. This is my only review but I had to share my love for this game. I am about halfway through this game and have been playing for at least 25 hours in the past week!
    This game is incredibly immersive, albeit some quests are difficult to complete without more guidance. Luckily there are forums dedicated to aiding us adventurers in completing the quests. There was one quest where you had to literally look for an item in a haystack.
    Overall, this is an outstanding game that was ported over from pda format. It is worth it's price and will keep you addicted for weeks.

    -Must buy!
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  • None better

    I am baffled by the complaints but then some people will complain about anything...confusing controls??? What's confusing about pushing the button to go forward and you go...forward! There are even buttons that let you go...sideways! Where did they expect to go? Into another dimension? If you can't figure out forward, back, side to side and turn then perhaps the problem is user related and not game related. This game has better features than any game I have played. And for those who are looking for quests, go online. There are sites with walkthroughs and info on lots of things that others have worked out already. My only complaint...update!!! Expand the game with the ability to carry your old character over and continue on with new missions and levels to gain. that's not really a complaint...more of a wish :)
    Buy this game!
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  • Love this!

    This is what I've been waiting for! It reminds me so much of Might & Magic and Marrowind but with better graphics. It is well worth the price which is more than I can say for most of the other games I've bought. I've had no issues with crashing even after playing for a few hours. The maps can be a bit of a pain sometimes and the quests could have a bit more info in the quest log since they stay there for a while sometimes. Also, I would like to see some icons for buffs like the ones that come up for sicknesses. But, over all, this game is wonderful! Best game on the Iphone right now if you're a RPG fan.
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  • Great Game! Not for everyone...

    This game is great but its not for everyone, its not flowing movement its 1 space at a time all turn based that way with fighting, the card game is great its a little gambling magic the gathering type side thing you can do in the game. Some of the quests dont work to easily or at all idk? but its very very detailed but wit all apps try the lite version play up to lvl 5 or watev u get to before theres nothing to do then come buy this app i kno 6 bucks is alot but your gonna have it for a while and u can save anywhere any time even if u close it out it will hold it till you come back. with more updates and some expansion dont kno if it will drag r characters over with it but should keep us busy. Im a security guard in a office building in the middle of no where lots to do all day it destroyed time lol... HAPPY GAMING!!
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  • Simply Fantastic!

    This is by far the greatest game ever released on the app store. Simple controls, great graphics (in portable standards), and an ingenius combat and skill system make this a must buy for the system. It is completely open-ended, with elements from Morrowind, Oblivion, and even Orcs and Elves. There are countless quests to be completed, and they are all simple enough to figure out on your own. This is an excellent RPG, and definitely the best addition to the App Store. Ever. There are a few things I would like changed: 1. Quest updates, so you can record what following people or actions have said to you regarding a quest. 2. More graphics for weapons. A lot of items look quite different on the inventory screen, but look exactly the same when they are held in your hand. 3. Expansions! I'd LOVE expansions for this game like the ones you released for Palm OS and Pocket PC. I haven't completed this game yet, but I know I will have a lust for more adventure when it is through!
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