SoundCloud User Reviews

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  • Turtle Game Productions

    We’ve been looking for a way to tap into the everyday collective of true lyrical rappers and wannabes alike to find out what’s really good and trending up to be hopefully a resurgence of Consciousness in Rap that's now being wrapped around Spiritual & Mental Enlightenment.

    To our dismay to many of or New Rappers have yet to educate themselves on the importance of positive WORDS pumped out to their newly captive audience. We must start making committed efforts to move pass decadence.

    Existing and espiring Rappers alike have to Stop Playing into the Hands of Dirty Heartless Music Industry Excutives that have Killed the Rap Game by promoting Negetive Content and giving a stamp of approval for Self Destruction of its listeners whiles knowing its marketing is targeted especially to those living in a poverty state of mind.

    It's our hope with this new and Exciting Platform called SoundCloud and other similar platforms will be a Gateway for those that process the courage and Lyrical Talent to Speak Life & Light into the Game without Demeaning words like N:gg@s & B:thęs as Verse Starters & Lyrical Fillers and will soon come out of the Darkness Blazing into the Light 🔥 and Spark ⚡️a Revolution of Uplifting Selfless Flows that will Once again give Rap a New Face of Unstoppable passion that will Change the World 🌍 moving it back into its Devine Order!

    Asè, Power of Words

    The World is Waiting...
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  • Sad

    I’ve had this app for around 3 years and I had around 300 sounds that I had in my liked section because all of them wouldn’t fit in a playlist and I was okay with it. During those 3 years I loved it because I like underground rappers starting from SoundCloud and rising to the top and I would always search for new artist just so I wouldn’t have the same music as everybody else and I’d always show my friends and they’d always ask who it is and for me that’s a compliment cause putting someone on a new artist always makes me feel like that boy. But anyways a couple days ago when I was going to show my friend a couple new songs I found I went to the like section and all of my music that I had liked were gone. All those 3 years of searching for new music that little to no one has heard before done the drain and y’all don’t know how sad I felt cause now I’m never going to get to listen to those songs again because I dug really deep to find them and I’m not going to waste my time searching for it again. Soundcloud staff members, if you happen to see this please pleaseeee let me know if there’s anyway you guys can get my music back that’s all I want😭
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  • Advertisement Interuptuons

    I don’t have a problem with ads, the app has to make money somehow but it would be nice to be able to do more while ads are playing; such as: being able to look at other songs/ pick the next song while ads are playing. Sometimes it will auto play to a song I didn’t want to listen to in the first place so when I skip it after the ad is done I’m now one song closer to the next ad... Another thing I’ve noticed is if your phone is in sleep mode during an ad it will continue playing with no video but if your browsing while an ad comes on you are forced to play the video with it and exiting the app or enabling sleep mode will pause the ad forcing you to play the video to continue. This feature can be very frustrating if your trying to play music at work or are multi tasking and also eats up unnecessary battery life. All that said I love SoundCloud and all it’s other features just wanted to give some honest feedback for future improvements/updates :)
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  • Almost perfect

    I love soundcloud, and use it every day. I fall asleep to a playlist I've made, and use it during the day. However, there are a few things that need to be improved. First off, there is no sleep timer. This would be really helpful for me and others. Secondly, I listen to a lot of older music, for example, The Beatles. However, there are very few Beatles songs on soundcloud. I think this should be changed. It's not just The Beatles either. There are other artists as well, but that's what came off the top of my head. Last but not least, there are some songs that you can only listen to live versions of. For example, "Lucky" by Jason Mraz and Colbie Caillat. I find the cheering before and after these songs that are or used to be pretty popular annoying and I'm probably not the only one. Other than these things and loading times every once in a while (which I understand), this app is amazing and I love it so much. Please improve these issues, thank you so much! 😊🤞🏻
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  • I like it for music, I guess.

    I think what truly ruins the experience is the same culprit that could ruin any music app, ads are one of the main reasons I dislike using this app, they’re long, repetitive, and after a while become very annoying. It doesn’t help that the only ads you get are anti-smoking, I get it, smoking is bad, guys. But can we get some different ads, maybe instead of interrupting the music experience, just do pop-ups, at least get some new shorter ads. And don’t give us the option to skip ads if the ad ends before the skip timer, its infuriating. The timer will be 30 seconds and the ad will end just before. Don’t give us the option if we can’t use it.

    This has become more of a review on anti-smoking ads. I don’t smoke and I find these ads annoying, they’re deliberately unnerving. They don’t make me thinking “stop smoking” they make me think “ew why, I don’t even smoke why I’m I forced to endure this”.

    Besides this I think there’s a genre for everyone here, and you can find some nice music here that you can’t hear on the radio, though I’m mostly here for the soundclown memes.
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  • Mobile App Bugs

    I’ve been experiencing two separate issues. The first one happenes when I’m streaming SoundCloud via blue tooth and the mobile app gets stuck in a loop. It plays the song then an ad and then the same song again and the same ad. So far the only way I have figured out to cancel the loop is to restart the app. The second issue I’m experiencing is (and it’s fairly difficult to explain) when ever I create a station from a song I like on the mobile app, it creates a station but down at the bottom of the screen where it shows the playlist for the station, it queues up some where between two and seven copies of the same song. All the copies of the song play at one time, but audio wise, only one plays. This problem does not stop when I close and restart the app, and it seems to happen to any song, even ones that are not in my “Likes”. I really enjoy SoundCloud, and it is my first choice when deciding what platform to listen to music on and it’s always disappointing to discover a bug. That being said, thank you for taking the time to read this.
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  • 🤦🏽‍♂️

    I have been a Soundcloud Go user for several years now. I have no problem paying for this subscription because I love this app, however there are issues which I feel if addressed, could make this app much better. For years I have dealt with tracks out of my likes being deleted or removed. I understand many of these tracks are leaked and therefore are not supposed to be on the app, however this is not the case for all songs that are removed. There is nothing worse than wanting to listen to a song and not being able to find it. Out of my 1,500 + likes I cannot remember the names of all songs I like. I believe if these tracks are deleted it would be very helpful that instead of them simply being taken down, they should still exist in your likes, even if you can’t listen to them. This way, I’m not really losing my music. I’d still be able to find the songs elsewhere, it’s just so frustrating having music disappear. Please address this issue. Also fix your search algorithms!! Neither of these issues seem like they would be difficult to address. Please fix for the sake of users!! Makes me rethink paying my subscription.
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  • App terrible interface but desktop great! Make them the same!

    The app is so terrible compared to the desktop version. The searches never come up the they do on desktop, I never see my page with my spotlight 5 tracks when I open it up, i have to scroll forever just to get to what is normally right there on my desktop.... the app gets ZERO. As an artist and some one and I are talking about music and who I like and what I sound like I’d like to be able to easily show them or find the name of the musician I was listening too earlier that day etc. I have more specific complaints but these are the ones that come to mind. The ‘usability’ and ease of interface is just terrible on the app version. I gave an 8 or something for the recommendation of SoundCloud to people but , it would have been a 10 if the stupid interface on the app wasn’t so clunky. The two interfaces (desk and app) should look and work essentially the same. A girl told me it was impossible for her to figure out how to repost my song on the app version. she gave up in frustration. In some way that reflects on me and I lost a precious repost. Also I’d like to be able to link my two accounts , even if it is just slightly more a month to have both on premium. That last note is not about the app obviously. Thanks for listening.
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  • Obnoxious, but usable.

    Ok, never thought I would write one of these, but I need to set this straight, just in case I’m not crazy.

    I love soundcloud, I really do. I’ve been using it for ages and it’s one of the only music apps that lets you stream underground music instead of mainstream music, of which I listen to more often. However, it was definitely better before. Not sure when, but years ago I used SoundCloud ad free without payment. It was awesome, it really was, and ads came up maybe one a day. However, one day, more and more ads came up, however I could skip them after like five seconds, so it was fine. But recently, around a couple months, I’ve been getting 30 second non skippable ads that come up after every like two songs. This is absolutely outrageous. I don’t mind an ad or two, but this many is just awe full. If you are going to throw ads at me like this, use banners. Really. And if you still can’t do THAT, at least make the ads easily skippable, and definitely not 30 seconds.

    No one is going to see this I’m guessing but I had to vent.
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  • Web is web - App is App

    First and foremost: Thank you Soundcloud, you are brilliant! You have somehow managed to accomplish the impossible: create a global platform for musical expression for artists who otherwise would never be heard AND deliver that to we humans hungry for food-medicine-energy that IS original music without bowing to cavalier monetization. Haven't a clue how you surpassed Apple, Google, Pandora and the rest save only for how amazingly perfect a team you have created. You are the Shaolin Monks of Music. You ARE the revolution. That said, you new App is genius! Crisp, clean, low footprint, perfect maximization of OS and platform utilization and the aesthetic attention to detail is both subtle and sublime. Outstanding accomplishment!
    As far as the whiners who confuse web with apps and have never coded a line - ignore them; this version of you app reflects the excellence and vision that guides your exquisite and critically necessary presence on earth. Gratitude sisters & brothers - inspired use of tech & heart - love this app!
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