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  • The need for news not constant speculation

    I have been watching the news the greater part of my 66 years. When Ted Turner created the first 24 hour news cycle I was excited. The news extended to the world. I believe it was the first time America turned away from ethnocentrism. Increasingly world news became America’s news.

    Now and since the gaudy showman, Donald Trump, came on the seen our news has become the worst type of soap opera. What is presented as news one day is completely forgotten the next. The hype meant to keep viewers entertained is ramped up as “ breaking news “. I do not want the news to entertain me. I want the news to give me the facts and then I will decide how important it is for me. I hate the emotion that is injected in our news stories. CNN do you want to be a leader again? Have one show that is just the facts. Cut back on the mushy, tear-jerking shows like Chris Coumo. You would not need to compete with Fox News if you were just here, what, when and a little bit of why.
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  • Trustworthy

    For all the negative comments about the Press, I now understand it’s importance to keeping a Democracy. Thank you CNN, Walter A. Reed

    Can’t imagine where we would be today if not for the media: Ghe Jake Tapper’s, Don Lemon’s, the Anderson’s the Andrea Mitchell’s, the Lawrence O’Donnel’s, the Good morning Joe’s etc… & the press pools. I’ve never bought into the idea of a fair and balanced media.
    It’s either factual or not. Where ever that leads you is the story. A Special thanks to Jake Tapper, he was the first to basically stop
    playing along allowing disinformation by politicians or anyone during this stressful times.
    He I think more than anyone else reporting, has changed the role of not just asking the question and allowing it to be weighed without factual challenge. Thank you Jake I know it must seem like the challenge you face everyday must be wearing, but if you think of the comfort you give to others that theirs someone out there trying hard to be honest for all of us.
    This is America’s last stand, Democracy as we have known it is over, it’s can we land where there is any peace together as a Nation.

    Thank you,
    Walter A.Reed
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  • Superior Layout

    The CNN layout design is much superior to the design of the NBC News app design. A single scroll up or down is sufficient to find the articles you would be interested in. The CNN app also has the correct mix of video stories you can tap on to watch on your device. This app has minimum wasted space between articles, unlike the NBC app, which has too much wasted space between articles. The only fault I have with the CNN app is that, too often, the closed-caption feature seems to always be turned on by default. It should not be on automatically. My phone settings have closed captioning turned off for everything, but CNN ignores that, unfortunately. I’ve checked my phone settings often concerning this. Otherwise, CNN is my first go-to news app on my phone. It should be yours, also.
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  • Pure Mind Manipulating Propaganda

    I used to love the CNN news and trusted them. Everything changed when Trump was elected and than COVID feardemic embraced by the news.
    Despite not being a fan of Trump’s it became obvious that the news was not about the news anymore.

    Its only purpose has been to force a very negative approach to everything that was not a part of the network’s agenda. This is mostly related to who benefits financially from the propagated manipulated information.

    Nowadays the CNN news is like Hitler’s propaganda viciously attacking anyone who has different opinions. Science is being used selectively and medical journals research completely ignored so the population beliefs that the News is science backed but it is nothing more than a commercial propaganda to sell more vaccines. So, many people has fallen for this narrative of fascism imposing on others who have different preferences. Now fascism embraced by the president is the new world order. However, as one knows well from history, people would always ultimately choose freedom. A society with a fascist propaganda cannot last. Freedom will be restored.
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    Fake news Russia conspiracy
  • Too many commercials

    The stories are good , the content in general is reliable. The biggest gripe is the amount if commercials. You will literally spend 40% of your time watching the same 6 commercials if you want to browse the videos. The worst part is the click bait that “the most trusted news source” uses, they give you an X to close commercials but it’s impossible to click the actual exit portion of it, instead every attempt redirects you to some terrible product page. I hope the sponsors wake up and see that likely 98% of the traffic they get from CNN is people just trying to close the commercial by clicking the X and are duped into a redirect because it’s actually a nano sized exit spot and don’t actually care about the product and leave their site immediately. Really a totally scammy thing to do CNN. At this point I just avoid the videos and get what I need from the text stories. If I'm forced into a video for lack of a written version, I just turn the volume down during the commercial and ignore the content (focus on the timer at the bottom). It's only natural to want to avoid watching the same commercial for the 50th time ...
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  • CNN Team!!

    Hello to all I have watched your show for years - started before Barack Obama was elected I live on the Sunshine Coast Queensland Australia. My daily routine is I start off with Jake move to Wolf. I then watch Anderson and finish with Chris and Don. I feel I know your wonderful team. Absolutely love the discussions with the “panel “ - your Team are honest and transparent- I tape everything because of the time difference - usually have my lunch with Anderson then Chris and Don late in the afternoon. Keep up the good fight with “good trouble” !!! Congratulations to all in the CNN family You are doing a great job I welcome the opportunity of giving a review - have sent messages like Welcome to Wyatt also a birthday message to Chris and a congratulation to Don and his Tim - never knew if they received them. Hoping they did !! Be well and safe. Kind regards Catherine Hamilton - Noosa Sunshine Coast Queensland Australia
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  • Thoughtful, fact-based and objective

    CNN has increasingly honed their team of journalists and commentators as well as specialist consultants like Sangai Gupta,MD. They are all very good interviewers that seek out guest speakers to bring to light and facts to timely stories about a wide range of subject matters. I look to CNN for presenting a team of reporters who in my opinion, tilt somewhat left of center which coincides w my views. More importantly they don’t tell me how to think (like the vile and opinionated stories from FOX). I like the humor and synergy that Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo have as they present the background of many controversial issues, that have become politicized unnecessarily by the current Administration. As such, it’s the balanced reporting and sharp insights that CNN brings to the fore that I appreciate. As such I find their stories to be thoughtful, fact-based and objective.
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  • Honest news

    Real, accurate information
  • I enjoy the CNN ap but…..

    The CNN ap is my go-to American news ap however one thing that keeps frustrating me is if I’m listening to music or a podcast when I open the ap, the music/podcast stops playing, even if I’m just reading articles and not playing any videos.

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