SoundCloud User Reviews

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  • pick your poison

    it deserves 5 stars but i can’t help but remember the days with no ads and no premium service, everything jus listening, it would be really nice if you cut one of these things or at least chill out on the ads. Like maybe not right after the first song i play EVERY TIME!! it highly discourages me from using and i switch to apple music very quickly afterwards. By including a paid subscription and ads you’ve basically given apple the advantage as it’s pre downloaded on my phone and actually has all fully mastered music. I really want to see this app thrive but i think the money your making w ads and subscription is holding that back. 100% understand that you’ve probably ran those numbers thousands of times, but i truly think your fan base would explode to even greater numbers if you were to cut at least some ads, there’s just too much in the way of freely scrolling. However I have hope and rooting for you !!
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  • Awesome app, been using it for years! But now there’s this one thing...

    Okay, so I’ve been using this amazing app for a few years now and it’s been absolutely great, but since the most recent updates, it’s been having more adds and now when I’m trying to listen to my music outside the app, it’ll keep going for a while, and then out of nowhere, stop when I haven’t done anything. I’ve checked and is not my headphones, and I bet it’ll get fixed soon, aside from this temporary thing, this is a wonderful app that has the songs in a reachable, free platform when you can’t find the song you’re looking for anywhere else. It’s also an awesome place to find your type of music because it has such a wide variety of content! Amazing over all 🥰 have loved it for years 🖤❤️🖤❤️
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  • You need SoundCloud

    It’s by far the best music and created platform out there yes there are flaws but not many every week you get a personal list of songs recommended for you from your listening history so you can discover more music and Artist you may like unlike other music platforms you can upload to and you can support small artists to help them grow it shows you the other side of music you have been missing out on my taste in music has changed so much for the better because of SoundCloud. You can find it or songs from popular artists today and see how they started you can’t get that anywhere else. It’s so easy to find the music you like and it will help you grown as a person to. I been using it for 1 and a half now and it gets better every day the best thing is it’s free and SoundCloud go is only 5 bucks it’s worth it. So all in all if you want to grown as a listener or start your career use SoundCloud.
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  • Amazing! But just one problem..

    SoundCloud is an amazing app to use! I don’t really mind the Ads because I don’t really have any money to upgrade so I just stay with the regular SoundCloud instead of SoundCloud go. I’ve used this app for about 5 years now but since this year, I’ve started to notice a problem whenever I search for any music. Every time I search for music, I start to listen to it without liking it (because sometimes I forget to do that). But every time the song ends, or I try to look for a different version of the song, it always automatically skips to a different type of song that’s not under the title I searched for. This has been a constant issue for a few months so I decided to delete the app and try again, then it started to work like usual. But now, just a few seconds ago, the same problem popped up again. I don’t know if it’s a glitch in the system or just something that was included in the new update. But whatever it is, I’m not so happy with it. Other than that, that’s all I really have to say for the app whatsoever.
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  • not horrible, but not perfect

    there are many minor issue about the app, like how you cant re arrange your liked songs and have to add every song to a playlist to control their positions (which i dont understand why thats even a thing). But the main 2 issues i have with this is the amount of times the app refreshes after its opened, to the point where it becomes the norm, and the amount of ads it give. The app constantly gives me ads in between songs and ruin the vibe, i could be listening to some sentimental music at high volume then get cut off by some guy talking about a brand new car i never knew even existed, exploading my ears by how loud the ads are, and not only that, sometimes it gives me 2 ads back to back, both 30 whole seconds, making me waste an entire minute listening to ads when i could of been done with the second song in the queue. many problems occur in the app, but other than that, the music is crispy, they give a variaty of different music every week, and it can play in the background. Its a fairly good app but its not perfect.
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  • Lots of minor/medium problems

    SoundCloud is fine. I like that it’s free. There are some songs, like Elise by The Greeting Committee, that used to be free but now require a premium for you to listen to. I’d prefer if more were free, but beggars can’t be choosers. Anyways, I don’t even know if that decision is up to SoundCloud or the individual creators.
    There are some more glaring problems, though. For one, when I try to scroll down quickly, the app gets really laggy, shows me one frame a second, and scrolls down incredibly slow. It’s infuriating when I’m trying to go low down in my likes songs.
    Another issue is finding when a song was posted or looking at its description. Both of these are impossible on the SoundCloud app. It seems that the developers only care about the computer version of SoundCloud, when it is much, much better as a mobile app. I have no clue why you would focus on the computer more. It’s not like I can carry a computer in my pocket while it’s connected to headphones or anything.
    Also, when someone replies to one of my comments I’d like to be notified. This one is just a small suggestion.
    I usually like the app, but it needs major, major polishing. Please update it!
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  • GO+ problem

    So I was loving the app until I woke up this afternoon and came to see more than half my songs were suddenly GO+ when before they were free. I’m seriously freaking out because all of my favorite songs are now previews and I have no idea what to do. I tried to see if anyone else was having problems in the comment sections and it seems like no one else is having this same problem. I seriously do not want to switch over to another music app just because SoundCloud decided to make half the songs GO+. And I’m not just talking about 1 artist suddenly switching from free to GO+ I’m saying multiple artists songs I have saved are GO+ now so it’s not an singular artist I’m talking about. Unless these artist just happened to talk to each other and decided “Hey why don’t we make our songs GO+ for no reason at all!”. Now that’s me being sarcastic, but I’m seriously freaking out because I can’t live through quarantine without my music. Please SoundCloud do something about this and don’t just scroll by ignoring the people’s problems.
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  • Fix the app

    The following is complaints about the mobile Soundcloud:

    Soundcloud is a good music app, not to lie. The ads are horrifyingly long, especially when you get a 30 second ad that you cannot skip. I can last a 15 second ad, but the ads are not skippable. Also another thing is if your new and you try to do the verification thing on mobile, it is possible the email won’t send at all. I’ve seen this on many other phones. Also, editing playlists most rearranging the songs don’t save until you repeatedly do it. Editing the name of the playlist I haven’t found anyway yet since. Another reason, are the visual bugs. Sometimes when loading in a song after an ad or so, the ad information shows up, but the song still plays. You can’t see the song until you close out of the ad and/or song. Also, a suggestion I’d like to make is you can verify your email whenever you want to, not while you’re editing your profile. Not trying to hate the app, it is pretty good, the main problems are the playlists bugs, and ads.
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    I don’t really write reviews for apps ever. I used to love this app and still use it occasionally but these ads are getting way too out of hand. I understand that the app has to make money but it seems like they are intentionally throwing ads almost every other song just to get you to buy SoundCloud plus or whatever the paid version is called. And it’s not like they are short ads either. It’s every other song a 30 second ad. I have started just closing the app out and reopening it and going back to the same song in half the time it would take for these repetitive ads to be done. I do not think that this deserves one star. I put it there in hopes that someone will see it and make a change. 2 years ago I would have given this app 5 stars but now with the amount of ads I would not truthfully give it more than 3 stars.
    Update: it’s getting worse. I am having ads stop music in the middle of 3 or 4 minute songs. This is not okay.
    Later Update: ¿ALL MY ADS ARE IN SPANISH?
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  • Playlist Organization

    SoundCloud is great but there are a lot of glitches with playlists that need to be fixed. Trying to rearrange your songs in your own playlists is a hassle, it takes multiple tries to get the song to permanently move because it often just reverts back to where it was right after you moved it. I always have to close then reopen the open to check and make sure my songs moved to where I wanted them to. Also the icons you can upload for your playlist cover never seem to update unless you actually open up and go into the playlist. This doesn’t seem to be much of an issue on the desktop but on mobile my set display cover is never what I picked, it’s usually automatically always the same picture as the first song in that playlist. This gets really irritating because if I want people to check out my playlists, the first thing they see is the display image and I would rather them see the one I chose than of the picture from someone’s track! Lastly, please incorporate the option to move around your playlists. I have playlists from months ago that are at the way end of my profile and would rather have some of those at the forefront of my profile when you visit it.
    Really hope you consider ideas to fix these problems. Otherwise great app and I’ll always be a user.
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