Run 5k User Reviews

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  • excellent app

    This app is great for doing the couch to 5K program without having to listen to the awful techno music that seems to be the mainstay of most running podcasts. It's also perfect for doing the program on a treadmill, as you get plenty of warning for when to adjust your speed. Watching the time elapse for each section is very motivating, and checking off each completed workout is great. The program itself works. If you follow the regimen, you will be a runner by the end.

    The only upgrade I'd love to see: a way for the program to keep running if you hit the home key to go to ipod and change your music choice. Or maybe an in-app access to the ipod? I sometimes found that a particular playlist or podcast wasn't working for me on a given run, and wanted to change to a different track. Doing this paused the time elapsed counter, and if I didn't pay attention to the treadmill clock, I ended up all off schedule. Not a huge problem, as the end result was I ran a little further on those days, but still, it would be a nice fix.

    Overall, a truly workable app that does exactly what it says it will, and makes it easy to do the C25K program.
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  • Simply amazing results...if you are honest with yourself

    I should of written this review months ago, but I guess I have been to busy running!!! <Grin> Hands down, this is the most amazing App that I have ever seen. As a 43 year old man who was never able to run more than a 50 yard dash before, this app has changed my life. After following the app religiously (NO CHEATING!!!), I was able to run my first 5k back in November. Now I run three 5k's a week and I have never felt better. If you are wondering if you can do this, or if this app is worth the 3 bucks let me tell you that YOU CAN!!!! and IT IS!!! Give it a shot. If you are honest with yourself and really do what the app tells you to do, you will be running before you know it. Have fun, and keep the faith!!!
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  • Running program is fine, not crazy about app

    I am only at week 1 (3 days) and am going to check out other programs. I do like the gradual increase and the fact you can do days over and the audio cues as to run/walk/half way etc. but there are things about the app I don't like. When the app is running the backlight is always on so you run the risk of accidently hitting pause or end workout (I have done it twice). When I got a text it paused the program (of course while I was running) and I didn't know it until I thought it was the longest minute ever! Today during my workout I apparently hit 'end workout' when I was only 1/2 finished and just had to start it all over again. Perhaps if I had it in an arm band I wouldn't have these problems but with my running coat on (it's cold out) I put my iPhone in my pocket. If this could run while the screen wasn't touchable this would be a perfect program but I hate screwing up my run because of accidently hitting something.
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  • Buy this App!

    About three months ago, I was up above 270 and looking for a way to start getting back in shape. I figure $2.99 wasn't a lot to spend for an app - as long as it did its job. I was NOT disappointed! Having just completed Week 9 a few days ago, I have seen a big difference after using Couch to 5K. I'm now under 250, have had to buy some smaller shirts, and have been asked by numerous people if I've lost weight. Obviously, the app is only as good as the one who uses it. It won't magically get you in shape, but three-day-a-week workouts with a maximum of 30 minutes of running is a great strategy. I just turned on a podcast, started the app, and did what it told me to do. I still have a ways to go before I'm as fit as I hope to be, but Couch to 5K gave me a great start! My next goal is to run a marathon next year!
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  • Truly impressed

    Can't believe it...I did it!
    For anyone out there who considers themselves a couch potato wishing to be in shape, or like me, someone who sporadically tried to find time in a hectic life to exercise enough to matter to their health, this program is for you!

    It's very simple to do, almost seems psychic at times in how it pushes you just hard enough to make you feel tired in the middle but usually energized by the end. The checklist that tracks your finished workouts is very motivating. So is running your own invigorating playlist in the background (and I chose the simple beeps, rather than the voices).

    It's great that it tracks time, not distance, so you run at your own pace. I have tried to "become a runner" a few times in years past, but because I had no clue how to begin to alternate running and walking properly (too busy/embarrassed to get a trainer!) I ended up frustrated and occasionally with aches and pains that discouraged me enough to quit. With this program, I have not had a single injury that kept me from doing the next workout!

    Another great thing is that although the program is designed for 9 weeks, you can space the workouts any way you like; I had a few weeks where I couldn't manage all three workouts, and sometimes went back and repeated some if I thought I wasn't ready for the next level.

    I think the few cents I paid for this app has been undoubtedly the best health insurance expenditure ever!!!
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  • Everybody needs this!

    I have NEVER run a 5k, or let's be honest, a mile. This app gets you motivated. I hate running and I can do this. The program is every other day and only half an hour. I'm moving through week three right now and am noticing more endurance from week one when running for one minute almost killed me. Each week is a new regimen; just when your comfortable and thinking that "this isn't that bad," you push the envelope a little bit more, but definitely not in a bad way. It's very motivating to use with Nike+ and hear that you beat your mile time (when it happens). My favorite part is knowing that the next time I can cut a few more seconds off my mile time. GREAT APP!!!!

    UPDATE: I'm on week six and loooving this app. Never in my life have I looked forward to the running days more! I'm always like 'i'll never make that," and when I do it's a great feeling!

    UBER UPDATE: Tonight was my last night of the program! I'm running a 5k this weekend. Not quite at a ten minute mile yet (11:30) but can run 3 straight miles now! It is also worth mentioning that i weigh 314.4 lbs. If i can do it, ANYBODY can!!!!
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  • Def Worth it

    I will be the first to admit that I am not someone who likes to run. My motto used to be "dont run unless being chased." I purchased this app as something else i could not use but could say i gave it a try. Well you would not believe the motivation from just a voice saying "Run" or "Now walk". I used to run around the neighborhood giving it my all and always walked back home huffing and puffing. The first time I used this app I went farther than I ever had (granted it was not all running) but I felt better about myself after my first time. I am looking forward to completing my first 5K after completion of this app. WHAT AN AMAZING FEELING. All I ask is you guys come up with an app that precedes this app. Something to help keep us going beyond the couch to 5K.
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  • This app is Terrific!

    I've always wanted to be a runner, I've always admired runners and everytime I've tried it never lasts and I'm too embarrased to "run" on the treadmill at the gym next to a marathon runner. This app is exactly what i've needed. The first one was hard just b/c I haven't run outdoors for a long time and the treadmill is SO different from outside, but every workout feels better and better. Plus, you'll feel muscles you've never used before! I love this app, it lets you control the settings and it's a great trainer! I hope they come out with a 10k soon! Thanks again! $1.99 is definitely worth it! My only suggestion isn't actually for the app, but for an armband for iphone. PLEASE someone come out with a decent armband or something to carry around the iphone while running!!!
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  • Worth it!!

    This app was by far the best app I could have purchased. I found myself in a rut and had not done any form of exercise in months. I tried to start running again after months of no exercise and I came back from my 1 mile run feeling sick and utterly exhausted. This app has increased my endurance in a gradual manner. After my first time I came back sweating and feeling like I had a great workout; more importantly, I did not feel as though I was going to pass out and get sick from my run!! The only thing I would recommend to users is to focus on your speed and try not to maintain it so that you are not cheating yoursef (especially when it is time to "walk"...keep that heart rate up!!). Thanks for a fantastic app!! For the future, I hope that this app can have a map feature so that you can track how far you actually went...because in the end, if you are not running at an adequate pace, you are not going to make your 5k!
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  • Just What I Was Looking For!

    I hadn't run in quite a while (I hike a lot though) and wanted to do more cardio training. Distance was no problem, but not at any kind of running speed. I read an article about interval training, and I thought "that would make a great app." So I looked for one, and found Couchto5K. I'm 43 and had thought I could never get back to running (I had tried but ended up queasy and out of breath). I'm on week 4, and though I may have to go back and repeat this week, I am definitely making progress. Sweating? Yes. Constantly gasping for breath? No. The audio appears to be a bit too quiet on my iPod Touch 1G with any but very calm music. I may need to repeat the whole sequence with emphasis on increasing speed. User will need to find a starting pace that works for them on week one and then stick to that pace (focus on heartrate not speed). Could use some refinement, but this app may just be a life-changing experience for me.
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