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  • CNN live is crap

    10 minutes free and at least 6 minutes of commercials! App is slow and closes at any time. Not impressed
  • CNN review

    I despise Trump and all that he stands for.
    I am Canadian, but unfortunately that does not make me or my country immune to his many mistakes. (ie: He caused the crash that killed all those innocent people in Iran last month, just to name one of the many mistakes. ) I liked CNN before, but since Trump was illegitimately elected... well, I love CNN now.
    Praying for a Democratic landslide in November. God bless America!
    ( & my sisters & their families who live there). You need it with him at the helm for sure.😳
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  • I love cnn

    But and it’s a big but.
    Everybody loves the little guy, the one that falls victim to the big guy. Trump betrays him self as the victim to fake news all the time yet wins the day, every day. You guys really take it personal and that shows in your presenters. Big mistake
    The uk politicians labour messed up big time because the did not stay true to there beliefs.
    CNN should betray an equal aspect of news on trump then your whole news will have credibility.
    You are entertaining to watch tho, like a load of kids having a hissy fit.
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  • Good journalism

    I am always proud of you not only 5star but more you guys are good at what you do, Glade you are our CNN
    Sad what happened in your country recently but history will catch up with the republicans for what they done but you guys show as your unity together
  • Truth Matters

    While CNN is constantly lambasted by Republicans as a liberal mouthpiece for the Democratic Party, I am always amazed how CNN takes what the President says, and in a very nonpartisan way, simply illustrates the many lies and false statements this man makes everyday. CNN proves the old saying, “Do you know how you can tell he is lying? His lips are moving!!” Unlike the Senators and people in Congress, who are so afraid of this man in the White House, that they forget they don’t work for him - they work for the people who elected them. CNN does not buckle under the barrage of insults thrown at them by the President and his minions. CNN strives, every day and night to present the truth. Keep it up!! There are so many viewers who depend on you for the honesty this President and many in his party obviously lack!!
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  • Updates and Alerts

    Pros: Always promptly receive alerts/breaking news on my iPhone when news happens,

    Cons: I open the app and try to find the story relating to the alert and can't find the story anywhere. It would be good if your home page headlined the alert/breaking news.

    The stories featured on the app need updating. A "major break" in a crime case or the latest in a world event should be updated immediately. CNN cable station anchor can be talking about news in a given story and the app can take 2 days to update the story that's been there for several days. It's never truly current. Also, some stories just sit there for too long.

    Sometimes the photo and headline have nothing to do with story once opened.

    Once app is opened, .....the story headline often either doesn’t relate and/or the story has been there for a couple days - ie old “breaking news”.

    We really enjoy CNN live, and usually have at least one television tuned to CNN, your political coverage has been excellent. Would like to see the CNN app step it up!! Our current political climate needs current and quick updating.

    (Too many ads, agreed....but if the news stories were current and more compelling, the ads would be less of an issue).

    Thanks CNN - you do so much great reporting, don't let the app diminish your awesomeness !!!
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  • Misleading headline on puppies

    I am very unhappy with the misleading way you began your article on “puppies making people sick.” It should have read “Puppy Mill Puppies from pet stores making people sick,” I read the article. It specifically says some puppies from some pet stores are making some people and pet store employees sick with an intestinal type bug which has not proved fatal in anyone infected. The public should be warned that pet store puppies virtually all come from puppy mills which raise the dogs in horrible, unhealthy, unsanitary, inhumane conditions. It would be amazing if these pups didn’t pass on disease. All puppy mills should be illegal and shut down, as they are in some states. Why don’t you write a more productive article including that information! Your headline, as it reads, simply scares people away from adopting any puppies. You should know many people don’t read anything in depth in order to get the full story. The very reason our country is in such a mess now.
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  • CNN ruined their own app with malfunctioning linking related stories

    I used to love this app. I would use it multiple times a day to get my news, and have done so for years. Several months ago, CNN added links to articles within the selected article. It sounds like a great idea and something that would help readers get easy and convenient access to more information. The problem is that CNN used malfunctioning link technology that continuously reroutes the reader to different articles without the reader selecting to do so. It’s become so horrendous that scrolling to read any article is now impossible. There are so many links and the sensitivity is so remarkably light, that just trying to scroll through an article results in being redirected dozens of times. Come on, CNN. You should have access to better technology and capable programmers. You’ve ruined your app and have effectively redirected me to a different app for my news.
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  • Love CNN hate the App

    I love cnn and it’s content. The app always freezes, crashes, has a hard time loading, will drop signal and send you to commercials in the middle of a program. Makes you watch adds over and over when trying to regain access to live streams even when it’s the app that is failing. Audio cuts out unexpectedly and randomly. They use to update Inside Politics or State of the Union over the weekend but for a few months now you can no longer access that content except when using an actual television set so the mobile app is limited by comparison. I’ve used this app for years and very often but it’s always been on the struggle bus regardless of “bug fixes” or updates, the core of whatever is wrong continually gets worst. Disappointed by the decline to say the least. I know I can’t be the only one dealing with these issues regularly. *And full transparency I am writing this after over 10 failed attempts and over 20 minutes of waisted time just trying to get the live stream to load.*
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  • Too eager for you to read something else

    The content of the app is good and I like CNN in general but the app is just annoying. Scrolling through an article and you end up wishing you'd not bother because of all the diversions to related articles which means clicking back to the page you were reading and hoping the app remembered where you got to before it teleported you to another page.
    Once this is fixed, the app would get a lot more just one star.
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