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  • Very irritated

    I enjoy the content but am so frustrated with the app itself now I am thinking of deleting CNN and getting my news online without an app. Why? Because I can not scroll down an article without the app slide open to another article or go to another reference article because my finger was close to the referenced article when I tried to scroll down. Nothing is wrong with the functions but the functions are much too sensitive to the touch required to scroll down. This is the only app I have that has this problem! I have deleted the app and reloaded it twice to no avail. I has been doing this for the last few week. I may still look at CNN on line but on the other hand I have other news apps that do not have this irritating problem. Fix it or lose a loyal fan.
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  • Great app/ hyperlink issue

    It’s a great app. It delivers all the news of the cable news channel in a digestible format. It delivers rapid updates and clearly defines opinion pieces from news. It typical has less than a 30 second delay from major news networks for breaking events if you have alerts on and the alerts aren’t so cumbersome or numerous that they impolitely beg for dismissing the app.

    There are ads. I don’t find them overbearing in the least, but should you want to watch a quick clip you should be prepared for them. They aren’t required when simply reading articles, however they do appear between them.

    The only deterrent I find is hyperlinks within articles. Touching any of them moves you to a new page or opens your browser. This is atypical of all other apps and a bit counterintuitive to the UI as reading requires scrolling. This has only happened for the past few months and will most likely be soon corrected.
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  • 5-Star App, riiiiggght .... UPDATE ... MUCH BETTER

    UPDATE: I can report that with IOS Version 13.2, and the CNN app Version 6.4, released today, the hyperlinks and scrolling issues that I previously complained about have seemingly been fully resolved. Not sure how they did it, but it seems like you have to press the link very deliberately (slightly longer duration?) to be taken now to the external links. The app seems to be functioning fully correctly now.

    I’m done. Like the 200 or so other folks who can’t read the article they want because simply scrolling launches multiple other articles and links, this app is a disaster with IOS 13+, and CNN seems to be ignoring the problem entirely. I suspect it’s because they get paid by the click, and launching 20 new pages while trying to read an article brings them in more money. Tired of waiting....deleted the CNN app....and signed up for an ad free USA Today for $2.99. Seems worth it to me.
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  • WAS catastrophic

    This app has gone from being my go-to app for world news, to the app now bottom-most of the pile. Recent updates mean the slightest touch to the screen now sends the app skittering from one news item to another. It’s currently a waste of space on the iPhone - and for the user, a waste of time. UPDATE: Come home - all is forgiven. The latest iOS 13.2 update seems to have solved the problem and returned the app to full functionality. But the question remains - how did the CNN app developers not spot the original problem? Were they not engaged with the 13.1 beta? And if not, why not?
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  • Login Problems and Article Selection Still a Problem

    The CNN app provides written news articles, short videos and live TV. It does this well but with two app-killing problems: (1) in order to watch live streams of CNN, one must login to a cable network over and over and over again. This increases the time it takes to get started and makes me use the app less. Complaints have gone unheeded with each update. (2) low-brow journalism heavily populated the articles and videos with such items as “Mother stays up all night after finding this in baby’s crib.” Its like the editors of buzzfeed and national enquirer choose every other article. This degrades the CNN brand and makes them less credible when their hosts decry the entertainment journalism of a certain other news network. All in all, I love being being able to watch CNN on my phone but these two problems greatly reduce my use and have led me to find other news apps.
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  • Fantastic unbiased news BUT frustrating app

    The news app is regularly updated and innovative. However its current guise means when scrolling through news stories it repeatedly if inadvertently takes you to various story links you have not chosen to follow. Meaning the user has to come out of safari (or similar) to return to the app. This makes for a highly annoying experience. It would be an definite 5/5 otherwise.
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  • Good app but...

    Whenever I scroll through an article on my phone & my finger brushes past an embedded link it takes me out of the app to a different article. I swear this happens 4 or 5 times while Im trying to read, & its frustrating. Disruptive, and not in a good way.

    Not sure what you’ve changed in the last few months but it never used to do this (its not me, my finger, or the way I scroll by the way). No other app/news site does this either. Please fix!
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  • Poor hyperlink function

    As an avid user of the CNN app, it has been enormously frustrating to use over the past several weeks. At some point whether via an Apple update or an app update, links within news items now redirect you on the slightest contact. Previously, one could scroll through a news article and only be redirected by actively tapping on a link. This is no longer the case and now users must carefully pick through the text to ensure they don’t accidentally touch a link. At some point I hope this gets fixed. In the meantime, I will source my news via other apps whose functionality is more user friendly.
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  • 4Stars/ HATE THE LINKS

    I feel it is important to diversify what news outlets you watch and follow. The reason being is because to truly comprehend the worlds’ many events, you need to know all sides of the story. All things considered. I love the CNN app and everything bit of information that it has to offer. However, I despise the links that are in the articles. Many times, they are abundant, and while I am trying to read the latest about President Trump from a CNN point of view, I will accidentally touch the link hidden in the text while scrolling and get thrown into another related article forcing me to return to the previous page and search for where I was before I was displaced. This will happen to me two or three times per article. Otherwise, thank you CNN for being what you are and keep all things considered.
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  • Not worth the frustration

    I have been a frequent user of this app for many years, but its most recent update have made it unbearable / impossible to use. I am not complaining about the advertisements nor the 15-second video commercials; I can persevere through those.
    The problem I have is with the behaviour of embedded links in news articles. These links are a nightmare because it is damn near impossible not to inadvertently trigger the links while reading/scrolling through an article. The links would make the app jump to another article or worse jump out of the CNN app and into the Safari browser. So I find myself constantly fighting with the app — either to get back to article I was in originally or trying to tap on areas without links in order to scroll through it.
    Congratulations to the CNN app designers of this new behavior. You win. I give up. I have now deleted the CNN app.
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