Run 5k User Reviews

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  • Fantastic app that definitely works!

    I just ran my first 5K yesterday after finishing this app last week. I am 36 and a thin person, but I've never enjoyed running a day in my life before this. I did my training on a treadmill, and then took it outside this past week. I followed all the directions exactly, and not only am I able to run, but I was also able to get past my mental blocks associated with running.

    The best things about this app are:
    1) it stays completely lit when you are actually on the Run 5K screen (if you move to a different screen your phone will go black and lock up)
    2) once you initiate the app, it will keep going until you go in and stop it. So you can look at other apps and listen to Pandora, etc while the Run 5K app is working.
    3) The audio cues can be heard over Pandora, which is great.

    This app helped me enjoy running and feel good about myself. It's changed my life! I started feeling strong by week 5. I really believe that the first 1-3 weeks were the hardest, so don't let yourself make excuses! I'm buying Run 10K now just to continue with a new goal.
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  • Unfortunate...

    I bought this app quite a while ago… maybe a year ago? And I really loved it. I was using it do the Couch to 5K Program (and I've been taking a long time, since I was way out of shape). Unfortunately, I opened it up today, and it was no longer the Couch to 5K Program…. C25K is 9 weeks, and this app now has some random 8 week program? Really disappointing. I guess whoever owns the whole "C25K" decided to start cracking down on apps making money from the program. So this app is no longer a C25K app.
    Well, it could still be a good app! Maybe if they updated it to be something else, like if you could make your own program or something, and have it give audio cues. Or perhaps they could pay for the C25K licensing? But $3.99 is a really crazy price right now for some random running program. Luckily I was far-along enough in the program that I was done with intervals and can use other running free running apps. But if you are looking for a C25K app, this is NOT it.
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  • Well done

    This is a simple to use and very effective app. The design is beautiful and easy to use, the voice commands that let you know when to run and walk are great, firm and not annoying. After using this app for 6 weeks, I have to say it's still fun to use it, and ....I'm running!!! I signed for a 5k run with a group and I'm thinking of getting the 10k app. Keep it up guys!
    There are two things that can make this app even better! ?There is a bug that pause the count down when browsing through itunes to play music, I find myself looking at the screen waiting for the voice command and realizing it's in pause mode...again.... Second, I would love to be able to know how many miles I ran/walked... that can help me see my progress.
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  • Life changing

    When I started this app I was having trouble with even the first few weeks even though I'm in my teens and very active. Slowly I began to lose interest as I found myself doubting I could run the first 20 min with out stopping. Then one day I decided I should might as well try. After the workout ended I kept going. I stopped once I got to 30 minutes. I laughed at myself for thin I couldn't even do twenty. Some may think I'm over reacting but it has changed my whole outlook and I am so much more confident in my everyday life. I will be running my first 5k race soon. It's the Man run for prostate cancer. I will be running to honor my grandfather, a survivor. Please get this app. It's the best and as soon as I run the 5k I will start training for a 10k.
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  • Couch to 5k Rocks!

    I was in such poor shape that I thought I would need twice as long to complete this program - I was wrong. It was as though this app was written for me: a 58-year-old, 312-pound couch potato. I followed the program religiously and on day one of week nine, I was running 30 minutes non-stop. No, I did not make it to 5k; however, my goal was 30 minutes of non-stop running. (4k is better than no k). I have enthusiastically recommended this app to several folks, one of whom dowloaded it before our conversation ended. The short video by the author on the website was inspirational and informative. I may be slow, but at least I am moving forward - one step at a time. Even if you have never run in your life, or quit running several years ago as I did, this app is for you! I am now a 295-pound jogger and will start the "bridge to 10k" app in a few hours.
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  • Worked for me! Great training wheels.

    In january I was a sedentary computer programmer that couldn't run for 50m without panting and never in my life was able to keep doing the same exercise for too long. Today it's the middle of march and I just came back from an Adidas sponsored 5K race and feel very proud of myself, using no more than this app.

    This is a great app for beginners: all you have to do is put the headphones on and listen to the instructions. You can choose a playlist ,but since I like listening to podcasts, I simply used the itunes app and switched back to couchto5k: it lowers the volume, coaches you into running or walking and then sets the volume back (I had some bugs with the volume not coming back to full). My morning walk with the dog became a exercise for both of us!

    The app is not perfect: if you switch out of it it doesn't keep running, for example, and I would like to have more options for audio playing (I listen to the audio track of video podcasts and iTunes U lectures all the time), but I found a great tool for beginners. At the final weeks of the program, when it's mostly "walk for 5 minutes, run 28" I started using runKeeper, which has more options and tracks your gps – but I would recommend using this app as a training wheel before using runkeeper or the Nike one.
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  • Getting in shape

    This program was suggested by a friend. I don't run and had no plans to. I needed to increase my workouts to the next level and other family members run triathlons, so I guess it is my turn to try running. I promised myself that if I bought an iPhone, I would get this app and complete this program. This app makes it sooo much easier to comply with the program. I am on day 2.3 (my sixth workout). I can listen to my own music during workouts. I can see my progress and take each step at a time and the app helps me to not give up. Even if I have trouble progressing all through this work out series, I can at least follow week one and week two over and over again for better work outs. On my way to workout 2.3 right now. Wish me luck! Get this app if you are NOT a runner, want to get in shape, and need a lot of support and a slow gradual process to become a runner.
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  • Great app that holds up to its hype...

    The couch to 5k program is great in general, but this app makes it so much easier. No more struggling with a stopwatch trying to make sure you time it out right... this app does it all for you with visual and audio cues for each interval. It does exactly what it is designed to do and has a stylish interface to boot. I really like that it gives you verbal cues at the halfway mark to give you a little motivation to keep going. I did not experience the issue on my iPod touch that an earlier reviewer mentioned with the music volume remaining low after the transitions. Nor did I experience the issue with the time clock not working properly, although I must admit that I keep my device unlocked on the treadmill ledge and watch the clock the whole workout. Maybe those errors were on an earlier version.
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  • Worth every penny and then some

    I did the Couch to 5K program about five years ago using slips of paper and a stopwatch. I wanted to do the program again, only now I have an iPod Touch. I thought: I wonder if anyone has automated this program? Not only has Felt Tip done so, they have done it perfectly.

    The difficulties I had with doing the Couch to 5K the old fashioned way was my concentration often broke every time I checked the time, I was unpleasantly obsessed with the amount of time I had left to run, and it was a hassle to run at night because I constantly had to press the light button on my watch.

    The beauty of this app is you simply press the START button, and that is it. It seamlessly works with any playlists, the interface is exceedingly user friendly and simple, and not looking at my iPod every two seconds forces me to be more zen in my running. I simply breathe into the running, knowing the program will tell me when to stop and walk. It is hard to explain exactly, but my running is much more enjoyable and peaceful (I am NOT a natural runner!).

    My only very small critique is that when the voice says -Halfway- and it is too close to the next voice command, the music volume stays low and does not return to normal until the next voice command is given. A bit annoying.

    A million A pluses!
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  • 300lbs.

    This app has been the best investment in myself EVER! I started using it week 1 day one thinking "yeah right, I"M going to run for longer than sixty seconds and not fall over....SURE"! You see I was 353lbs when I started and what appealed to me was the incremental fasion of gradually pushing just a 'little bit' more each time. Well UPDATE is that I just finished week 5 which means that I just ran for 20 MINUTES without stopping!!! I NEVER would have thought I could do that 6 weeks ago when I made this commitment to myself! With little else but a reduced calorie diet I have lost 28lbs to date. Do the math..I ran for 20 minutes at 325lbs! You can too!!! This app would be worth it if were much more due to the value of life I have obtained through it!!! Thank you Couch to 5K!!!
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