Knit Counter User Reviews

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  • Whoopee for Knit Counter

    I have been knitting for nearly 50 years (not much in years kids growing up) and I have found this to be one of the most beneficial tools I have ever seen. I have other knitting programs that have some similar ways to keep track of projects, counts of rows, etc, but none as easy to use and intuitive as this one. You can mostly learn by just playing around with the different topics. But if you do need help or don't quite get a certain step figured out, the support link on I-Tunes leads you to a blog that has "documentation" - and this is a well-thought-out user's manual with great pictures of each step of all the features in the program.

    This is a great program for new knitters and us old-timers (as far as knitting). The different setting you can set, such as an alert when you come to a row needing a decrease of other special requirement.

    So Kudos for Cordless Dog
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  • Fantastic App

    I love this app - they really thought out what you need for counting rows, pattern repeats, etc. It is easy to use and setup - it really is worth the $$ -
  • Well worth it the cost, I use this all the time. Best iphone app purchase yet!

    I tried a number of the free trial knitting applications and this is the one I ended up going with. I like that it's pretty simple in terms of the look and does exactly what I want without any superfluous bells and whistles. Another one I tried was pretty fancy in look - loud layout colors and let you put project pictures but crashed every time I tried to open a project!

    I use this for every project and it helps me keep track of where I am so that I don't forget when I come back to it. The linking counters feature is a bit tricky to get right at first (I always forget which counter will change and it usually takes a bit of experimenting.) but it's amazing!! I love that I can set it up so that say, for every 4 rows I knit of a pattern the repeat counter will then change by 1.
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  • A great knitting app

    I used the lite version for a few weeks and it was great. I usually have several projects going at once, so I am looking forward to having multiple counters. This app has the best flexibilty, allowing you to easily tailor the counter to the project.
  • Very useful app for any knitter

    I LOVE Knit Counter. After I finished my first project using it, I bought it. The online documentation was very helpful for understanding linked counters. And I love them. I like that frogging requires 2 fingers. It helps me prevent frogging by accident. I love that it frogs all the linked counters as well. I also love the ability to re-order the counters whenever I want. For instance, I use the Row Counter for the entire sock but have separate counters for the cuff, leg, heel flap, top of the foot, etc. I set them up as I go for the first sock. When I get to the second sock, I treat it as a separate project and do all the linking. As I get to the next section of the sock I move the counter up so it’s right below Row Counter. I LOVE KNIT COUNTER. It is so worth the price.
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  • Missing sound only

    I really like the counter. I have been looking for a counter that does frogging and found out that it does link. It's a wonderful program for counter except that it's missing sound. I like counter that has sounds, because it mentally reminded me that I click one row, etc.
  • A MUST HAVE for knitters

    I luv this application. The ability to track multiple projects is a god send as I am normally working on more than one project at a time. It's also nice to have all the extra details (yarn info, pattern info, etc.) at the tip of my fingers. I would highly recommend to any serious knitter. Well worth the $3.99 I paid for it!! Cordless Dog did such a great job with Knit Counter, now I wish they would create software that converted gauge to yarn requirements. Similar to the “The Knitter’s Handy Guide to Yarn Requirements”. I tend to buy yarn on the fly, whenever I come upon a Knitting/Yarn store and I constantly run into the problem of how much yarn to purchase for a particular idea (sweater, hat, scarf, etc.). It would be nice to have software on my iTouch that would do this for me….
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  • A Must-Have for Knitters

    This app is an excellent way to manage several in-progress knitting projects. Information fields about each project are thorough. You can return to them after the project is done and know what you need to do it again. The counter feature is fantastic. Each project has its own counter(s). Counters are interlinked and can be set to maintain multiple patterns in a project simultaneously with a single entry. The best counter of all I have tried.
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Alternatives to Knit Counter