Flipboard User Reviews

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  • The idea is great the trolls less so

    The idea of being able to collate magazines and topics you like is great. I’ve used Flipboard for a few years and it keeps me in touch with a lot of worldwide news.
    At one time it was interesting to read comments made by people as it gave you a sense of public opinion. However trolls and bots fill up the threads and Flipboard don’t seem to be able to do anything about it so you just get thread after thread filled with bile.
    Other than that the app itself is great.
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  • Flipboard My favourite app

    Love reading news in flipboard, i been using it almost everytime everyday for so long now. Its like facebook now that keeps you inform whats happening to the world. This app is definitely a must app for all phone users.

    For future app update, dark mode to save battery and save eyes at night. New design would be awesome:)
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  • Thumbs up for Flipboard

    Flipboard has been a Shining example of how to create an experience for iPhone. Since it’s inception it’s always been my favourite way to engage with news and articles, it’s simple UI is a credit to the designers, and it has held its spot on my home screen because it gives me a quick and intuitive way to dig into thing that I like to read.
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  • Great content, but slow, and hard to manage

    Love, love, love the content. Love how it adapts to what I like.

    Wish it loaded are articles faster like it did years ago. Now, some articles are so agonizingly slow that I abandon them. I especially hate the ones which are broken up into multiple pages and have a "next page" link at the bottom.

    Would also like to be able to manage my personal magazines more easily. Ideas include ability to delete an article more easily. It takes an excessive number of "slow" steps now. A thumbnail view and ability to select multiple articles to move and/or delete would be great. Ability to search within personal magazines would also serve well.
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  • Well-packaged bait for online news services

    This app is very well-arranged to my taste - the interface and user control over content is great. But each morning I read the news on Flipboard, about 25% of the stories that I select require a subscription. You can’t tell before selecting the story whether you’re selecting a story or an ad.
    I just opened a story that looked interesting. The article opened long enough for me to read the first sentence, but then the article was overlaid with an opaque banner saying “to continue reading, purchase a subscription to [so-and-so online publication]”. I don’t mind if an online news service expects me to pay for their material, but wasting my time with even a few seconds and clicks of baiting enticement is aggravating.
    This is what you should expect from Flipboard.
    If you don’t mind this, or if you don’t mind signing up for a huge number of online subscriptions, you may really enjoy Flipboard.
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  • You killed Zite for this??

    Style over substance. Looks over content. Confusing and illogical GUI. Restricted, branded sources. And let us not forget... The constant bloody adverts for crap that doesn't even interest me!

    Why can't you just include a Zite style interface as an alternative mode? Or run both apps but feed them from the same news database?

    But ultimately why didn't you just shutter this flashy piece of crap software and keep Zite running?

    The wrong choice....

    And by the way every time you release an update I'm going to come back here and give you another 1 star review because I take your murder of Zite personally. I loved that app. It was the best news reader I ever found by such a long way - I feel like I lost a friend. :-(

    EDIT: well it’s now 2019 and unbelievably it’s actually getting worse! I’m getting an even smaller range of mainstream news sources, and half of them are subscriber only. Worse than that now we get the same stories cycling in the feed for days, in some cases weeks. I think the story encouraging us all to go and see Aquaman in spite of all the critics savaging it was constantly coming up in my feed for most of December.

    I still use it cos I haven’t found anything better, but that’s not saying much.

    I still miss Zite.
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  • Data hog

    I've been using this since my favorite news reader (can't remember what it was called now) got taken over by Flipboard about four years ago.
    Flipboard used to be *ok*, but it's increasingly getting bogged down in stupid self generated content and unwanted video. I use this to read bits of news on the go. I don't want, or need, video clips automatically downloaded. Looked at my mobile data usage from last month and noticed that Flipboard has used 2.9gb of data. I get 1.25gb per month (accumulating) so obviously Flipboard is no longer a viable option for me.
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  • Keeps crashing

    I have been using flipboard since it started, I am very disappointed in the way it uses huge amounts of data and has started crashing all the time.
  • Ads, ads, ads

    Too many ads, including what appear to be news articles, but are really advertorials. Used to be a great news app. but the developers are getting greedy squeezing ads in at every opportunity.
  • Stop allowing launching to App Store

    I used to like Flipboard but this is too annoying. Please prevent App ads launching into App Store when flipping through articles. Very annoying!

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