Way too basic. Helpful if you need just the most basic. Does not show any side effects nor contraindications.
I think it's a good reference! Helps often for those ones that haven't stuck since college
Below average
Not enough herbs listed or information
Minimal information
Not much info
Grade 6 level
Very limited number of herbs on here and also very brief write ups. Side effects would be something good to list...
Medicinal Herbs
The descriptions of the plants and there uses are sparse. If you are looking for ten seconds of info then maybe this is all you need. There are no pictures of the plants to aid in identification.
Does not even come close to providing all herbs. Don't waste your time with this app
Basic but free
Good info but very limited, better with pictures or more herbs. Great for being free.
Awful app
This app could use some work. There is more herbs than that in the world.
No ads ?
Why under "no ads" is there a Scotia Bank ad?