Amex User Reviews

American Express

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  • Great app, terrible offer experience

    Overall, the Amex app is great for all essential things. It is visually appealing, easy to navigate, and easy to perform any actions. However, the offers page, which is one of the four featured pages in the app, is underwhelming. I love Amex offers and use them often. But it is tedious to browse through the offers to find the relevant offers because there is no search option on the page. Also, quite frequently I find myself frustrated when I discover an offer a day or two after I already made a transaction where that offer could have benefited me- I’d think that Amex could automatically activate available offers when I make a transaction at the relevant merchant, but instead they expect me to look for offers in the app before every transaction, which is impractical. If they could fix this, I’d use offers and my Amex cards much more often.
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  • “Filter” function feature request for Statements page

    On the mobile app, I used to go to the “Transactions and Statements” page and use the “Filter” button in the upper-right of the screen to view transactions and the totaled amount by “charges,” “fees,” “payments,” per cardholder. There are multiple cardholders under our account. We enjoyed being able to see exactly how much each person spent for that respective statement, taking into consideration refunds (credits) and fees (annual reneweal, but NOT PREVIOUS PAYMENTS.

    This was a very functional and useful feature.

    Presently, the filter options are “All Transactions,” “Payments & Credits,” and “Charges.”

    This is not as ideal because when you select All Transactions it sums together “Charges” AND last cycle’s “Payments.” When I’m looking to see how much I owe for the current bill cycle it now shows a negative amount because it’s taking into consideration what I paid last cycle.

    For me to see how much I owe this cycle I have to look separately at “Charges” and then separately at “Payments & Credits” and then MANUALLY add up all of my credits. And the manually subtract it from my charges. It’s entirety way too much effort.

    Please make it so that, per cardholder, I can filter for ONLY “charges” (including AMEX fees) and “credits” (refunds). This way it will automatically total up exactly what a respective cardholder owes for the billing cycle.

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  • Credit limit

    I thought American Express would be the best card for international traveling but it turned out to be the worst and horrible card to use due to cutting off my limit in the middle of my traveling overseas, I never missed my payments with good credit score. When I tried to use the card, it didn’t go through even though I had plenty of limit left. And then I got an email at the same time that saying my credit limit has been reduced after a review. What??? Without any notification prior to my trip?? I never missed my payments not even once. I called the representative and she gave me a reason why my credit limit was reduced with unreasonable reasons. I have never faced such a unpleasant experience with any other credit cards. I will make sure to let all my family and friends know about this and let them avoid to use American Express. I’m paying off the balance as soon as possible and cutting off the card. There are so many good credit cards out there treat you perfectly reasonable.
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  • J Fisher-card member since 1990

    American Express Platinum business card is our company go to credit card! The number one thing as the owner of our company is the fact that American Express always answers there phones usually within 1-2 minutes!! How many card companies can say that! None.. Bank of America 95% of the time is at least a 20 minute wait! Time is money and holding that long for any company is terrible and we will not do business with them. Period! Yes we have an Bank of America account but it has a zero balance and we don’t use it!! Over the many years American Express has really stepped up and they are our number card company! Keep up the good work American Express. Try to keep your yearly card fee as low as possible!!
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  • Embarrassed Customer

    I received notification about my credit limits have been reduced due to high spending/balance on other credit card accounts. I aware of my financial situation and expected such actions taken by credit card companies; however, I was in disbelief and felt embarrassed when I unintentionally find out the limit for one of my accounts. I don’t remember the exact limit I had for this particular account but confidently believe it was around $10K, like most, if not all of my accounts, has been reduced to $1K. (?). Is that how American Express normally treated their 20+ years customers with excellent credit history?

    What can one do with 1K - ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS - in today climate when a tank of gas is over one hundred dollars? I’m glad I found out before being told in front of others that I can’t pay for my meal because my card got declined. Since the trust I have with AX for the last 20+ years worth $1,000, I decided to close the account to ensure I don’t loose that trust.
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  • Disappointing Customer Service

    I was super excited to get an Amex card. Until I applied for one for me and my wife. After applying I was called by a gentleman asking for additional info for my wife. He then told me that we were BOTH approved and should get our cards in the mail shortly. Never got the cards so I called and was told that I was going to have to redo the entire process and also they had no record of me applying for an additional card for my wife. So after redoing the entire process and being told my new card would be in the mail soon it also never came. So I called a couple weeks later and finally got things sorted out with my card (not my wife’s that was a lost cause at this point) and it came in the mail about a week later. After everything it took about 3 months from being approved to getting my card. It just seems like they have a terrible process going on. Anytime I called for help it seemed like they told me what I wanted to hear but nothing was actually done. Now I have applied for another card for my wife 2 weeks ago and again have heard or seen nothing. Also called about my priority pass expiring and the gentleman told me he resolved it and I should be getting a confirmation email. That was 4 days ago and still haven’t gotten one. Being active duty military it’s nice that they over the platinum card for free but at this point I’d rather go back and pay another bank for a card with similar benefits.
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  • Why I love American Express

    American Express has been very good to me. not only have they been incredibly helpful when I had a stolen card and dealt with an eBay debacle they also made my trip abroad much more pleasant. A few years ago I was traveling through Eastern Europe when I started to feel ill. A friend of mine told me I could contact American Express and they would help me find a doctor. Not only did they find a clinic that would see me that day, they also made the appointment for me and put me in touch with transportation to get to the clinic. They contacted me by email for the next three days to make sure I was doing alright. Because I was going to several different countries they let me know that they would help me out no matter where I was. I’ve never had a credit card company be so caring and I will be forever grateful.♥️♥️♥️
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  • Notification Issues

    Over the app is very user-friendly and has a great UI. Some of it can be confusing to learn where specific functions are in the application but overall not bad. One consistent problem that I have been experiencing is the app delivering notifications as scheduled. I have reset the notification settings for this app on my phone and in the app numerous times yet for some reason there are some months where it still does not deliver the notifications. With a very busy schedule, some things can be easy to miss without a reminder. This has caused late fees to be charged by missing the deadline by a day or two. Not sure what the problem is or how it can be resolved but some sort of address to ensuring notifications go out would be fantastic.
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  • Payment schedule burried in the UI

    In comparison with competing card applications American Express is lagging behind. One of the most irritating features is making it so hard to find the future payments schedule; first, no way to find it unless one knows it’s tucked at the bottom of the part of a secondary page that is usually not visible on a phone screen - one can see it only when navigating to statements and then scrolling all the way to the bottom of the page . And then, even there, one cannot find a clear and consistent way to know for certain that a payment has been scheduled and what the amount is. A user could easily miss the fact that a payment has already been scheduled and schedule another one in the same amount for the same statement; yet there will be no warning of a potential duplication, which may expose the user’s originating bank account to overdraft fees. I’ve reported this to American Express numerous times over tha last two years; I even begged them to pass the message on to their mobile app product management ; however, no results, and no feedback.
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  • Interest Rate Charges and statement view on Mobile App

    I remember when I first started this credit card in 2021 I was paying for interests even though I was paying off the balance down to zero. I called in about this and I was told that the interest charge is to make sure that I am using the card. Months later interests rates charges stopped so I figured it is because I have been using it consistently. Recently March or April and also May I got charged for interest rates even when I am paying on time and the full balance.
    The mobile app and online access through a PC is not user friendly when it comes to showing the total balance owed within the 30 day period. There is No running total balance. Overall it’s hard to understand what is really owed so I just pay as soon as I can and before the due date. But still got charged the interest rates.
    So I am dissatisfied. I hesitate to use this card now since The interest rate charges are hard to predict and understand. I have other credit cards that early mileage points as well. So I am more inclined to use those since they don’t charge me an Interest rate because their statements online so super easy to understand.
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