iBird Pro Guide to Birds User Reviews

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  • My Favorite All Time app!

    A top-notch app, definitely worth the subscription

    I first bought iBird Pro back in 2012 after testing out iBird Lite. In the past 12 years, this app has been invaluable in helping me identify birds in all sorts of places, from my backyard to new environments. The search feature is straightforward, and the information provided is always accurate and complete. Regarding the move to a subscription model, I was aware of the change a year ago and prepared for it. I appreciated the free year for existing users, although I didn’t find it necessary. Given the ongoing updates and enhancements, the subscription fee is entirely reasonable. Apps like this need to be maintained and updated to stay relevant, and I’m happy to support the developers for their excellent service and product. developers for their excellent service and product.
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    Developer Response

    Thanks for the great review.
  • DON’T DO IT ! Buyer beware ! A nest of liars and thieves !

    I give it one star , solely for the reason it won’t let me give it a ZERO . I purchased the top of the line for this app ( and it WASN’T cheap ! ) on July 18 , 2009 with the understanding ( explicitly using the term “lifetime”) that it was a one time payment for the agreement . In reality , it was a payment for “until we change our mind and want more money out of you !” Now they have closed it out on me and want me to PAY THEM AGAIN , to “subscribe” on a yearly or monthly basis . It’s a pure money grab . I refuse to deal with anyone who makes an agreement , takes your money , then comes back and reneges on the deal , demanding MORE money to supply you what you have already paid them for . The Internet is populated by enough thieves as it is , I refuse to be ripped of further by a so called “legitimate” business through the App Store.
    I don’t care WHAT your reason is , if you cannot follow through on a commitment and stay true to your word , you do not deserve to remain in business . If that is your idea of integrity , I won’t do business with you and will be sure to announce it to anyone who cares to hear .
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    Developer Response

    You might want to read the LICENSED APPLICATION END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT you signed with Apple to be able to buy apps from developers in the App Store. Most of the concepts you describe are not in that agreement. https://www.apple.com/legal/internet-services/itunes/dev/stdeula/
  • New update doesn’t allow access.

    I’ve used this app for years and it had been great. But I updated the app just before starting fieldwork, and it boots up to a screen offering me a free trial or a button that says previous owner. When I click on previous owner, it says “no purchase found in the App Store” and gives an option for emailing the developer. This too goes nowhere and returns a message saying “email unable to send.” I paid almost $30 several years ago, and is one of the most expensive apps I’ve purchased, only to be shut out. I’ve read through reviews, and it seems to be blaming this on “family plan” settings, which makes no sense as we have other purchases in our family plan associated with individual members. I’ve tried to go to their website and it goes to an empty “sorry, we’re doing some work on this site” message. I’m super disappointed not just that they haven’t worked this out for paid app owners, but also that the customer support is totally lacking. Avoid purchasing. It can be taken from you at any time and there is no support, no recourse, and nowhere but here to voice your dissatisfaction.
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    Developer Response

    There is nothing about a "Family Plan" that affects the iBird Pro subscription app. It comes with a free 7 day trial that can be canceled. Previous customers of the paid iBird Pro app (prior to August 2022) may contact support@ibird.com for a free offer for an iBird Pro subscription.
  • Still need help

    I purchased iBird in 2009, and I have enjoyed it ever since. We managed to get through the Dropbox situation and successfully migrated our notes when that happened. We paid to upgrade to Pro. We are even ok with the subscription model if that’s what it takes to keep things going. We use several bird apps, Sibley, Merlin (and eBird), but still want access to iBird. So, as stated, we are willing to go along with the current configuration. However, I am very disappointed and dissatisfied that my notes have been lost. This was the one feature that I relied on constantly. Since 2009!!! I hope this can eventually be rectified. I’m staying the course, accepting the new reality, but if I’m never able to recover all the data and observations I will be forced to let our favorite app go. Please fix this for us and we will happily go forward with the subscription plan. We are already committed to the yearly plan trusting that you guys will take care of us. Please fix this for us.
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  • This is the best birding app I have seen

    There seems to be a lot of noise right now because iBird changed from a one-time purchase app to a subscription based model. As a customer of iBirdPro (and now Ultimate) for at least 10 years, as well as a software executive, I would like to add my perspective. First, this app is truly awesome. As an amateur bird watcher, I have received immense pleasure and value from it over the past many years. They keep adding more and more features at a tremendous rate, and it has all been useful. I actually did wonder how they could could sustain their business model by not going to an annual subscription model because it virtually impossible to continue in business like this without an ongoing revenue stream. Even advertising would be difficult to sustain because the ability to monetize bird watching is likely too limited. Mitch Waite has gone overboard to provide free transition periods, special promotions and such for existing customers who have to move to the new model. I personally and professionally think they have done too much. For those of you who are legacy customers who are being asked to move, please understand that you are now asking MW to decide to cripple their business or pander to you. If you like their app you shouldn’t be asking them to do this. This is a fantastic app. If you like it, then pay for it.
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  • Victim of subscription cash-grab

    I paid a high price for this when it was introduced. I tried to resolve via email and was met with same template response as others.

    Justifying a subscription model to allow “innovative new features“ is a lie. Check the release notes. There hasn’t been a single major feature enhancement since the introduction of subscriptions.

    The other reason sited was to support maintenance of the app. This is nonsense for a few reasons.

    1. This kind of app (should) have very low monthly cost to maintain. Minimal- if any servers, small updates to maintain compatibility, minimal user support, etc.

    2. The previously high one-time fee should have been enough to cover whatever minimal impact a user has throughout their use period. They could have easily given previous owners a lifetime subscription and let new users decide if a subscription based app was worthwhile.

    3. It’s detrimental to their business. Which users do you think were the most passionate about the app and the biggest advocates? Which users (myself included obviously) are most angered and vocal about this? Which users would have been most likely to voluntarily upgrade to something genuinely better or voluntarily switch to subscription if this had been handled better? This was THE app I used to recommend when asked about birding apps.

    Congratulations; you angered all your most loyal users and destroyed a wonderful app. I hope it was worth it.
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  • Company does not stand by what they offer.

    While the app has been useful, thankfully there are several better apps available now.
    I paid over $100 for this app several years ago because they offered the app for a lifetime of use. I felt the investment was worth it. The company has now changed their app and have excluded all those people who paid for the lifetime of use. We were the ones that helped them get off the ground! They sent a letter explaining they are just copying what everyone else is doing in the industry and offering a discount for the first month trial. They have NO INTEGRITY. Here is the quote from their email: “The move from a single-purchase to a subscription-based model is in line with the evolving trends of the software industry. Influenced by market dynamics, including the lower pricing strategies of leading smartphone platforms, this shift isn't just limited to the smaller apps. Even renowned companies like Microsoft and Adobe have migrated to this model without providing exclusive “grandfather” benefits to earlier standalone purchasers.”
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  • Lousy customer service - go elsewhere

    Updated review: this app was a great reference that I used from time to time. Then, without warning, they transitioned to a subscription model rendering the app useless. I wouldn’t have minded if they stopped updating the existing app, and started a new app as a subscription, but it was a really low blow to offer an app “update” that made the app useless without me paying more forever. It was like going to my bookshelf and finding my printed bird books blank because the publisher decided they wanted more money.

    There are plenty of other bird guides in the App Store, and you’ll get better customer service from them.

    The best bird guide is the one you have with you, and I really enjoy this since I don't always know when I'll run into an interesting bird. The search capabilities are a significant advance over a printed book, it is so nice to be able to specify something like, "what was that mostly black duck-like bird that I saw in New Hampshire in November?" an see all the possibilities laid out for easy comparison (a hooded merganser, it turned out). The recorded bird calls are also an incredibly useful feature. The only problem I have had is occasionally the search has not listed a bird that, in retrospect, it should have. I guess there are still some errors in their indexes. Also, eBird support would be nice.
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  • No Longer Accessible 😡

    I purchased IBird Pro back in 2009. I know this because when I tap the button to contact customer support to restore my purchase, the date purchased and version appears at the top of the page. So obviously they know. I spent far more for this app, around $35, than I have for any app before or since. Now I cannot access it unless I subscribe, and multiple emails from me over the last couple of weeks have all gone unanswered. Not very professional!
    If they want to make it a monthly subscription that is up to them. But this is a heck of a way to treat people who spent a significant amount of money to purchase this app back when they were getting started. All I want is the use of an app that I already paid for. But the way it looks now that isn’t going to happen. So anyone who is thinking of supporting and subscribing to IBird Pro, keep in mind the way they have treated previous purchasers. There are other good bird watching apps out there.
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  • Their Response to Me

    You can fix it by subscribing for $0.99/month, $9.99/year, or not at all. Contrary to popular belief, you do NOT own any software distributed by the Apple Store. Instead, it's a licensing arrangement that grants developers the authority to modify various aspects, including pricing. Most developers strive to avoid altering these terms, but occasionally, as exemplified by iBird, circumstances dictate otherwise. Initially, the paid app model made perfect sense, especially when it enjoyed robust sales. However, as time passed, some 15 years later, sales dwindled to a point where it was unsustainable. This predicament is why you now witness a growing trend of apps transitioning to subscription-based models—a shift that may not be universally favored. However, amidst this change, iBird remains unrivaled in terms of the sheer volume of ornithological information it offers. Considering the modest cost of the subscription, our aspiration is that bird enthusiasts will rally behind our company, enabling us to persist in delivering innovations. Moreover, you have the flexibility to toggle the subscription on and off at your convenience. We understand that discovering your once-paid app now requires a subscription can be disappointing. Yet, it was a necessary decision to avert the risk of going out of business. In the interim, we value your message and hope you'll consider subscribing on a monthly or yearly basis. BumbleBea iBird Support App deleted!
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